Hey someone spoil me please?
Do u guys remember the blue haired(?) General, is he still alive or he is really dead??? I rlly ship him with the red hairedd guy, and it still pains me to see him losing his mind
Pls spoil me

Don’t reply to this!!!
So basically he’s actually dead (╥﹏╥). Basically what’s gonna happen is that red haired regains his memories and he’s gonna try to kill the ML and when he fails he’s gonna kill himself. So when he died, in the novel they showed a scene of them (red and blue haired) reuniting in the underworld and blue hair was all like “took you long enough” and they kind of walked off into the metaphorical sunset of death together. (I want to say they also talked about forgetting what happened to the north kingdom and not taking any blame but I don’t fully remember the conversation).
But yeah, their ending is happy(?) or at least we know that they see each other even if they both die

Who's mc's love interest??
Who's other couples?? (If there's any)

Most of the couples are random ones that only briefly appear. But there are a few recurring ones like MC's brother and his classmate/friend (and two of their mutual friends who like the brother too, it's a harem lmao), and the MC's university friends.
And there's a guy who likes the MC but they don't have any romantic development (for now at least, not sure about later on).
the note lil mo