ZelAn January 24, 2021 4:20 pm

You guys hating on the kids is ridiculous. 20 years old is still young, an age doesn’t define maturity or intelligence. It mostly depends on what you been through, experienced, studied to get knowledge.

Both the siblings have had a bad life in the past (I think) and after their reincarnation, they went through a trauma and you’re calling them childish?
It seems like most of you haven’t experienced their experience of physical abuse and mental/emotional damages that’s been done.
A mother’s words can damage one’s heart permanently, can cause one to be extremely wary of others and trust issues rising faster than the old scars healing.
And if you come to me and say you’ve been through it and the siblings are still weak, don’t expect everyone to be the same.
And don’t say things like “I’ve had it worst”, “I’ve been abused much worse than the siblings have, but they are so childish than me still.”
I’m sorry, what? What’s this? A competition on who suffered the most? Everyone’s different okay? 20 years old is still fairly a new young adult.

One may have a strong mindset after going through such trauma but they’ll still feel the pain and the trust issues won’t go away. ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY ARE IN A KID’S BODY. What do you expect them to do?? They’ve never been trained to fight both in previous life and now, they’re still kids even if they are mentally 20 year olds. But in their previous life, they wanted to feel a parents love and they thought they would get it after being reincarnated but only to go through hell again.

So please think before you speak shit about the siblings. It’s not everyday you see a strong person immune to a trauma, it’s not everyday you see someone trying to trust another or trying to be honest, because they’re scared deep down. The experiences and past memories can be your worst obstacles in your new life.

So leave them be. Yes I also found them quite annoying but I also realized I’m also like that sometimes. I’ve gone through many sufferings, no one suffers the worst or least, it’s no competition. I say I suffer but I never bring up someone else’s suffering, saying I suffer more than them. It’s extremely disrespectful. We all suffer, and there will always be some differences in our sufferings, but it’s somehow the same in the end.

Even most adults aren’t mature like we want them to be, and you all hell well know you aren’t that mature either sometimes. So don’t expect these kids to have your knowledge and the maturity you want them to have. Forget about their age, focus on their new life.

    ZelAn January 24, 2021 4:21 pm

    Oh right
    —Thanks for listening to my TED Talk.

    bubbly_emi°×° January 24, 2021 4:42 pm

    and thats on PERIODT i agree

    ZelAn January 24, 2021 4:44 pm
    and thats on PERIODT i agree bubbly_emi°×°

    For real tho yea╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    bubbly_emi°×° January 25, 2021 3:20 am
    For real tho yea╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ ZelAn

    they say there useless asf and childish when they literally are still children 20 year olds aren't always gotta be mature they faced alot from now and back then. they reincarnated and got abused by their mother mentally and physically believing their father and siblings never loved them they literally are children now what are children supposed to do? they haven't even mastered magic how are they gonna protect themselves.

    ZelAn January 25, 2021 3:35 am
    they say there useless asf and childish when they literally are still children 20 year olds aren't always gotta be mature they faced alot from now and back then. they reincarnated and got abused by their mother... bubbly_emi°×°

    I Swearr! Sure it’s all fiction but it also happens in real life, imagine going through a trauma, then having people say you’re useless, weak, and getting no love in exchange for living. And yes they haven’t even mastered any powerful skills to fight those magic bandits or whatever. All they have is telepathy and the older prince brother’s shield protection magic around them. I can’t believe they’d expect a human to be mature, I’m not even mature but I sure as hell have tasted enough shit and sweets in this world to call my experiences a knowledge.

    bubbly_emi°×° January 25, 2021 8:34 am
    I Swearr! Sure it’s all fiction but it also happens in real life, imagine going through a trauma, then having people say you’re useless, weak, and getting no love in exchange for living. And yes they haven�... ZelAn

    OH MY GOD YES- aside from the trauma and bullying they got discriminated for being half blooded royals its just wrong to say all that shit without actually understanding that people are different ( even if this is FICTIONAL ) they won't be perfect main characters having this personalities just makes the stories spicy j agree im not that mature too but seriously people need to chill. :/

    bubbly_emi°×° January 25, 2021 8:36 am
    I Swearr! Sure it’s all fiction but it also happens in real life, imagine going through a trauma, then having people say you’re useless, weak, and getting no love in exchange for living. And yes they haven�... ZelAn

    and plus they only relied on each other because they both only had each other in their past lives of course they'd get major trust issues ://

