I was really getting into this, but damn she's getting forcefull every fucking chapter. Especially with the pegging thing, like gurl not all guys wants it in the ass lol. This would have been better with a proactive fl who knows what consent is and knows what her partner's limits are.

which is why they didnt do it? she was just passionate about the act Itself and was clearly venting her feelings and then felt bad cause she realized it sounded like she was telling him he HAS to do it and that was NOT her intention and likewise it was not his intention to kinkshame her or be close minded he's just like still figuring his OWN things out wrt sex. like the fact that he didnt even know what a strap on is and is used for...they are just on very diff wavelengths. they both apologized and are trying their best. she didnt peg him and she wont for a while and at that point it IS consensual. (it kinda has to be it wont fit unless he's relaxed and willing in the first place? like yall...)

The ml knows what kind of person the fl is, I mean why is the ml uncomfortable in the first place to his gf thats supposed to be the closest person you should confide into, if the fl isnt that pushy??
"Venting her feelings"???? Well I guess thats how normal people do it then, fuck your bf without consent at all.
"Clearly not her intention"?? Boi her intention is to fuck, if she doesnt get what she wants, she starts acting like the victim right??
"He's still finding it out on his own about sex"?? The fl should help him about that and not pressure him, he's not experienced clearly but she acting like he should know his shit NOW.
"The both apologized"??? She didnt even genuinely apologize to every nonconsensual she did to him, and her apologies is equivalent to "I'm sorry I offended you".
"She didnt peg him and wont for awhile"??? Bruh seeing what kind of character she is you know shes gonna keep on pushing him, instead of stopping and letting him go at his own pace. Shes probably gonna start acting sad and depressed to get him into it.
If youre into pushy fls and aware of what she's doing wrong then go at it. But if you didnt realize that her kind of character is messed up, and defending this character even with the red flags showing, thats where its wrong. If this was a guy character I know those defending her would probably be crying out in the comments.
"oh this ml is a rapist"

they didnt have sex after her rant. her rant was not about HIM or making HIM do what she wants. it was her venting her feelings about what's consider Okay or "normal" sex. she was speaking her mind. she did so impulsively without considering how that would sound to Yul or possibley cause him distress. which is why she after she cooled down, apologized and self reflected and even asked a friend for advice on how to communicate her needs better with her bf and not make him unhappy. yall are saying she was shouting AT him and she wasnt! and she even clarifies it! and apologizes just in case he felt troubled! and then he says he wasnt and instead he feels like he's being too close minded. it was a pretty even sided conversation? he wasnt bullied into ANYTHING and they didnt have sex of any kind (pegging or otherwise) after that conversation where she went off about how pegging is just fine tyvm, that was the impetus to her outburst. not to harass Yul into conceding to her his asshole. which imo was alrdy obvious but in case it wasnt its also further calrified.
I saw the raws, (no i wont link them cause they are age restricted and paywalled so there is no point in doing so) and thats not how their pegging works, its a planned upon encounter and is smth agreed upon and again, Yul is not someone who can be bullied into anything he doesnt want to do. when he agrees to things even if he's reluctant, its cause he's WILLING to do it. being shy or nervous or w/e doesnt = her pressuring him until he gives up. we see this with her pursuit of him, she goes after him with all her might and he rejects her and she gives up and then later on, on his own! he says he's ready to date her. this is how it goes, she presses but he blocks her and only goes forward when HE"S ready but he does feel bad for making Havi wait sometimes cause he's a nice person but he's not a pushover yall keep talking about him like he's some long suffering victim of abuse and he's just Not? like he's reserved so maybe it looks like he's not into anything and is just enduring the relationship but he's had many chances to cut it off and chose not to. the last time they had sex, it was a gift from him to her for her bday. he wasnt forced at all. sometimes she's too pushy i agree but thats not the same as rape or abuse. the one time she genuinely did stuff against his will he got angery at her, told her, and distanced himself from her for a few days. like? he doesnt need yall to fight for him and Havi isnt some selfish demon she's just flawed and has a strong loud personality. that's NOT the same as being an asshole or a abusive inconsiderate partner. its literally who she is in general, she's not acting that way specifically to victimize or control Yul. i rly dunno where u guys are getting this interpretation of havi from tbh. she's not "messed up" and she does not emotionally manipulate him, being sincerely disappointed cause ur partner isnt ready to go as far as u want to sexually does not = manipulation or deception. she's never lied to him or tried to guilt trip him she is always honest and forward about what she wants. the problem is that Yul struggles to be honest or forward and it takes him alot of time to figure out things sometimes. but again when he's not ready for something he's very capable of putting his foot down. Havi's worst crimes come from being too excited and going further than is ideal. the problems in this relationship wouldnt exist if Yul was more like Havi just the same as they wouldnt if Havi was more like Yul. but the fact is their differences are why these situations happen, most of their problems are purely just not being on the same page half the time. nothing in the narrative supports havi as some kind of cunning or cruel person who wants to use Yul for her own benefit. she just adores him and likes sex and wants to show her love via sex as well. he's not ready for alot of that yet and thats ok but it doesnt make HER a demon for wanting that, she's a grown ass woman in a relationship thats a Normal thing to want and be vocal about wanting. just saying "i WANT to do the sex!" is not the same as saying "YOU have to do the sex cause I want to or else ur a bad bf!!" cause the latter she has never done, only the former. u guys just fill in the gaps urselves to paint her as a person far worse than she is or as an abuser. its absurd tbh.
As for the tired "but if the roles were reversed!" defense. no actually the roles ARE usually reversed/ the entire POINT of this comic is that the "roles are reversed" and the woman is the one who wants/loves sex and the man is the one dragging his feet. and unlike irl she has no power with which to make him do anything he doesnt want to do, not just physically she cant force him but also she has no financial power over him nor any kind of authority and she has never used verbal or pyschological abuse to make Yul submit to her or smth. if she was a guy NO ONE would gaf if she was a little pushy or vocal about her needs cause we as a society accept and expect men to 1. be assertive and 2. want/need sex. like so much of this bullshit wrt Havi in the comments is because she is a woman not in spite of it. ffs.

