sadwax's feed

sadwax created a topic of The Heart of the Lotus

Hoping wishing praying for Sam-myeong to outwit the emperor somehow by pretending to be in love, and then somehow killing and escaping him.
Although he has no family to go back to now, aside from the daughter that I think is still just missing? But who knows if she is alive at this point.
I don't think Sam-myeong's sense of duty/honor/etc will allow him to kill the emperor though.
I also don't think he will kill himself for the same reasons.
I'm scared that his character type will try to find a way to use the emperor's 'love' for him to keep him in check/control him.
But as we've seen, that hasn't worked so well.

Sam-myeong my man, pls just take any object at this point and bludgeon that man to death.