    ZelAn January 25, 2021 2:11 pm
    and plus they only relied on each other because they both only had each other in their past lives of course they'd get major trust issues :// bubbly_emi°×°

    YEAHH! And they probably read too much overpowered and unrealistic mc comics that they forget reality is literally like this. ( ̄∇ ̄") ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    bubbly_emi°×° January 25, 2021 4:12 pm
    YEAHH! And they probably read too much overpowered and unrealistic mc comics that they forget reality is literally like this. ( ̄∇ ̄") ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ ZelAn

    Most manhuas and comics do have those unrealistic corny scenes lol its almost in every comic in this website i understand how they forget reality is harsh and similar to this comic.

    ZelAn January 25, 2021 4:51 pm

    Why did you guys dislike my amazing post? (⊙…⊙ )

    bubbly_emi°×° January 25, 2021 5:05 pm
    Why did you guys dislike my amazing post? (⊙…⊙ ) ZelAn

    people must have different opinions about the twins---

    ZelAn January 25, 2021 6:58 pm
    people must have different opinions about the twins--- bubbly_emi°×°

    Oh well .! That’s alright, that really defines themselves anyways. I never expected to have 59 likes because I thought most people would dislike this. Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

ZelAn January 24, 2021 3:50 pm



Gu Anxuan (Maroon haired; main seme’s friend who gets in a car accident), he loses memories after car accident and later he is in love with a new character that comes in scene, the white haired uke Ming is sad that he forgot him and his love for him, he tries to make him remember I think and Anxuan continues to persuade the new uke (I think he’s an idol or rookie actor). Ming even goes to a place where Anxuan first led him to show the beautiful fireworks and I think celebrates something for Anxuan, the new character uke helps Ming because they’re friends as well and possibly knows Ming likes Anxuan. But then Anxuan thinks the new character uke set the celebration up and thanks him in front of Ming. It was so heartbreaking. I don’t know what happens after but yeah.

And for the main couple: After Su Mu; our MC runs away and years later, has a baby with black hair and the same eyes as him. He also helps out his father (blonde haired) in his flower shop, and his dad with the black hair and deep violet eyes, his dad watches Su Mu’s flower shop owner dad (blonde haired). They don’t interact since the dad hides from Su Mu’s blonde haired dad, but they do soon after. They sweetly make up I believe.
And Mc’s son somehow bumps into the male lead who’s his father who he didn’t know he had. The male lead doesn’t know the kid he bumped into is his baby from Su Mu and himself. MC’s son calls ML uncle, later the son boasts to MC about how this “uncle” helped him out, then soon the kid tells MC to meet the “uncle, Su Mu hesitates and says okay.
ML and MC soon meet, ML is shocked and MC tries to run away again but ML doesn’t let him. They later make up and the misunderstandings are somehow cleared I think, I don’t remember much of where I left off in the raws but yeah. I don’t know what happened afterwards.

Anyways bYe! Leave down any spoilers if there is anything I missed or what happens afterwards! Thanks!

    love January 26, 2021 3:13 pm

    After that they reconcile... The MC and ML and the child but the child gets kidnapped by some facility and meets another child.... Potential partner in future....
    The parents of MC also try to give their relationship a new chance but not going that well as after many agreements they starts anew... However, the mom sees a lipstick mark on dad's shirt... UwU
    As for the red hair friend, he regains his memory and gets the white princess back.... They are now on a honeymoon.....
    The new male singer... He has another suiter for him

    ZelAn January 26, 2021 5:39 pm
    After that they reconcile... The MC and ML and the child but the child gets kidnapped by some facility and meets another child.... Potential partner in future.... The parents of MC also try to give their relati... love

    So the dad of MC cheated or a misunderstanding? Thanks for these spoilers. I’m glad red hair Anxuan got his memory back and now on a honeymoon with Ming, the white haired. Whew new male singer has another suitor.
    Also what does the MC and ML’s Child’s potential partner for future look like? (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    love January 26, 2021 7:02 pm
    So the dad of MC cheated or a misunderstanding? Thanks for these spoilers. I’m glad red hair Anxuan got his memory back and now on a honeymoon with Ming, the white haired. Whew new male singer has another sui... ZelAn

    Long milky hair.... Glasses I think.... If I had the picture attachment I could have attached it.... Extremely cute... Seems like an alpha... Helps the kidnapped son run away... Seems like the child of the kidnappers

    ZelAn January 26, 2021 7:31 pm
    Long milky hair.... Glasses I think.... If I had the picture attachment I could have attached it.... Extremely cute... Seems like an alpha... Helps the kidnapped son run away... Seems like the child of the kidn... love

    Ooh that’s nice! ヾ(☆▽☆) milky hair, now let me make my Milky Way there haha- not funny I know.

