I can't wait til his cruel ass remembers. When the uke was helping the him home, seme pounced on uke. Groping and kissing all over him. Even putting his hands down his pants. I haven't seen a new raw and they didn't show how far it went yet in the last one. Uke was trying to get seme to stop since he was drunk from what I saw but seme was very persistent.

I found it bestie https://tkor.zone/천둥구름-비바람

Its hard to believe this is by the same author as The Girl and the Geek. I cant stand ml, and fl needs a backbone. I'll hang in a little longer but getting frustrated. They both need some serious character development, and ml needs to use his brain. How on earth does he not know who she is after looking at that photo?!

Maybe I'm one of the few but I was happy with him ending up with Joowon. They loved each other from the start of their relationship but between, age, guilt, insecurities, and pressure from families both were too immature to know how to act. Their failure to truly trust each other, and past experiences turned their relationship toxic. Even still they were deeply in love and lashed out at each other to hide their pain, and punish each other for holding back what each other needed/wanted. I think with Joowon he truly felt the life they were living was the only way they could be together which was really all he cared about. It was sad because Haesoo didnt know Joowon's true feelings and thought they were more shallow that they truly were. Even when Haesoo was with Taku he was haunted by his love for Joowon. Cont in rep

It was impacting Taku, he had a lot insecurities from that, and would have eventually become resentful. He talked about how the kiss tasted bitter, and I think that bitterness would have ultimately grown. Imo Taku still being single wasn't a bad thing either. He stated he was happy, and I'm sure he needed time to move on. There's time line for when to love again after heartbreak. Three years seems like a lot but it doesnt mean he was always alone. I think a person like him isn't searching for a partner, they just need to be open to the experience when the right person comes along.

Haesoo's lasting feelings for Joowon as impacting Taku, he had a lot insecurities from that, and would have eventually become resentful. He talked about how the kiss tasted bitter, and I think that bitterness would have ultimately grown. Imo Taku still being single wasn't a bad thing either. He stated he was happy, and I'm sure he needed time to move on. There's no time line for when to love again after heartbreak. Three years seems like a lot but it doesnt mean he was always alone in that time. I think a person like him isn't someone that needs a partner to be happy. Some people feel the need to constantly search when single for a partner. Someone like Taku just needs to be open to the experience when the right person comes along, and I think he would be.

I just love the various different looks of jealousy on Taewan's face in the last raw, especially the last one. I have a feeling its going to take a push from his friend to realize his true feelings. I cant wait to see how he responds next week. I'm guessing they will both try to ignore each other out of jealousy and misunderstandings. Probably going to be a long few weeks. I'm also guessing when Yeonwu's stalker makes a big strike Taewan coming to his rescue.

I don't think it will make him realize his feelings, rather knowing his personality he might
a) avoid
b) become aggressive (in bed and shit)
- I think he might take it too far and then YW tells him to stop and leaves and then he starts questioning his behavior instead.
- then the whole BJ alex trope will start
Also, the professor will definitely fuck shit up for both of them in the process, especially TW.

I wonder if Taewhan was staying with Mike and his family when he was in school with Yeonwu? I'm not sure if the time frame would match, because I'm not sure how old Taewan was supposed to be then but Taewan did say he was staying with a host family then to Yeonwu. If that's the case then its possible Yeonwu would have met Mike while he and Taewan were friends. Just a thought. I still think the guy coming to Yeonwu in the last raw is Smith though. I'm thinking at some point Taewan while come to Yeonwu's rescue from Smith, and seeing Yeonwu vulnerable will help Taewan to confide in Yeonwu about what he went through.

I think that's unlikely cause TW requested his parents to be moved away from the school where he was bullied and met Mike. Plus, Mike said something along the lines of not having seen TW in a long time and that he's a college student now, and I don't think he would say that if they were staying together when TW was in high school.
Come on Ashton rescue your lady. This is not a spoiler, just a prediction.