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sadwax March 25, 2025 7:01 am

baby got his little faced mushed on the glass and crying. no physical contact and taking his comfort objects away? literally dehumanizing him.
yeah it's fictional but we're humans empathizing and I'm fuckin crashing out for our lil Mori with his broken spirits damn man

sadwax March 25, 2025 5:42 am

My villagers after I dump like 50 breads on the ground:
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づლ(´ڡ`ლ) = ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

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sadwax March 20, 2025 11:37 pm

Out here thinking I got banned for my first ever negative review on a series lmao
Glad we all got traumatized together
I love group activities (=・ω・=)

    Jay March 20, 2025 11:37 pm

    STOP!!!!!! My heart almost stop

    DROSS March 20, 2025 11:38 pm


    sadwax March 20, 2025 11:43 pm

    I'm messaging the homie like 'this is it. it's over for me. I opened my big fat mouth and this is what I get for it. I'm bout to beg the mangago lords for forgiveness'


    pigglypoof March 21, 2025 12:26 am

    Drop the name. I wanna see how bad it is lol

    Jay March 21, 2025 12:30 am

    I wanna know too

    sadwax March 21, 2025 1:05 am
    Drop the name. I wanna see how bad it is lol pigglypoof

    Hello fam
    Here is the link for those like to suffer, in a not good way:

    pigglypoof March 21, 2025 1:11 am
    Hello fam Here is the link for those like to suffer, in a not good way: sadwax

    The way there's not a single good comment on the story

    sadwax March 21, 2025 1:23 am
    The way there's not a single good comment on the story pigglypoof

    I thought hey it's only 20something chapters, lets see how bad it really is just for the lolz.
    Boy howdy I was still shocked that not only was it THAT bad, but also somehow worse.

    DROSS March 21, 2025 7:00 am
    Hello fam Here is the link for those like to suffer, in a not good way: sadwax

    Thank you for dropping the link, so that I can put it in my- "do not read list" lol

    sadwax March 21, 2025 7:11 am
    Thank you for dropping the link, so that I can put it in my- "do not read list" lol DROSS

    I do what I can for the sake of the community
    *queue cap flapping noises*

    DROSS March 21, 2025 7:12 am

    Jay March 21, 2025 7:51 am


    sadwax March 21, 2025 9:54 pm

    Haha! Curiosity is a killer

sadwax January 31, 2025 9:48 am

I've noticed a lot of comments (older and newer ones) on a bunch of different series from people saying that they skipped whole chapters or started on a later chapters and whatnot.

Is this for real???? Are people really out here not reading from beginning to end?
HOW??? Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

I could never. I don't have the solid balls of steel to go feet first into a random chapter and just chug along from there.

Is this actually a normal or common thing?

Help me I'm about to expire on the spot y'all

    eema January 31, 2025 10:02 am

    There's no way. You mean to tell me people are using context clues instead of just reading the story from the beginning. I could never if the story even slightly doesn't make since I feel like I skipped a chapter

    Doll ^^ January 31, 2025 10:03 am

    There r different people who prefer to do so, me personally if there's a character, couple or scene I don't like I skip that chap or just skip through it

    Basanti January 31, 2025 10:13 am

    So, what I do is I read the beginning of the chapter and if it looks like it's superrr embarrassing then, I ask my sister to read out loud the dialogues or go to the last page/next chapter/next next chapter or something and read it from there. If I started a story and it's no longer interesting or pure bullshit, I skip and read the last one or two chapters, lmao:D. Once, I made my sister read 3 or something chapters of BJ Alex because it was giving me second, third, all kinds of embarrassment

    A few months ago, I had a weird thing where I needed to read all the chapters even if the story was pure eye rolling shit. Now? I no longer do that, lol. I don't want to waste my time

    HollowBrat January 31, 2025 10:17 am

    Guilty, lol. But tbf I read the first few chapters, get bored out of my mind or think it's progressing too slowly. So I skip to chap 10, scroll through, skip to chapter 20, scroll through, etc. I'll skip 5 or 10 chaps. I particularly so this with mnahua since they're so long and drag tf on.