Goddamn u really into this huh, like if u like her character that much then go for it. what most people are saying is that she always acts like a victim whenever Yul isnt into shit. Her bday chap? She started acting all sobby asf to get into his pants. The reason why they go together? Havi being pushy asf. Only the few late chapters shows her "reflection" but didnt this reflection happen also a few times before?
Thats the point of ths plot? Gurl, whatever fuckng gender role reverse shit is going on, pussy or no pussy at all, is this kind of relationship gonna last in real world setting or is this right to be tolerated? People are pointing out her red flags that should be avoided and not tolerated and not be covered up by excuses "oh shes like this and she didnt mean this" If the point of the plot is to show that women can do shit too, then its being portrayed badly.
Even if u reply to comments saying Havi isnt that bad, people wont change their minds just because u say so. Havi isnt that bad of a character BUT you should be aware she lacks morals, impulsive, and reckless despite her age, and does not know how to guide Yul in the relationship.

dammit i like yaoi, and I also love my straight romance mangas, but holy fuck if u read that this isnt yaoi then gtfo. Like people dont go to yaoi mangas and be like "damn I thought this is straight so i guess it sucks because it is."

the picture of the guy in the thumbnail looks similar to a character in a bl manga, I have got to say I almost thought it was the guy so when I saw the genre I was quite shocked, it is probably the same for those who thought it was bl. I don't think they meant any harm. but you are right they should check the tags and the genre before reading.

I was definitely out of line here, but it annoyed me that some people commented that this would be better if it was Bl. I noticed that some people deleted their comments after being called out about it. And I hope people wont judge this manga based on what preference they want the story to go through.

I dont care about the age gap years, the situation of theirs is just lowkey kinda incest (i know theyre not related but there already a family connection)
The girl grew up under the man, so ye that is what makes it a turn-off. I'd prefer if she was a teenager when she moved with him and is much more tolerable.

Ikr i think it would have been okay if the guy just took care of her without adopting her- i mean the girl calls her dad its really weird.
The age gap is not even the issue here-its the fact that she was adopted and HE RAISED HER AS A DAUGHTER. And sudddenly your adopted daughter becomes your lover?? Hell naaw
Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Turn-off #1: He a hoe lmao, so if you just started reading this well get ready for chapters with him fucking other girls (I mean they werent together in some sex scenes but like idk its a major turn off for an ml)
Turn-off #2: Damn my turn-off of him doubled when he lied to the innocent girl that he was just meeting his big sister OUTSIDE THE FUCKING SEX SERVICE BUILDING (he basically went there to get his dick sucked, intentionally making the fl hate him, then he starts feeling bad and then lies after that the woman he was with was his big sis)
Turn-off #3: Lies again. Most of the time when he says sweet shit, it would be forced and he leads on the fl AGAIN.
*sigh* I'm still gonna keep reading because of the art, and the poor girl.