    Binbin February 6, 2021 10:32 am

    Hi! Do you have the link for the raws?

    ZelAn February 6, 2021 6:14 pm
    Hi! Do you have the link for the raws? Binbin

    Sadly I do not. But the links may be said in the other pages of comment section.

    Binbin February 7, 2021 3:30 am
    Sadly I do not. But the links may be said in the other pages of comment section. ZelAn

    It's okay i already read it. It's just some chapters ahead are not for free so i'm a bit sad coz i cannot afford buy coins coz i'm still a student. Anyways thank you!!

    dojin's hoe February 11, 2021 5:06 pm

    hellooooo, is there any novel for this book or did yoou just read the raws??

    ZelAn February 11, 2021 6:32 pm
    hellooooo, is there any novel for this book or did yoou just read the raws?? dojin's hoe

    I checked the raws. There might be a novel b not translated enough..

ZelAn January 23, 2021 5:34 am

I’m so confused at this point. Someone please give me all the spoilers, detailed as you can. What is the person in the mirror and how it connects with the adopted son Seme? Why is the seme going after MC? What does MC have to do with the mirror and seme? Etc. Anyone can give me spoilers on top of spoilers.

Would appreciate it to enlighten my dumb brain. Thanks. (⌒▽⌒)

    Cyrax Alistair January 23, 2021 6:27 am

    Plz don't mind me! I am just commenting so that I can also get the answers!

    Jen January 23, 2021 6:46 am
    Plz don't mind me! I am just commenting so that I can also get the answers! Cyrax Alistair

    I’m not confuse but comment to stay for detail spoiler

    ZelAn January 23, 2021 9:14 am

    Ah you guys rose my hope up for nothing.( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ
    Alright I’ll let you all camp out here then.

    Chuuya January 23, 2021 6:03 pm

    It's an alternate universe. Seme's parents found a mysterious mirror that reflects back to us an alternate universe very much like our own that contains copies of us but evil. Anyway, the beings from that evil alternate earth got bored of being evil where everyone was used to evilness. The solution was to create a mirror that could help them escape into a world that was pure and taint it, for them this would be so much more fun! Some of the beings from the evil alternate universe who managed to escape into our world were the Seme's alternate parents. You see, when the alternate beings cross over into our world their alternate counterparts get transported into the evil alternate earth. Eg, if evil you came into our world you would be instantly be transported into theirs. All those exploding people are not dying but are being transported to evil earth! This is why the Seme's parents were so mean, it wasn't really them but the evil alternate selves who had crossed over into our world and were torturing baby Seme! However, some of the evil beings got too greedy and decided to profit off the mirror! They limited the number of evil beings who get to come into out world and those of us who got transported from our world to theres where captured and sold to the highest bidder to be tortured and killed for fun. Some of the evil beings didn't agree with this selctivenes so they made a deal with the Seme and Uke when they were kids as they were locked up in that dark room. In exchange of killing the Seme's evil parents, the Seme and Uke will help unlock an even bigger door on our earth that will allow any evil alternate being to cross over into our world freely with our restrictions. That's why the Uke and Seme haven't been transported to the evil alternate earth yet, they are working with the evil beings! It's going to be crazy because in the end the biggere door they open will merge the evil earth and our world together! It's going to be carnage! Everyone has an evil twin all of sudden lol!

    ZelAn January 23, 2021 6:30 pm
    It's an alternate universe. Seme's parents found a mysterious mirror that reflects back to us an alternate universe very much like our own that contains copies of us but evil. Anyway, the beings from that evil ... Chuuya

    Oh my I- what. It makes sense but at the same time it’s so much to take in. So why are Seme and Uke having sex then? Out of lust or love?

