Toranosuke fell in love with his servant Kaoru. For twenty years, they slowly developed their love f...

  • Author: miku morinaga
  • Genres: Comedy / Drama / Josei / Romance / tragedy

A man with the ability to hear inner voices got married to a girl who can't speak.It's the Taisho er...

  • Author: Morinaga Miku
  • Genres: Historical / Romance
bebicrna followed a list

A list for the picky Isekai reader! (Updated Regularly)
Nothing below a  9.4 rating, full color, Manhwa only, and compelling stories. 


My List Series based on ratings:
 10 – 9.4: this list
 9.3 – 9.1:
 9.0 and below:

02 11,2023