No, not everyone is redeemable. I think most people aren’t. I don’t think most people truly change like rapists, pedo and abusers. Even if you become a better person, it doesn’t change what you did in the past. I’m also the type of person if you screw me over once goodbye forever.
No, not everyone is redeemable. I think most people aren’t. I don’t think most people truly change like rapists, pedo and abusers. Even if you become a better person, it doesn’t change what you did in the... Me_for_ president
i agree with the pedo and rapists and abusers. what about toxic people? or bullies?
depends man. if you're talking about children then obviously they can, provided they get enough help. even with bullies and stuff, depends on the extent of bullying they did. although I'll be honest, I've never seen a bully ever turn good lmao (irl)
depends man. if you're talking about children then obviously they can, provided they get enough help. even with bullies and stuff, depends on the extent of bullying they did. although I'll be honest, I've never... kimchi
all of the bullies ive known irl ended up shilling for multilevel marketing schemes as adults so ur last statement holds true.
depends man. if you're talking about children then obviously they can, provided they get enough help. even with bullies and stuff, depends on the extent of bullying they did. although I'll be honest, I've never... kimchi
to be a bully would the harm have to be intentionally done?