    Jen January 23, 2021 8:06 pm
    It's an alternate universe. Seme's parents found a mysterious mirror that reflects back to us an alternate universe very much like our own that contains copies of us but evil. Anyway, the beings from that evil ... Chuuya

    Wait so the seme is also an evil being but born on pure earth?
    Thx for the spoiler(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Chuuya January 23, 2021 8:28 pm
    Wait so the seme is also an evil being but born on pure earth? Thx for the spoiler(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 Jen

    Earth is only considered 'pure' when placed next to the alternate evil earth! The Seme was authored to show that, innocent of people can be corrupted by circumstances. Although he wasn't born evil he did turn so because of the evil parents who hijacked his family. People have grey lines, they embody both good and evil where as evil earth dwellers 'only' embody evil! The Seme's good side will shine through though when the Evil Alternate Uke kidnaps the Uke and pretends to him. The Uke, is held on the evil earth and meets Seme's real parents who are still alive! The Seme is going to go all hero and good lol.

    Chuuya January 23, 2021 8:29 pm
    Oh my I- what. It makes sense but at the same time it’s so much to take in. So why are Seme and Uke having sex then? Out of lust or love? ZelAn

    Love, the crush started when they were kids! :)

    Jen January 23, 2021 11:20 pm
    Earth is only considered 'pure' when placed next to the alternate evil earth! The Seme was authored to show that, innocent of people can be corrupted by circumstances. Although he wasn't born evil he did turn s... Chuuya

    Omg thank you

    ZelAn January 24, 2021 5:26 am
    Love, the crush started when they were kids! :) Chuuya

    AH that makes things a lot more better. Thank you for the spoilers! One last question, how long does it take seme to find out the evil uke isn’t the real uke?

    Chuuya January 24, 2021 4:04 pm
    AH that makes things a lot more better. Thank you for the spoilers! One last question, how long does it take seme to find out the evil uke isn’t the real uke? ZelAn

    A while, it's a whole arc! You see, their evil dobblegangers get worried that the Seme might be influenced in a good way by the Uke and might drop the promise of helping out with opening the door. This is why they kidnap the Uke and replace him with the evil dobbleganger. The evil dobbleganger Uke starts manipulating the Seme to continue with opening the door and he falls for it. Meanwhile the real Uke is taken to evil earth where he finds the Seme's real parents trapped there! He really wants to save the Seme, as a kid he was too weak to save him but now he knows he has the strength to do so! He kills the evil Seme dobbleganger and manage to escape back to their pure earth and find that the Seme has opened the door. The whole world is in chaos, they were too late. However, the Seme's real parents sacrifice themselves to destroy the door and mirror and tell the Seme they've always loved him and were happy to see him all grown up. They tell him they're glad he has a reliable partner, the Uke, and they hope he lives his life happily from now on. They thank the Uke for loving their son. The parents then sacrifice themselves, destroying the evil earth, mirror and door! We then get a time skip of 4years, the Seme and Uke are together and have now opened an orphanage at the Seme's house. They house orphaned kids whose parents died because of the evil earth. The Seme is still an author but he writes more happy stories now, the Uke is a full time "Dad and teacher" to the orphans. He dropped out of police school and decided helping kids was better suited to him. That's how it ends. :)

    Cyrax Alistair January 24, 2021 4:11 pm
    It's an alternate universe. Seme's parents found a mysterious mirror that reflects back to us an alternate universe very much like our own that contains copies of us but evil. Anyway, the beings from that evil ... Chuuya

    Tell me you're the real author disguised as a reader...!!

    ZelAn January 24, 2021 4:25 pm
    A while, it's a whole arc! You see, their evil dobblegangers get worried that the Seme might be influenced in a good way by the Uke and might drop the promise of helping out with opening the door. This is why t... Chuuya

    Oh that’s such a lovely and nice ending!
    Just one more question cause I’m an anxious dude. The evil uke dobbleganger and the seme doesn’t um have sex with each other right? If they did, oh gosh. And right now in the latest chapter on mangago here, is our mc the real uke? My anxiety is

    Jen January 24, 2021 5:11 pm
    A while, it's a whole arc! You see, their evil dobblegangers get worried that the Seme might be influenced in a good way by the Uke and might drop the promise of helping out with opening the door. This is why t... Chuuya

    Wait so did the seme doppelgänger get kill when they little? And is there a novel of this manhwa

    Cheese January 26, 2021 2:01 pm
    It's an alternate universe. Seme's parents found a mysterious mirror that reflects back to us an alternate universe very much like our own that contains copies of us but evil. Anyway, the beings from that evil ... Chuuya

    how do you know secrets wise one?

