I think it should be at least a little concerning when nobody's pointing out how this is MTL crap... people don't care as long as they can read it I guess. setting aside that some bubbles are mistranslated or straight up left in romaji lol (see first page...)
there's only like 1 person who pointed out the discrepancies - machine errors, if you will - and even then they didnt question the legitimacy of the source itself...
before anyone can say: "lets just appreciate their hard work" "why dont you do it yourself then" no I will not appreciate the "hard work" of MTL thank you, and I would translate this but given how unappreciated actual translators are?? nah thanks im good.
proof: when was the last time you actually read translators notes/credit and actually give a fuck before commenting "RAWS" "wheres the next chapter!!" people just want a quick read without caring about the actual work that brings what they read to their screens

I wouldn't read this even if you forced me to LOL. can you fault me for clicking this because I'm actually interested in the story only to get subpar MTL work? I saw the mistake in the first page and noped out of there.
I wouldn't say all this if the translation work was actually done by a human who actually put in the effort. I appreciate the work human translators do, even if their work is imperfect. but the one who worked on this clearly doesn't care enough and left the work to a machine.
so I can't leave criticizing comments like this because I actually care about the integrity of translation work now? how about the comments who point out the amateur mistakes that wouldn't have happened if the uploader actually cared about this story?
the few number of people who did speaks for themselves because people just consume without caring about quality.

Okay and? Then go look for those "perfect actual HUMAN translations" that you want. Theres no need to leave mean comments. You say you appreciate human TL but your previous comment proves that you dont. Be a decent person. People read trash quality manga because the characters/plot is nice, not just because its perfectly readable. some people know how to be nice and just leave without saying anything which you dont have
(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

bitches will look at a happy stepbrother relationship like it's the most vile thing in the universe and then not bat an eyelash at the most toxic couples out there

nah I'm just saying that people can be so hypocritical. I'm just pointing out the people who are like that. did I hit the nail on the head?
you can argue that I don't have to read the comments, but I can argue that yall dont have to repeat the same tired argument like, we get it, you all think people who read fictional brother-on-brother are freaks it's not like yall are any better yaawn

keep yaoi from reality when people literally fetishize us bc of the shit thats put out, that ends up affecting reality ?? It's still fucked and weird to put out these types of themes/genres, esp since there's children out here viewing these things and are actively being influenced and think that it's okay. maybe you should grow a fucking brain too if you dont even know the shit that goes on.
like boohoo people have an opinion over this cause it's disgusting as hell. if it annoys you maybe delete your fucking account or find somewhere else to read. you think yo ass is better, and for what ? being able to look at siblings fuck each other
maybe you need a wake up call and realize you's a lil bitch yo self

CHILDREN shouldn't even be reading this. hello??? are you hearing yourself right now?
you shouldn't base your real life values on yaoi in the first place. holy shit. touch some grass.
you're putting words in my mouth. when did I say I'm better? you're obviously the one who thinks you're oh so high and mighty and righteous for not liking "disgustang fictional "incest"". get over yourself honey

*correcting myself: (probably not that it matters since all nuances probably fly over yalls teensy brains)
**"for not liking" - I meant to say "for actively being against". slight nuance difference there. it's absolutely normal to not like this, even be repulsed by it, but you're delusional if you think you're better in any way for being against it.

bro maybe reread the first fucking sentence. and no shit children shouldnt be reading this shit, but theres so many who have unlimited access to the internet. you're completely missing the point by arguing "erm actually- children shouldnt be on here", as if it makes your argument any better
i never said i based real life values, i said people do that to my OWN COMMUNITY. looks you're tiny fucking brain cant comprehend that people actively fetishize gay men and constantly compare us to yaoi and say disgusting things. you're only trying to make it seem like i view it as such only cause you have nothing else to say.
call me a faggot and call it a day