    Most times I decided to drop whatever it is, but other times I land on a chap I like and read to the end from there. THEN when I liked the ending I start from the beginning again. This is what happened when I read "the third ending" for the first time. And now it's one of my favourite manhwa lol

    Kash January 31, 2025 11:24 am

    I do sometimes... When I get spoiled abt a ml being a big red flag.... And check in months to see where it has gone.... And if it has good ending... Only then I read them from the beginning....

    abie January 31, 2025 12:09 pm

    Been there, done that. Mostly bcs of the following reasons:

    1. Toxic ML (red flag? black flag? name it) - I don't wanna waste my free time hating on a fictional character. I'd rather cuddle my cats to get my serotonin boost than read the chapters where the ML does something that makes him reach the point of no redemption.

    2. Spoilers from the raws (if available) - I skim through them to see if the happenings are interesting or not. If it gets translated later and I already know there's smth I don't like coming up in the next chapters, I'll skip it and come back to read once the good chapters are out. It's like how I close my eyes when traveling by train: when it enters a tunnel, there's nothing to see outside, so I tend to close my eyes. When the train exits the tunnel, I open my eyes again to see the scenery. Hope you get me lol it's for my sanity.
    ┗( T﹏T )┛

    MeowMeowMafia January 31, 2025 12:29 pm

    I know a giga chad who used to read from the end (page) to start. Cool Autism but still autism

    sadwax January 31, 2025 9:21 pm
    There's no way. You mean to tell me people are using context clues instead of just reading the story from the beginning. I could never if the story even slightly doesn't make since I feel like I skipped a chapt... eema

    I have to read all the way through or I'll feel like I missed important stuff !

    sadwax January 31, 2025 9:22 pm
    There r different people who prefer to do so, me personally if there's a character, couple or scene I don't like I skip that chap or just skip through it Doll ^^

    You made of stronger stuff than me. The only thing I ever skip through are the sex scenes esp if they are like every other chapter lol

    sadwax January 31, 2025 9:24 pm
    So, what I do is I read the beginning of the chapter and if it looks like it's superrr embarrassing then, I ask my sister to read out loud the dialogues or go to the last page/next chapter/next next chapter or ... Basanti

    Omg ur sister is a hero haha ! I don't finish stuff that I find boring. I'll drop it for sure cuz I'm too old to waste my time on bad writing

    sadwax January 31, 2025 9:28 pm
    Guilty, lol. But tbf I read the first few chapters, get bored out of my mind or think it's progressing too slowly. So I skip to chap 10, scroll through, skip to chapter 20, scroll through, etc. I'll skip 5 or 1... HollowBrat

    Yeah some are crazy long ! I have a few in my TBR that I haven't started because I'm not ready for the commitment lmao
    Third ending is on my list too! I may give it a shot soon. I see it recc'd pretty often.

    sadwax January 31, 2025 9:30 pm
    I do sometimes... When I get spoiled abt a ml being a big red flag.... And check in months to see where it has gone.... And if it has good ending... Only then I read them from the beginning.... Kash

    Yeah I try to read through the comments first to see if there are things I know I'll hate in the story that would make me drop it. That also helps keep me from slogging through stuff and getting no pay off from the effort.

    HollowBrat January 31, 2025 9:37 pm
    Yeah some are crazy long ! I have a few in my TBR that I haven't started because I'm not ready for the commitment lmao Third ending is on my list too! I may give it a shot soon. I see it recc'd pretty often. sadwax

    It's me. You're seeing me leaving it as a rec every time someone asks for recs that the third ending would be perfect for.

    sadwax January 31, 2025 9:47 pm
    Been there, done that. Mostly bcs of the following reasons:1. Toxic ML (red flag? black flag? name it) - I don't wanna waste my free time hating on a fictional character. I'd rather cuddle my cats to get my ser... abie

    Abiiiieee ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
    I get what you mean. I am the same way if I can get a peek at the raws. But mostly I do it so I can brace myself for whatever is coming.

    And when it comes to red/black flag seems, for those stories I'm not even really there for the seme. I'm there to see the MC get their revenge!
    If I get spoiled that there is no good revenge or the MC ends up with the black flag, I usually drop it.

    This is what in currently hoping for with Heart of the Lotus.
    Sam-myeong get your reveeenge!ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    sadwax January 31, 2025 9:51 pm
    I know a giga chad who used to read from the end (page) to start. Cool Autism but still autism MeowMeowMafia

    Lmao my brain would melt out of my ears if I tried to do that

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