2025-03-05 05:31 marked
2025-02-01 22:48 marked

When the mc told the ml what he was gonna do with the red mansion the ml told him he will destroy it. The mc then ask, "what about me?" The ml reply, "what do you think I do?" The mc reply with (my fav moment) “I think you’ll, you’ll abandon me. Please don’t abandon me.”
As Sung-kyung’s voice trailed off, he wiggled his neatly placed toes. Chungrim, staring at the white feet, impulsively reached out and pulled Sung-kyung’s head closer. The distance closed instantly, their lips almost touching.
The sound of their breathing felt overly vivid. Staring at Sung-kyung’s chapped lips, Chungrim swallowed dryly and pulled back.
From this moment on the MC starts forgetting important things like the name of the cat, where he is, why he's staying at the ML's house, and even the fact that the ML has already cleared his debts. The mc run away to repay debt and the ml found him. The ml end up breaking one of his leg because "If you can’t walk, then I’ll finally be able to pick you up properly." So in a way if I break your leg I can find you easily since you can't walk far anyway.
As time go on the hallucinations got worse. His mom and dad would talk to him even tho he knows there dead. He would talk about debt and etc. So the ml ended up confining him. He was trapped in a dark room with no way out. A single bed stood desolately in the pitch-black space. At first, both his hands were bound, but now only his left hand was tied to the bed’s headboard. He could walk around a bit, but couldn’t reach the door.
The ML doesn't mind the hallucinations though. To him even if he went mad, as long as he remembered him, and even if he became broken, as long as he recognized him, it was enough. The ML would bathed him, make food for him, put clothes on him, etc. Depsite the mc banging in the door and waking the ml up he would always take care if him. Never letting him go.
One day the mc want to sleep with the ml and the ml agree. When the ml was asleep the mc was now struggling to remember the ml. At first, he thought he could control it, but it wasn’t easy. He grew increasingly scared, afraid he might forget Chungrim too. He reached under the bed, not for a notebook but for a label. He took it out and carefully wrote three familiar characters on it. The three familiar characters was the ml name. He was indeed forgetting what the ml look like. In this scene he say
“Don’t forget.”
This person is Chungrim. You must never forget this person.
When the mc finally went to sleep the ml woke up to see the label and his heart broke. He knew what it meant. Despite all the efforts to stay in memory, he might be fading from Sung-kyung’s mind. He was scared. That the mc wouldn't remember him anymore. Soon his fear end up becoming true.
The next day the mc was back in the trapped room and when the ml came to check on the mc he forgot the ml appearance entirely. The mc would say the ml name even though the ml was right in front of him. When the ml saw this he say "Fuck, he doesn’t even recognize me now. The pain he felt discovering the label on his arm returned, sharper and more intense."
Since the MC frequently talks about Red Mansion, his parents, a drug addict who nearly killed him, and the ML's brother—but never the ML himself—the ml decides to take him there. In an attempt to shock the MC into reality, the ML tell the mc that the ml abandoned him even tho the ml doesnt feel that way. He just want to shock him a bit. The mc goes crazy and the ml leave him in the room where the mc lives.
Devastated, the MC goes to the room where his parents once were, finds an old blanket, and in his despair, uses a knife to slit his wrists. Meanwhile, the ML, about to leave but consumed by a terrible feeling, rushes back just in time to save the MC's life.
The ml find the doctor to take revenge or smt and he find out that his brother was the reason of this. I just put what the novel wrote, "His brothers had schemed again to take what was his. They gave money to the doctor who abandoned Kim Sung-kyung’s father, telling him to hide deeper. They tried to break Kim Sung-kyung and drive him mad, ultimately aiming to separate him from Chungrim. They used different tactics this time but ended up being no help to Chungrim, as always."
The ml goes to his brother and beat them up. He then confessed how he feel about his brother and about the mc, “I needed someone to be by my side, not the type who thinks money solves everything. Someone who followed my words, did things I liked. Someone who didn’t weigh me against money. That’s what I needed. And that’s why I chose him.” (this line always get me. Like the ml love mc so much)
After the fight the ml goes back to the hospital and stayed with the mc for a week. Holding his hand and praying that he not dead. In the novel " he squeezed Sung-kyung’s index finger tightly, watching as his nail turned white and then red again. He was alive, no doubt.
'When will you wake up?'" And "He kept pressing Sung-kyung’s fingertips, ensuring blood was circulating well."
When the MC wakes up the MC has amnesia and only remembers his parents getting sick and him taking over the convenience store, and the first few meeting the ML (before the starts of the story) the ML lies and says that his parents died soon after they got sick and now he lives with him and they're together. The ml say this because it was a chance to replace all the sad and painful memories with ones involving Chungrim instead.
When the mc got better the ml changes houses, The new house was far from the Red Mansion and positioned so that it was no longer visible, even through the windows. They lived in that house from now on however there are still some problems like the ml has a anxiety every night bc he worried that mc might hear hallucinations again or go crazy. Or worse, slip away from his grasp once more. At night he would put his palm on the mc face to check on the mc if he was alive. Only after confirming this several times did Chungrim get up.
The ml also got rid of sharp objects bc of the fear from the mc almost dying. He almost had an panic attack when the mc was looking at it.
BTW the mc doesn't have amnesia. He did for a little bit but he remembered it all. However he never gonna tell the ml about it. Since it show how much the ml love him. They both love each other deeply and live happily.
