[As soon as he entered, Mo Zhiyang slammed the door shut, "Good man, I really am a bottom who plunged into a bottom nest, all of them are bottoms."]
This takes place a little bit after he went into the next arc, he’s supposed to be a top in the story he entered, it’s just funny that he’s been complaining that he’s a bottom since he got there.
It's either a shounen ai or a yaoi not positive..but leaning more to shounen ai.
I only remember the main character was turned into a child in his sleep and his lover has to take care of him as if he's his kid or someone else's kid since I think his nephew/little brother comes to visit them? I think he might have also pretended to go to school but all he did was ride the train or something? Please help me ;;;;
I wish they killed Hana and the doctor guy (ginger) and the other leaders cuz I freaking hate them so much wanting to live healthy lives at the cost of Sak and Lima. Like the way the directors son was like “I have to keep looking so we have a future” just to make his lil person happy (makes me think he’s the blonde guys caller)..and honestly I hoped he died too so they can feel the pain their putting sak and Lima through I just want them to suffer!! They used both of them!!
But the thing is, even if they did die, it's not gonna change the fact that they are the same as lima and sak. Just the two sides of the same coin so who are we to view them as antagonists or bad people for doing things to our precious main characters? I love how they enforced that fact thought the story tho