As an artist, I DESPISE this question "Could you draw me?" Bruh, just 'cause i draw doesn't mean i'll draw you like tf? We just met?? Mind yo business. Even if i did, it aint gonna be free bish. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)
1)So not ALL fujoshi's want to be a gay man but we do wonder how it feels, I guess, and despite being super hardcore most of us appreciate the soft nature of gay relationships. Also, I would like to blame all issues on straggot cis males but they are not the reason unfortunately 2) Generally they are not but I guess it's what sells really. I do ge......
I've been stalked, had a teacher beg me for bikini pics, been manhandled, trailed, catcalled, etc. You name it, it's most likely happened. Sometimes I wonder if I'm a pedo/creep magnet. I've been told I have a babyface and have had my age asked multiple times. I'm like 5'6 and it's scary when fully grown men hit on me when it's plainly obvious that......
*romantically vores you*