I'm scared of this too :( I really want to peg a boy, and I find it really gross thinking about a guy staring/touching me as a top and being the fucking one me, I think my body dysmorphia plays into that but I also just find it way more attractive when a guy is more feminine, and where I can take the lead. I'm an introvert though, and the people surrounding me are not people who would be okay with this, so I don't even know how I'm supposed find someone I love whose willing to do this without me being more outward. I feel like I'll never be able to express these desires and it makes me really sad :c I hope I'll be okay with doing "normal" sex because I haven't been in a relationship yet and haven't really thought about it until recently but when I imagine it I'm really not okay with it

guuurl this scared me bc i thought u spilled out my thoughts lol
i do wanna be in a relationship too and i like fem/soft guys better bc i get scared of being dominated in "that" way, idk why. Like yea i'd flirt around but when the guy actually shows interest, i'd pull away immediately. It's prolly why im still single and it's rly confusing even for myself but i just cant help it... It's like a defense mechanism of some sort. I'd like a guy who wouldnt mind exploring this kinda stuff (a switch) but no one seems to be rly that way anywhere near me

I think that a lot more men are into pegging than you think. Keep in mind that toxic masculinity is a thing a lot of men/people have to deal with. If a man shows interest in pegging people around him will automatically ask him if he's gay (even though those 2 things have nothing to do with each other)
My best advice is to find the BDSM community in your area. A lot of men who like pegging go there to find women/femmes who are dominant and want to peg men. Neither one of you needs to be sadistic or masochistic to feel comfortable in the community. Plus you get to learn a lot about being authentically yourself and have others respect that. You never have to have "normal" sex if you dont want to. ("Normal" is overrated to be honest) if you have any questions let me know... to be frank I'm just entering the BDSM community myself so I still have a lot to learn but so far I have nothing but praise
I need to see more mangas like this where the super beautiful/feminine guy IS the male lead. He's always the brother, friend, second male lead-fuck that. This shit got me legit blushing. He's so damn pretty and I just wanna smooch his beautiful lashes.