those people who are attacking others for their preferences (specifically yaoi) just chill okay, I know you're maybe annoyed but this is not how we should express it by pushing people who wants to read this away.
You guys are basically welcoming fellow readers with toxicity, and I can also sense some homophobia. DISGUSTANG behavior, we may be strangers in the internet but DAMN calm down bitch.

Nah y’ll strictly BL fangirls are the disgusting ones. Only whining under the comment sections of every single straight manga out there. It’s very toxic and guess what? TIRING. We just want y’ll premature kids to gtfo. 60% of manga releases have turned into BL, what more do y’ll want? Apparently y’ll can only be satisfied by turning the entire manga industry into BL. There are different target groups, just accept that and move on? I myself have been reading BL for 10 years now. Instead of attacking the dignified readers for calling y’ll toxic BL fangirls out, y’ll can just NOT read this manga without feeling the need to express your anger at the genre in the comments. Your guys are the ones fueling the fire. Getting mad that it’s not BL will only make the rest of the manga community hate BL fangirls even more. Such shameless acts.

-people who likes this and will defend this
-people who dont like this and will say they dont like it. -people who say they observe character development
-people who be blind bout the character development
-people who is just into rapey shiz
-people who is doesnt think this is rapey shit
-people that doesnt care bout nothing, they dont need consent they just need the fucking
-people who need the consent obv
-people that just drop the webtoon after seeing such "tendencies"
-people who drolled after seeing those tendencies so they want more
-and people who saw those tendencies but they gonna read for that oh so sweet character development
-people who wants to warn others about those tendencies in the comments
-and people who doesnt warn but wants you to read because something good will soon come up
We're all a motherfucking shit soup, we mix our shit up together in one bowl and we just drink it up barf it out then also shit it out then put it back in the bowl. Mwah delicioso~

Lmao looks at the comments, the likes and the dislikes, we just be making a clown of ourselves arguing with strangers. Some will say this webtoon sucks because of Havi, some would say otherwise. Its a motherfucking cycle of shit, either the morals of others are questioned or people make you question your morals.

yeah the fl ended up with the emperor, but damn, crow man speaks to me (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ. I'm not really into this ml because he CHOOSES Lin everytime, and it ends up with our fl dead, that happened twice. Some stuff happens *time skip* and the fl and emperor falls in love, then Lin starts acting all weak like a bitch and asks for the emperor when the fl and the emperor were spending time with eachother.
THEN THIS PATHETIC EMPEROR ACTUALLY GOES TO LIN DESPITE THE FL SAYING THAT HE SHOULDNT, so ye when the emperor leaves goes to Lin, welp surprise surprise she was fine (ugh imma slap this hoe). Then the emperor gets a message wherein THE EMPRESS IS KIDNAPPED (BECAUSE U LEFT U BITCH).
So ye the emperor found the fl bloody asf, yada yada she dead. Fl goes back to her own world, then the emperor becomes a tyrant king because yah know the empress is dead (because of you duh lmaojk). Then the fl goes back again to world, and she dressed up as a dude because of stuff, uhm BL starts happening? Lol gender bender I mean, but ye SHIT HAPPENS AND THE FL DEAD AGAIN BECAUSE THE EMPEROR CHOOSES TO LISTEN TO LIN BITCH.
Fl went back to her own world AGAIN, then she was given a choice if she gonna stay in her own world and forget everything, or go back to the emperor (BRUH JUST GO BACK TO THE WORLD, BUT FOR THE CROW MAN THIS TIME ヽ(`Д´)ノ )
bla bla bla they end up together, the fl and the emperor I mean. But in my mind, the fl and crowman ended up together (⊙…⊙ )
If you guys want a more detailed info? Uhm find the comment bout this on here, or the novelupdates spoiler forum.
To people who came for Bl well this aint it. Good story, even if this was Bl or straight, there's no difference in plot.