damn like this is a harem manga, but like the interaction between the fl and the guys are just insensitive. Like girl chill get the dick when the 2 guys are comfortable with eachother sharing you, you know what I mean. You cant be like "oh i fucked him sorry 1st ml- oh well anyways". I hope the fl gets better after a couple of chapters, cause damn she acts like she cares but she just wants some dick.
Her acting innocent just rubs salt unto the wound. Pls give me those hotties coz imma treat them better than your nonsense. Imma stay for my poor bois, momma's here for you :-(
well Imma reflect about me acting really sexual without consent to my bf thats easily emotionally manipulated.
There shouldnt even be any reflection because Yul should have broken up with her in the first place.
Yul is just VERY forgiving and would sometimes be the one adjusting for her. Like he would agree to what she wants because shes gonna be sad boohoo. If Yul knows more about emotions and stuff, he probably is on the way out of the door right now because he would see the red flags that should result to a breakup right away.
If this was a dude, what u gonna say? Are you gonna reply "oh but the main character is a girl so its okay" bitch are we really out here making a clowns of ourselves.
The scenes of Havi sexually harassing Yul would always be played out in a joking way or Havi would be like "Oh you dont want me or is he gay".
If this was a man and it would be played out that way how you gonna react to it.
Thats the thing, regardless of gender Yul should have broken up with Havi with those kind of scenes. But he's being portrayed as a REALLY forgiving person so thats why this story reached more chapters than it should.
I showed this to my male friends, and they be like "that bitch is crazy, if she becomes my girlfriend lol wait nah she wont even ever become my gf, she messed up. I cant even do that to my own gurl. That Yul guy needs to wake the fuckup". So ye if you want some real world comment bout this here u go.
Like even the first chapters they be like "nah boi this aint it, this shit what girls into nowadays?? Man yall are messed up"
the amount of misogyny in this comment oh my god. i dont even have the energy to unpack all this and instead im gonna just ask when and how and in what chpt did Havi ever 1. emotionally manipulate Yul and 2. how and when has Yul ever been shown to be easy to manipulate? or really easy at all. he's incredibly difficult to get close to thats like one of the most notable things about him?
Like yall are legit projecting all kinds of wild shit onto havi and yul that are not at all supported by the story. also calling her "crazy" is ableist AND sexist. but go off i guess.
"I dont even have the energy to unpack this" Have you seen all your replies to the people here?? I think you have a ton of energy right there. Like every comment not liking this webtoon, you there lmao. Gurl, just chill tf off not everyone is gonna like this. Are you really gonna reply to everyone whos not into this??
Bro calling someone crazy aint sexist, that aint it. Crazy isnt connected to gender, mate.
Damn misogyny huh, youre throwing words that definitely isnt connected to this. Where is the hatred for women in my comment??? It was specifically for Havi, even if that character has a dick, my comment still stands. Damn so uhm sexist, misogyny, whats next??? Are we gonna pull the race card now?
The albeist comment I can still take, because I do admit my faults on my comment about Yul and I apologize for that.
ok but seriously though, can't you see that havi is being too aggressive and forceful? she doesn't ask for consent at all, you can clearly see it in the first few chapters too. it's not misogyny, she's just straight up being TOXIC, any normal person would see that. also, why are you in every negative comment? you seem to have a looot of time and energy on you man, people are just stating their opinion, why are you taking this so personally? chill before you get an aneurysm.
so talking shit about havi = an opinion. my disagreeing with those opinoins cause they dont seem to match the same material im reading = not an opinion but an attack. ok. checks out. its only an opion when its in agreement with the rest of u. im in the comments cause everyone is in some circle jerk of sexist bs and i wanted to give some reasons why actually maybe havi isnt a demon but nvm.
The way you give out your opinion is as if you want all of us to listen to you, yeah I'm doing it too because you out here in the replies. We gave opinions about Havi, but you seem to not want that and u push your opinions to us.
We all read the fucking webtoon, this webtoon whatever fucking gender, WOMEN OR MEN, OR WHATEVER SEXUALITY WE DONT CARE BECAUSE WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE PERSON'S PERSONALITY AND WRONG ACTIONS. Did u think we were talking about Havi's wrong doings more because she's a woman???? NO. If youre thinking were all being sexist UHM NO. This role reverse shit doesnt matter one bit, BECAUSE ITS THE SAME, even if a dude was this aggressive and impulsive, WE DONT LIKE IT. If u want us to think that OH HAVI'S GONNA CHANGE SO ITS OK TO FORGET EVERYTHING SHE DID, no thank you we dont want that.