    Chuuya January 26, 2021 4:49 pm
    Wait so did the seme doppelgänger get kill when they little? And is there a novel of this manhwa Jen

    The ones you saw die when they were kids are the parent's evil dobblegangers. Remember, I said the parents were taken to the evil earth and their evil dobblegangers took over the lives on earth and abused young Seme who then made a deal to have the evil dobblegangers killed in order to help his own evil dobbleganger and the Uke's dobbleganger to open the door. Although, the Seme doesn't know the parents killed were not his real parents but imposters. He thinks it's real parents he had killed.

    Chuuya January 26, 2021 4:52 pm
    Oh that’s such a lovely and nice ending! Just one more question cause I’m an anxious dude. The evil uke dobbleganger and the seme doesn’t um have sex with each other right? If they did, oh gosh. And right... ZelAn

    Yup, unfortunately they do. The evil Uke really manipulates the Seme! And yes, in the current chapters we see the Real Uke. The reflections in the mirrors are his evil version who follows him around but is not on our earth.

    Chuuya January 26, 2021 4:53 pm
    Tell me you're the real author disguised as a reader...!! Cyrax Alistair

    Hahaha - no, I'm not - I'd never be capable of thinking up and writing such an intricate and complex story!

    Chuuya January 26, 2021 4:53 pm
    how do you know secrets wise one? Cheese

    ... by using my wise one powers lol. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Jen January 26, 2021 5:02 pm
    ... by using my wise one powers lol. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ Chuuya

    U the hero we need but not deserve(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    storres_8086 January 26, 2021 5:41 pm

    Just here for spoilers don’t mind me

    ZelAn January 26, 2021 5:52 pm
    Yup, unfortunately they do. The evil Uke really manipulates the Seme! And yes, in the current chapters we see the Real Uke. The reflections in the mirrors are his evil version who follows him around but is not ... Chuuya

    FUCKK- ヽ(`Д´)ノ ugh this evil uke. Wait the evil Uke is still him but another part of him right? No different people? Approximately how many chapters until Seme finds out he’s fake? Oh gosh I ask took many questions once I start talking.

    ZelAn January 26, 2021 5:53 pm
    Yup, unfortunately they do. The evil Uke really manipulates the Seme! And yes, in the current chapters we see the Real Uke. The reflections in the mirrors are his evil version who follows him around but is not ... Chuuya

    Oh and how exactly does the evil uke manipulate the seme? Tricking love? Blah blah. Anyways ugh they had sex even though the evil uke is part of the real uke... I hope.

    ZelAn January 26, 2021 5:55 pm
    Yup, unfortunately they do. The evil Uke really manipulates the Seme! And yes, in the current chapters we see the Real Uke. The reflections in the mirrors are his evil version who follows him around but is not ... Chuuya

    +3 of reply. Um forgot to ask but what chapter is when MC gets trapped in mirror and evil version comes out? I gotta be prepared.
    I’m basically wanting you to spoil everything. I’d die in happiness. Every single detail like you’re writing your whole life. . (⊙…⊙ )

    Peachy January 26, 2021 6:22 pm
    It's an alternate universe. Seme's parents found a mysterious mirror that reflects back to us an alternate universe very much like our own that contains copies of us but evil. Anyway, the beings from that evil ... Chuuya

    After reading this spoiler im not scared anymore!! Phew!

