Why does it feel like this author doesnt know what to do with this story? Respectfully have the drop this, great art but fuck the pacing is all over the place.
How the hell did jong hoa find it so fast and literally gets knocked the fuck out IN HER HOUSE??? The moment she learns the truth. I was expecting like a home envasion/ running away from the police type shit chapter but nah she gets knocked out fasttt

Aughhhhh wtf man. WHERE DID THIS EVEN COME FROM??? I HONESTLY WOULDVE FORGIVEN THE SUDDEN BACKSTORY IF IT WAS VERY EARLY IN THE SERIES. Buttt nooooooo just casually drop a horrifying backstory and just expect us to be okay with it. There were no hints or signs of go yohan displaying signs or mannerisms of an abused child

Ehh thats more like just being a being an idol and possibly ostracized amongst his peers. It was shown beforehand that theyre all jealous of Yohan's fame. There was no flashback relating to this or anything. His attitude could be from a difficult parents or home life. Nothing mentioned anything about some sort of organ trafficking orphanage. Also excuse me i forgot to write that part in my comment.
Im not really good at these but it was reallyy interesting talking about the mother's past self and how everytime she looks at her daughter she is reminded of something. I just dont know. I also noticed rika gave her a mirror as a gift and how she didnt even look at the reflection, she immediately threw it away.