I can't bare the fact that Osiris might never get judged for what he did to everyone. I hate how all the other gods were so blinded that they refused to even bring him up until Ra came to cause some chaos. I don't want Osiris to continue to be seen as the good god who has no flaws but for the manipulating bastard that he is. Isis is so stupid to me like seriously I get you went through hell and you hate your brother but for you to still want to protect the honor of the man that put you through all this shit is sum else entirely (I could never). At this point I just want Seth to be happy though I do not excuse all the atrocities he committed I think his punishment was just. Anubis is one poor soul even before he was born people already started using him. He deserves to be happy too. It's sad how he still needs to rely on Osiris and be manipulated by him even after all the shit he put him through. I can't wait for him to be told the whole truth and for him to find peace. I don't particularly like Horus and I think the Sun god is a bad bitch.
And that concludes my rant thank you for reading be free to use my comment to share your grievances.

Okay but since she doesn't care why is it that when the Sun god wanted to tarnish Osiris' honor she seemed disturbed? (I don't know what word to use to describe it). And even so does she hate Seth that much to want his very soul dissolved just to get revenge on the pea. What happened with him was never Seth's fault she saw how he was raped and how even if Seth wanted to run away he couldn't cause Osiris was too strong and for the years she spent hiding, running and suffering were they really enough for her to want him dissolved.

The reason why she was disturbed, was not because Osiris honor it was because of Seth, if the truth about that night came out Seth will be humiliated for the rest of his days and after it, admitting or not, that was one of the reasons, the reason why isis doesn’t care if Seth soul got dissolved is because form her view seth had betrayed her as well when he gave his body to her husband and when he didn’t tell her the truth, and a part of her blame him because Osiris lost it because he wanted him, she said to him that if he just came to her that night and told her what happened they could have been hurt together, get angry together and get revenge together, but he didn’t come to her, in the end all what she wants now is revenge on them all of them, and taking her place in Egypt as a god, All and all I’m not saying either of them are completely innocent, or their actions were not wrong, I’m saying both of them have been terribly hurt by the same man, and yet both of them have different goals.

Well, Isis' hatred for Seth is unfounded and unjust. I know that if I was raped I wouldn't go on and tell someone because I would be too ashamed. And she knows why Seth gave his body to her husband was because he wanted to save his son. He didn't have a choice he could either give his body to Osiris willingly so he would save Anubis or still be forced to sleep with him because Osiris wouldn't have let Seth escape anyways because he wanted Seth to bare his child. Seth getting defiled would have happened either way. It is not Seth's fault that Osiris was so obsessed with him that he was willing to go to such lengths. She shouldn't hate him for the uncouth behavior of her husband.

First of all Isis doesn’t hate Seth just because of that night, is also because he came to her tell her to sleep with him, and when she run away he chased her to the end of the world, where she had to live as a low life for years, second Why would you be ashamed it’s not going to be your fault that some animal did that to you I got it that no one can talk about it easily, rape is one of the thing that I wouldn’t wish to anyone, but it’s something to be ashamed about.
What ever you saying Isis rage is Not negotiable she would what she thinks is right, and takes what she thinks belongs to her, and I’m not sure if anyone can stop her, even Horus, we will just have to wait and see. Also I’m in team Seth as well, believe me there is nothing I’m looking for in this more than seeing that man happy. As I said wait and see.

It's all just so messed up really I think Seth went to tell Isis to sleep with him to get revenge on Osiris but he couldn't bring himself to do that and I'm not saying Isis doesn't have the right to feel the rage she does. Everything she knew and loved was snatched away from her and she was hated and persecuted for hundreds of years but both their approaches to the situation were flawed I just guess that teaches us to try to communicate with our loved ones no matter how hard it is. That's one thing I learned

Anyone know the link to the raws?

I was reading on this site https://manhwaraw.com/manhwa-raw/totem-realm-raw-0002/
I get why the master is so fucked up cuz of all the shit he's been throigh but, it doesn't chanhe the fact that he has been horrible and I will never forgive him but he is so sad and pretty my heart aches for him. Collins must be heart broken he doesn't understand what is going on between Ein and the master he thinks Ein loves the master and Ein is so sad cuz of the situation he has to put himself in to survive . This is why I hate love triangles, like why can't we just have both or sum but that would never work. But I can't bring myself yo stop reading ┗( T﹏T )┛