    Cheese January 26, 2021 9:09 pm
    ... by using my wise one powers lol. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ Chuuya

    eeeeeeeeee now i need visuals and dialogue ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    cobrakai1972 January 27, 2021 1:02 am
    It's an alternate universe. Seme's parents found a mysterious mirror that reflects back to us an alternate universe very much like our own that contains copies of us but evil. Anyway, the beings from that evil ... Chuuya

    girl you are heaven sent thank you! also the seme is dumb af LOL

    robinx3 January 27, 2021 1:08 am
    It's an alternate universe. Seme's parents found a mysterious mirror that reflects back to us an alternate universe very much like our own that contains copies of us but evil. Anyway, the beings from that evil ... Chuuya

    Thanks for this ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    River January 27, 2021 1:24 am
    It's an alternate universe. Seme's parents found a mysterious mirror that reflects back to us an alternate universe very much like our own that contains copies of us but evil. Anyway, the beings from that evil ... Chuuya

    The hell?? Really? It's doesn't make any sense...i never read or watch any story like this one...waw
    Thank btw for explaining the story, I've been dying to know what the hell is goin on ...thank youuu

    Cheese January 27, 2021 2:15 am
    ... by using my wise one powers lol. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ Chuuya

    i neeeeeeeeeeeeed to read this eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    Slayeon January 27, 2021 8:34 am
    After reading this spoiler im not scared anymore!! Phew! Peachy

    Same! Suddenly my anxiety is gone lmao i was so scared and anxious but this is so much better

iLikeMe19 January 22, 2021 7:55 am

IM ABOUT TO READ THIS. LET ME KNOW. I WONT READ IF IT HAS CHEATING, BETRAYAL, ANGST in it. I mean I don’t care for deaths but no love angst..

    tik January 22, 2021 8:52 am


    tik January 22, 2021 9:01 am

    dont worry, they r so sweet and they comunicate so well. but warning theres a rape scene in 38-40(??) i forgot abt it. the uke get raped but the seme didn't feel disgust or something like that towards the uke. Instead, he's more worried and seme didn't force uke to talk about that.

    anyway sorry for my broken eng, english isnt my first language and i tried my best to explain it well

    iLikeMe19 January 22, 2021 10:37 am
    dont worry, they r so sweet and they comunicate so well. but warning theres a rape scene in 38-40(??) i forgot abt it. the uke get raped but the seme didn't feel disgust or something like that towards the uke. ... tik

    I’m a fujoshi that extremely hates any main character being raped... it makes me feel bad for the other seme who doesn’t even know their defenseless boyfriend got fucked 0 consent. I feel so bad for uke as well, he’s silently in psychological trauma.

    Seme is amazing as I hear from the reviews, we need more seme like him in the Yaoi/BL world cause it’s so rare to find such a seme.

    I am a very possessive person so I feel extremely sad and disturbed when someone I love gets raped, hell nah I will cry like a baby. I have an emotional detachment disorder on top of that, I stay away from these situations. I just want to live a single, peaceful, no marriage.

    I’m going to read it and see how it goes. Thanks!

    tik January 22, 2021 11:05 am
    I’m a fujoshi that extremely hates any main character being raped... it makes me feel bad for the other seme who doesn’t even know their defenseless boyfriend got fucked 0 consent. I feel so bad for uke as ... iLikeMe19

    same here booho, when i heard the uke get raped, i cried and skip two chapters bcs i dont want to see the pains that uke feels... my heart cant take it... i just... extremelly feel bad for both uke and seme bcs they had to go through some shit like that t_____t and yes, seme is the best seme i've ever seen, i need someone like him in my life t____t yes!!! please read it, its a amazing story. you're welcome <3

    iLikeMe19 January 22, 2021 5:57 pm
    same here booho, when i heard the uke get raped, i cried and skip two chapters bcs i dont want to see the pains that uke feels... my heart cant take it... i just... extremelly feel bad for both uke and seme bcs... tik

    Omg I finished reading. This is one of my best favorite BL/Yaoi Comic. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ I love it.
    Love their communication even though it’s usually seme speaking up about it first, I understand that it’s a little hard for uke to speak up first about it. He’s been through a lot, and ugh that shitty ex/ friend’s little brother. Thank gosh MC/seme sent that mofo to jail hehe. On top of that his parents is a judge and prosecutor, like okay damn.
    I really really love how seme respects the uke and it’s so fresh seeing uke initiating the sex and giving consent even when seme is worried. I’m sure there are some other comics where it’s like this but this is just different.

iLikeMe19 January 21, 2021 8:11 am

Someone tell me the chapter when seme starts regretting his actions or for real starts loving uke?