there's no happiness here... like at all.
nobody was truly happy by the end.
don't get me started on jiang wenxu, the fucking bastard. fuck his letter and all his suffering afterwards, he deserves all of it and more.
doctor ai... he did all he can. he fell in love in the most unfortunate way. and even if his love was accepted, it never truly was reciprocated in the end. he tried his best, he did what he could. but there was really no way for his love to bear fruit and win against the feelings that have bloomed for over ten years. even if those feelings were one-sided.
and zhishu... poor zhishu. he deserved so much more than the fucking asshole jiang wenxu. he wasn't treated right, and even when he was suffering, even when he left, even when he was treated with the love his supposed long-time lover should have given him, and even until the end, he never stopped loving wenxu. he feels indebted to the doctor and I'm sure accepting his feelings was the only thing he felt like he could do for him, as he could never truly give his heart to doctor ai. that was simply what accepting the ring and letting their bodies connect meant. he must have wanted to do so much more for dr ai, who was there for his side when the loved one he needed the most wasn't. but he already dedicated so much of this life to jiang that he could only make promises to dr ai for the next life.
the side ho shen too, altho he was a bitch, he just loved the wrong man in the wrong life. it was sad that he died just like that. and jiang wenxu who started it all didn't even seem to care. it makes me sick.
i think i sound heated but I'm actually just really depressed over all of this. i didn't even have the energy to cry...
but yeah!
guess that's it
thanks to this manhwa for shattering my empty soul

jiri being so dead inside and outside is something i can relate to so fucking much it hurts and i want him to just find happiness already
kwon yuri is a jerk who i would very much like to punch across the face but i want to see him redeem himself before he tries to get on with jiri
idek why im reading this depressing af manhwa when im feeling so down

reading this comic made me feel like I was on crack
what was this even??? maybe it's because I haven't been reading manhwas for a while but that was just crazy dumb to read
don't even know why I endured 30 chapters before I came back to myself and thought that 'shit this comic is so bad but it's taking itself seriously so it's even worse'
people saying stuff about how they're high schoolers lmfao.
as if high schoolers don't have sex
you're reading yaoi ffs stop acting like you're fresh
This is probably the most real fucking comment on this site. I swear when I was in high school 6 years ago EVERYONE was having sex with people our age or older. Like, I don’t think I knew a SINGLE virgin in high school. And most of them lost their virginity IN MIDDLE SCHOOL. And apparently it’s worse now in 2025 If high schoolers having sex is the biggest problem people have with this FICTIONAL STORY than I got some BAD news for them about reality
Fr these days everyone is boosting about loosing their virginity like it's some kind of trophy
we know, its just weird when its actually depicted cos its basically cp. its GOON content. does it not seem weird to u that ppl will be gooning to high schoolers having sex?
I feel like it’s less about being in high school and more about just the characters. Like, idk how to explain it, but they all look the same age, just a different setting, so I never actually NOTICE the age gap. It’s not like the art is of some crusty old man feeling up an acne faced baby faced kid. The art just shows two characters that look basically the same age together, especially with the art style.
yea true, but its rlly not hard to make them in uni. there are no good intentions behind drawing them as high schoolers doing it lol
"it's basically cp"
"there are no good intentions behind drawing them as high schoolers"
look at you being unable to distinguish fiction from reality and demonizing authors for drawing what they like...
you would throw rocks at real people doing no real harm to protect fictional characters, wouldn't you?
Yeah, but they don’t and Japan is weird about liking younger people in general. I’ll still read.
i hate this argument so much because it justifies so much immoral shit… fiction or not, the kinkifying of underage sex is a reflection of the authors fantasies which are problematic itself. if u dont see any issues w this then maybe ur part of the problem loool
Bring you are the problem cause you make it a big deal when it's not even a problem like why do you make it sound weird that two highschoolers have sex when it's normal and it happens irl ??
read my first reply
cus what business do adults have making and consuming this content
idc if they acc do have sex or wtv its fine if its just implied but to actually draw it out is another thing (reply cut off)