Somehow my comment got cut off...
Seme gets drunk at bar and uke takes him home. The next day it two he is still being rude to uke and throws his bag. Uke runs off to his room crying. Then seme makes some contract they both sign. That night while seme is about to fall asleep he has memories from his drunken night. Hes coming onto uke and putting his hand toward his pants. Next episode seme remembering more of pushing himself on uke. Kissing his neck, and fondling his chest. It doesn't show how far it went and looked like uke was trying to discourage him. Seme looks mortified lol

Orange is about a group of friends who are left to cope with the loss of a friend who committed suicide. The fl, was his love interest, and her future self sends a letter to her past self to save him. It's not on mangago, at least it wasn't. I got it from Amazon. Its fantastic, but also heartbreaking.
It's been so long. Thank you uploader, missed this one!