Tadano's feed

I think it should be at least a little concerning when nobody's pointing out how this is MTL crap... people don't care as long as they can read it I guess. setting aside that some bubbles are mistranslated or straight up left in romaji lol (see first page...)
there's only like 1 person who pointed out the discrepancies - machine errors, if you will - and even then they didnt question the legitimacy of the source itself...

before anyone can say: "lets just appreciate their hard work" "why dont you do it yourself then" no I will not appreciate the "hard work" of MTL thank you, and I would translate this but given how unappreciated actual translators are?? nah thanks im good.
proof: when was the last time you actually read translators notes/credit and actually give a fuck before commenting "RAWS" "wheres the next chapter!!" people just want a quick read without caring about the actual work that brings what they read to their screens