Don't say the spoilers didn't warn youuuu.
Anyway, I've read this more than 4 times already and I'm still crying but for those who still haven't seen the raws, prepare you guys!
I feel bad bcs HB just wants to be #1 to someone and he can't be #1 to YW but he can be if it's Jumi. Hmmm. It's okay Yoowon! You've been #1 to Siwon since HS days even when u don't notice him!

Did he just declare that he likes YW? Hahahaha I'm so happy if it is then! You guys, I'm so shipping them. "I'm not going to ignore you" loooool

I'm not sure, really. It seems ambiguous. He said that thing about to obtain a person and not ignoring, and previously he said that YooW was his role model. It might be admiration of a person and wanting them to be part of their circle (ie, a competent, smart person is of use to the heir of some group, etc). It cuold be he just likes him a lot and doesn't like being cut off from someone he intended to keep as a friend.
But if it was a romantic declaration, whatever. More drama. hahahah
I like SiWon. He was right to be unhappy to just have someone drop off the face of the earth that he considered a friend. That he didn't give up on him says something about the quality of YooW's appeal and of SiWon's sense of loyalty.

I didn't take it as that he likes Yoo Won. I can see WHY you'd take it that way when he said "to make a person my own", but i think he just meant as a friend. Yoo Won is important to him and when he tried to cut ties with everyone from his old school it gave Siwon the impression that Yoo Won is under a lot of stress or in a painful time of his life that caused him to try to distance himself from his friends. He is just saying that he is going to be there for him no matter what.

I think Jumi described it well, she said she "felt like she was watching a surreal conversation between a cool friend and his pretty hoobae". He was just a really good friend that Yoo Won tried to cut ties with out of depression or desperation while trying to take care of his mother, Siwon tracked down Yoo Won to tell him that he isn't going to just let Yoo Won fade out and that he IS going to be there for him.

Juni x si won <3
Read at ur own risk
Okay so apparently, HB, Pyung, and Eldo used to be friends and holy shit is HIghschool Siwon and Yoowon beautiful! They didn't get along at first but after a basketball match where SW broke his leg, they started being friends and it was just two oppas meant to be together! I'm hoping for them you know? Since SW doesn't plan on quitting and remember when he said that YW can ask for advice in the staff room? He really cares for him you know? Flashbacks are ongoing and latest chapter makes HB and YW so cute which is why you will hate HB bcs it was YW that fell in love first and to think he can easily duml him! Anyways my prediction after the flashback is that YW goes to SW for advice. Author sama is unpredictable and I love her!
do you have link to the raws??
I don't ship Siwon and Yoo, rather, I ship Siwon with the bitchy pretty girl
(I have no idea why as well) I'm still a YooXHee shipper. I know it seems impossible
at this point but I still believe...
But btichy part idont agree i still ship yw with hb
Keep hope alive... Hee Bums actions are based on fear because he don't know the extent of Yoo Won feelings and he's just acting out of fear... If there's one thing I know its plot... and YooXHee is the endgame (at least they better be)... but even if you just take Hee Bum at his word it's definitely Yoo Won he wants to be with... I love Jumi but she really is the safety net, and I want more for her than that...!
Hahahaha HB and YW isn't going to end up together. I know it. And if they did, wouldn't that stray away from author-sama's plot? This is what's good about the manga bcs not a lot of times do you see an uke who dumps his seme for some girl which Hb did and from the raws, it seems like HB was just drawn to Yw ncs YW keeps pestering him and clings to him
Hb x jumi is end game for sure, dont get ur hopes to high or else ur rlly gonna get hurt( like sakura x naruto fans)
I still think HBxYW is end game because the plot focuses on their relationship... if they dont end up together then all this story build up and tension will become meaningless... heebum going out with jumi will solve heebums problem.... end of story..... thats really frustrating becuase YW and HB went through alot for their relationship only to be fruitless in the end
Never once thought Naruto was gonna end up with Sakura FYI... and just looking at the cover tells you who's gonna end up with whom... You can be delusional like it's a big mystery but one thing I know is plot... and as NekoNeko stated just following the flow of the story (which isn't even focusing on Jumi), let alone Heebum's and Jumi's own words... Jumi is not the endgame... but I like her character so I don't mind it... but, hurt I will not be... facts!!