i dropped this manga twice because, first: the seme pissed me off at the beginning, then second: im an impatient person so when i saw how long it is i was like 'nah'. BUT i tried to finish it and omg i want more.... it's so wholesome, i feel so single... plus, maya's character development is everything. if i could read their everyday lives each day, i would definitely do it :]

If there's one thing I want to happen for this manga, it would be for the author to rewrite the entire volume 1 because the volumes sequel that followed feels way too different. What happens in volume 1 more or less feels unnecessary.
Literally the entire vibes of the story and characters right now makes me forget volume 1 ever happened.
aahhhhh big guys who blush are always refreshing to see ( ꈍᴗꈍ) so adorable~