    Karma January 21, 2021 8:45 am

    Chapter 70 around

    iLikeMe19 January 21, 2021 9:27 am
    Chapter 70 around Karma

    BRUH- ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ that’s a punch to my face. Slow indeed... ugh but whatever I finished reading it and currently on epilogue2. It was beautiful! I’m glad the seme knew he was a trash and regretted everything. I think he regretted from the start because of the way he talked about his perspective from when mc and him kissed for the first time. He didn’t want mc to die so he kept a distance away from Mc. It was angsty but not as bad as the “10 years I loved you the most”. Anyways I really love this comic! I thought it was gonna be trash but I mean it’s amazing!
    (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 at first this is my reaction to the seme, now this is my final reaction to the seme (︶︿︶)=凸
    I forgive but never forget how he treated mc. I’m glad mc spoke up about he felt.

    Glad they got together in the end, and mc slowly going to recover his bad memories and good memories.
    Hope seme treats him with respect from then on.

    MessyLucky January 21, 2021 10:00 am
    BRUH- ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ that’s a punch to my face. Slow indeed... ugh but whatever I finished reading it and currently on epilogue2. It was beautiful! I’m glad the seme knew he was a trash and regretted ever... iLikeMe19

    Unlike in the 10 yrs that I loved you, the MC didnt have the chance to love again (╥_╥) and that was sad asf!

    I hate the red head seme there! I wish the Mc and the doctor got their chance to be together and to be in love with each other (╥_╥) I really cant move on in thatanhua

    iLikeMe19 January 21, 2021 11:01 am
    Unlike in the 10 yrs that I loved you, the MC didnt have the chance to love again (╥_╥) and that was sad asf!I hate the red head seme there! I wish the Mc and the doctor got their chance to be together and ... MessyLucky

    Yes for real!! But the author of 10 Years I Loved You The Most really portrayed a realistic life love, not all love is like that but there is toxicity in love, even if it’s just for a little bit, sadly for the mc there, toxicity wasted 10 years... so much. Poor doctor, he loved the mc and was always there for him, even to his grave. I wish author made a special chapter where doctor and mc were together.

    I also feel bad for the other uke who slept with MC’s husband, why? He was used as a toy/replacement and I don’t even think he knew the person he slept was married, he was too in love with that cheating bastard.., but I don’t remember why MC’s husband slept with someone else when he had MC? Ugh a cheater at its finest.

    I bawled like a baby, when I have a partner one day, I’ll treasure them like they’re my money... yes I indeed love money let’s be honest here...

    Anyways wow why am I talking about another comic on this comic ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭. Cough anyways. This angst is much less worse than 10 Years I loved You The Most but still hurts me.

iLikeMe19 January 20, 2021 3:02 pm

Hey I know the spoiler but can someone answer my question as to what the uke’s motive was for him to cheat on Seme in the past? Seme caught him in the act like x3 times. Fuck the uke honestly, ugh too bad they end up together cause of Seme’s efforts and Uke playing the victim shit card. Whatever ( ̄へ ̄)

    Water January 20, 2021 3:27 pm

    Uke dates rich men because of his poor background and use them for their money. Seme was just another victim. Uke is trash but it refreshing to see trash uke.

    iLikeMe19 January 20, 2021 3:41 pm
    Uke dates rich men because of his poor background and use them for their money. Seme was just another victim. Uke is trash but it refreshing to see trash uke. Water

    yes it is quite refreshing cause I’m quite sick of trash semes at this point. But anyways him crying won’t justify he used seme. Ugh wished they didn’t get together but it’s for seme’s long wished happiness so fuck it (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ and hopefully uke treasures him this time, I’ll give uke a chance...

iLikeMe19 January 20, 2021 9:09 am

Anyone know when this comic was released? It says “2000 released”, but the art looks way too good... I mean not like the 2000s art was bad, it’s just this is more upgraded. Anyone know? If not stfu please.

    lazi January 20, 2021 3:02 pm

    it's just mangago's weird thing. pay it no heed.