We dont care if you go with our opinions or not. So stop acting like we should go with yours, because your replies just screams it. just state what u want and stop pushing.
im sorry, how is it sexist? if a boy does what havi is doing rn, people will count it as manipulative and forceful, it should be equal, what havi's doing is forcing. I've seen all your replies just coz they don't like how havi's forcing the ml and u always try to bring that gender-thingy, it's not about the gender ghurl, it's that she's forceful that's not okay. periodt.
i'm kind of convinced now that you're some underaged girl who strongly supports women even though it clearly shows that she's being toxic. i'm a woman, and i can see how shitty havi is to yul and i see your comments defending her and i'm just sitting here like wtf. we're reading the same shit you are, it's just that our perspectives are different and you clearly don't agree that havi is being forceful and aggressive or whatever but we do, and when we call that out, you call us sexist??? it's not about the fucking gender. if a guy was acting like that, we'd call that shit out too. havi isn't the victim here.
if your gonna keep complaining every chapter just drop it girl it clearly states what this book is about even in the summary and title bruh
I can do what I want it's comment section, your mad weird bro I just saw her comment complaining below drop it if you don't like no point of compelling all the time it would be logical to read something u don't like
LOL u must be a kid, its never that serious, have nice day as well tho.
so your response to my very valid part of this debate/argument w/e, that people are being harder on Havi than they would otherwise be to a male character (something u can easily find evidence for) is to completely dismiss it by calling me a Little Girl and then saying the tired old "if a guy was acting like that" argument that i alrdy said is a fallacy in a different comment. basically what u just said was also sexist. having issues wiht some of havi's behavior isnt the problem, its the way both Yul and Havi are being discussed, the wording used and the giant blind spots in actual events i nthe comic people are either blanking on or willfully ignoring. the way ppl are ready and willing to give the most charitable readings to Yul's actions or sympathize with his feelings but never Havi's. the comic itself isnt unaware that Havi is flawed and makes mistakes. the issue people seem to have with her is that she makes any mistakes and dares to make her boyfriend frustrated sometimes. people are saying she's a bitch, sex crazed, insane/crazy, a rapist, evil, etc basically these arent valid critigues, its just vitriol that is at least partially fueled by misogyny. if u cant or refuse to see that, thats not on me. calling out sexism in how people discuss this comic and havi in particular is NOT The same as saying Havi is perfect and no one can call out her behavior ever. the fact that i clarified myself in multiple comments that i didnt htink Havi was perfect but i felt she was getting judged more harshly than male charas in similar stories to this one yet continue to be called an "apologist" and now a little girl and someone in another comment said Im a bitch/crazy/stupid, the irony of yall using sexist ass language in a sexist ass way to tell me how im wrong about ur sexism tinged critiques of havi is just the height of Irony. also i never called any one A sexist, i said the comments im seeing are sexist and thats not the same as me accusing a whole person ive never met and never will meet of being sexist. ALL women have some form of internalized misogyny they have to reckon with. acknowleding it doesnt make u a bad person and someone else mentioning it to u doesnt make them a bad person or someone out to get u. Also alot of the responses im geting indicate to me that either 1. u guys are not actually reading anything im writing and just pounce on me as soon as u see i disagree with ur comments or 2. u cannot comprehend what im writing and as a result lash out with personal attacks instead of actually providing a counterpoint or just going on with ur day and disengaging. almost every response ive gotten here is either insults or arguing against things i didnt say and were just projected unto my actual words (or intentionally bad faith interpretations of what i really mean). smh.
That was really thought out, I enjoyed reading it I agree.
a response that isnt hostile. how refreshing haha.
We've known each other for so long, your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it, inside we both know what's been going on, we know the game and we're gonna play it.
Nevah gonna give u up nevah gonna let u down nevah gonna runnnnnn arounnnnnd and deserrtttt uuuuuuuu~
Your comments are as toxic as Havi is to Yul, but your staunch, unrelenting approval of Havi's actions are so ridiculous that reading your comments provides a great bit of humor. Keep up the moronic comments so I can continue to laugh at your babblings!