railmedaddy's experience ( All 4 )

about question
A fashion icon.   reply
03 07,2021
Trigger Warning: mentions of p8dophilia, homophobia, verbal harassment So I graduated from high school last year and thank fucking god! I had this creepy art teacher, let's call him Mr. S. Since the 7th grade Mr. S gave me bad vibes and I was just always weary around him. I remember I was in one of his classes and because I went through a lot of ......   5 reply
12 05,2021
I've been stalked, had a teacher beg me for bikini pics, been manhandled, trailed, catcalled, etc. You name it, it's most likely happened. Sometimes I wonder if I'm a pedo/creep magnet. I've been told I have a babyface and have had my age asked multiple times. I'm like 5'6 and it's scary when fully grown men hit on me when it's plainly obvious that......   3 reply
11 09,2020

railmedaddy's answer ( All 356 )

about question
In my opinion as an artist, black washing does not exist in art but this is controversial considering how racist the art community can be towards darker skin.   1 reply
13 07,2021
about question
jokes on you, i'm already insecure.   reply
12 07,2021
I am excited to make new friends!   reply
12 07,2021
These ppl who dislike got sooo much time on their hands I can't even rn-   1 reply
12 07,2021
Ikr like since when did anime thighs/boobs become a personality trait-   reply
11 07,2021

railmedaddy's question ( All 25 )

about question
I am disgusted with the responses given in this question thread. Like how are ya'll so fucking uneducated and racist! I can't even with this site and don't give me the fucking wack-ass response about:



It's basic human decency to not be racist! And so in the spirit of being a nice person and wanting to educate the fucking masses, here's a response to educate y'all: https://www.mangago.me/thing/about/621451/

Do what you will with it.

x signed: someone who's tired of you hoes and your uneducated racist ass behaviors.

P.S: if you're mad then the shoe fits.
13 07,2021
ay this ain't a race but i still take first place-
12 07,2021
Not this str8 dude I was tryna date getting pressed when I told him no raw, especially when I told him my cycle is irregular. I need advice bc I'm so close to lighting him tf up about how toxic that is but I'm conflicted bc I rlly like him.
10 07,2021
about question
This one is for you bestie, stan long kurby. I found this at Walmart and it reminded me of you *bites lip aggressively*
10 07,2021
10 07,2021
Oh no, it's big titty vamp goth mommy's hot metal bender brother.
I so hope he doesn't make pin me to a wall and has his way with me..
....................I SAID-
10 07,2021