This is what I call a smut josei... she is gorgeous, the guy is gorgeous, and she is willing and not swept into it. And you can see that it's made for female gaze when you see her wearing beautiful lingerie and they don't draw her making werid faces during the smut... I'm thankful they chose not to draw her mouth when she was giving hd cuz when they do... at least to other girls, they look ugly af... maybe men find that attractive but honestly I can't help but think: do we look that ugly doing it?? Heck no... so yeah... they are cute
Or Christelle is becoming manlier by the chapter??? Like... I'm not talking about being ladylike... but literally looking more manly... when she was talking with her stepmother in the streets she was looking like a man... I even thought I saw an adam apple on her neck... and the nicknale Oli is also way manlier than calling her Chris or Ellie (I know the middle name thing) would...
I'm not complaining about it... I wouldn't mind even if her gender changed or something... just... curious to know if I was the only one that noticed... and btw... I ship her more with Haynes tbh...the idea of a trouple is interesting... but I think she fits better with him... personality-wise... dealing with both her and Cp seems tiring af... I pity Jesse for it. I know Cp will need to have both a religious and a political partner and she's the best candidate for now because of their friendship but... She and Cp really have no romantic chemistry at all... I wonder how things will go...
I'm open to spoilers...
So far, all the strong womans here look like men, and the men like Jesse stepfather and Cedric father look femenine.
Even madame Monette drees like a man and her fiance who is the servan of Jesse looks kinda femenine… the only man that looks manly here is Cedric lol and I shipp him with Jesse hahaha
True... and I'm lovin it tbh... maybe it's that... at first she was more feminine and it's slowly becoming less... I also shipp them...
True.. Sometimes it feels weird. I have no problem if it's really how they look but making them look like that when they're originally not is when it starts bothering me.
I mean, I guess that's just character growth? Christelle wasn't originally a knight-in-training or anything if I remember right. But she's been training for a while now, so it makes sense that her physique has changed since then to reflect that.
Ah.. That could be.. But I think it was mostly because of her face, hair and neck combo in the latest chapter.. Especially the neck..