    Mery January 22, 2021 2:33 am

    it ran for about 2 + years and ended in late 2020. webtoons werent even really a Thing before 2010 so its fair to assume that any one u see on here is no older than that. hope this helps.

    iLikeMe19 January 22, 2021 4:53 am

    Alright got it!

iLikeMe19 January 20, 2021 7:54 am

How y’all gonna support a killer who ended someone’s life vs an assaulter who didn’t even end you? I mean both are bad as hell but killing is far worse. SPOILERS FOR THOSE WHO WANT IT HARD:

No someone said that he was assaulted, there’s a difference between assaulting and raping. Raping is penetrating the mc, but wolf didn’t do that. Many stated they’ve seen the comic some while ago, wolf puts his d between mc’s thighs, not in him.
Also spoilers

That sheep is a real two faced bitch. His family murdered wolf’s someone but I forgot and probably why wolf decided to become a detective. Sheep’s family named Stanley family killed ML’s family. Also sheep has a brother wolf, both of them are killers. Sheep has an apprentice/companion in the killings. ML suspects sheep but he needs to find evidence first, MC really trusts sheep since they’re best friends and a “lover”, not sure if sheep even loves him as much as MC does. He doesn’t actually, obsession is different from love. A lover wouldn’t lie to you with a fake mask.
Perfect timing to say “A wolf in a sheep’s clothing.”

When I say sheep is a two faced bitch, he’s a bitch alright. Sure right now you’re seeing sheep respecting the mc, but you’ll not like it later on. Sheep just killed a person and you’re comparing it to an assault, I know assault is bad too but killing is so much more worse.

Also MC dates ML but only to revenge for some reason and then dump him, breaking his heart. Then MC dates Sheep afterwards, but sheep is playing him cause he’s THAT MANIPULATIVE.

Sheep is just obsessed with him and even killed a person. I can’t believe you’d choose a killer, fucked up people in this world. Also MC who was injected with a heat infusion drug is nearly gangraped in the chapter later on but ML saves his ass, MC promises to help ML on finding the killer and they are currently close to finding out that the killer is Elos, the sheep.

    SisterFriede January 21, 2021 7:29 am

    .......i uh....*sits down*....(⊙…⊙ )

    iLikeMe19 January 21, 2021 7:32 am
    .......i uh....*sits down*....(⊙…⊙ ) SisterFriede

    I- ... (⊙…⊙ )

    Aleckna February 12, 2021 7:22 am

    Thank you !! I was searching a comment like yours! I thought that people were going to hate the sheep but no ! They support him ! I don't even know why ?? He's good looking, yes, so what ?? And even if he's decent now you can see that it's all an act, he's too "perfect"

    ZelAn February 12, 2021 8:10 am
    Thank you !! I was searching a comment like yours! I thought that people were going to hate the sheep but no ! They support him ! I don't even know why ?? He's good looking, yes, so what ?? And even if he's dec... Aleckna

    Right. Something wrong with them :/.

iLikeMe19 January 19, 2021 10:41 am

Listen up you nasties no offense unless taken :)
1. Rix doesn’t fucking like that old grandfather lizard named Banana or whatever it was, all I saw was Banana in one of the comments.

2. The reason Rix blushed is because of the divine magical aura in the divine beasts. Assimilation means to become part of oneself. So what I’m getting from the latest chapters is that Banam checked Rix’s ass for like ten seconds, he fingered Rix and looked at Nuah to see if Nuah is also affected by the touching. And it seems like the way Nuah reacted, Rix and Nuah are connected together. It’s like a wolf mating and there’s a knot tied.
And all you nasties shipping a young Rix with a grandfather Banam is just no. We here for some wholesome fluffy yet sexy story of Nuah x Rix.

3. Checking asses is normal in the divine beast world, the reasons? We don’t know but it likely has to do with what Banam checked for in Rix to see if he’s connected with Nuah as well.


Have a nice day lovelies! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    supremecurt January 19, 2021 2:05 pm

    I was so confused with the assimilation part, thanks for clearing it up.

    iLikeMe19 January 19, 2021 5:02 pm

    Wow someone dare dislike this, lmfao they got caught and is petty now (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    iLikeMe19 January 19, 2021 5:02 pm
    I was so confused with the assimilation part, thanks for clearing it up. supremecurt

    Sure! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Hoshhos January 20, 2021 11:27 am


    iLikeMe19 January 20, 2021 11:52 am
    THANK YOUUU Hoshhos

    Of course! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

iLikeMe19 January 19, 2021 5:17 am

Would you guys like to share your crushes with me? Let me know how you’d feel to share the person you love with a pillow body.

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