2025-02-01 22:47 marked
2024-12-31 16:13 marked

these spoilers include description of rape/SA please kindly leave if these subjects disturb you in any way.
brief recap + info:
some of yall might of guessed it: its the 2nd life of both mc and ml.
ML remembers everything except MC doesnt at all, although he has nightmares of his first life.
to add: I noticed manhwa chaps and novels chaps r almost the same (ex: ch 1 manhwa = ch 1 novel)
ok lets start; (im only talking about important details)
When does the 1st life storytime start?: around chaps 72-73
Whats happening after ch 41 in the manhwa? (upcoming updates):
MC learns about how to make perfume for a few chaps. ML offers MC a whole new perfume company for him under his own name: Sejin, and decides to make MC the ceo of the company. MC meets the employees, have dinner w them, etc.. (theres gonna be 1 sex scene after the dinner w the employees) MC receives the news that his father has been arrested for tax invasion and so on. MC realized that it was ML's doing that his family/haeshin coop. was going down. MC felt devasted bc it was his family but ML did it because MC was being mistreated w his own family and gaslighted by his dad to keep working for him so for MC's sake he exposed them. ML got help from MC's secretary btw. ML's precise reasoning: “In my eyes, they were abusers, but to you, they were the only family you had.”
1-2 chaps later, they have sex again but this time MC asked ML to imprint him since ML was the only one left for MC after the whole family situation, but at the end ML didnt imprint him. MC kind of displeased by this situation, stopped sleeping in ML's room and even kind of stopped talking to him bc ML was the one who cut ties w mc's family and now he was alone but ML refused to imprint him? After a f ew talks, they started talking A BIT ONLY again. ML's grandfather died and his brother also disappeared. MC decided to join the funeral with ML since he wanted to fix things at the same time after what happened w the imprinting situation. (btw this funeral is like 2 days long or smt) During a meal, while they were drinking, ML told MC about his side and how he felt and how he liked MC and he didnt want this to be a contracted marriage and also that MC should be the one to decide if they should date or not. Basically he didnt want to force MC to date him or to be in any forced relationship and do whatever was right for MC. After all that and when they came back home, ML got his rut and they almost had sex. ML ate sleeping pills + inhibitors and said this before he went to sleep: “… … You died before my eyes.” which made MC obviously confused. After that rut, ML decame awfully distant with MC BUT at the same time, MC started opening up abt his insomnia and other issues. Later on, MC finally launched his perfume company but ML never showed up to the opening ceremony. ML started avoiding MC by coming home late often too. Until one day ML told MC to end the marriage and that MC should leave whenever he wanted to. MC was completely dumbfounded and confused bc ML said a few days earlier how he liked him but now he said to leave? He felt betrayed. MC hurried to the study where ML was mid way through packinh/ getting ready to leave, and yells at ML how wrong he was to say that and why he said that. He questionned everything and finally yells ''do u think ill die infront of you?'' (MC doesnt know the context and just repeated what ML said during his rut out of anger) and starts yelling even more and questionned how weird it was for ML to get his heat cycles right everytime and every odd coincidence and if he was ever honest w him. He felt like a pet and an object: he was taken care of but he didnt know anything abt ML at all. ML felt like he didnt hv the right to date MC bc of what hes done (view 2nd paragraph) thats why he wanted MC to leave him (this was not mentionned btw) MC begged ML to let him stay w him and ML finally gave him and they had sex and he finally imprinted him: 1st life memories came flooded in in MC's mind. - 1st life storyline starts-
1st life summary: starts with storytime of MC and how he was adopted by his current father: MC left his abusive parents and clinged on a random rich person which happened to be Haeshin's CEO aka his adoptive dad. MC was later arranged a marriage with ML. ML did not really give a fuck about MC at all tbh: he was awfully dry and only thought of it as a contract. During MC's first heat, he just kinda ignored him, 2ND heat they fucked bc MC asked him to, but keep it mind ML was awfully rude/rough in bed (legit no foreplay+he bled) Later on, both MC and ML started being kind to eachother: they would eat together, greet eachother in the mornings, etc.. MC was FRAMED by his whole family for tax invasion and was sent to prison but luckily ML bought him out of it. Basically MC's family used him so Haeshin company would not get caught in those problems. Basically after he got out of prison, bc of ML, his family totally cut him off. !!! MC was asked to steal a document in Ml's study which MC obviously did for his father way before he was framed by his family since father was like yk how i raised u blah blah.
This sadly was the reason both MC and ML grew apart. While MC and ML were starting to like each other and even having comforting sex, ML felt absolutely betrayed by MC for not being honest earlier about stealing the files and MC couldve even come up with a reason and straihht up told ML he stole it for his own good. ML started ignoring MC around house and it detoriated MC's mental/physical health since he craved love and attention; he starved himself too. One day ML came home drunk and MC begged on his knees to not ignore him and give him another chance and how hed do ANYTHING for ML to forgive him (MC's family alr left him so if ML leaves him, he'll be all alone and he was scared of that) ML forcefully made MC to blowjob him and even told him to act like a prostitute if he wanted to be forgiven. MC throat was swelled up for a few days due to this incident. Meanwhile ML was at a funeral, MC went into heat again but this time ML's brother also randomly came and RAPED the shit out of MC (ch 86) it was disturbely written. MC who got so fucked up after the rape, called his secretary and asked him to pick him up to leave cause he was finally done w this place. ML went to MC's house and noticed how bruised MC looked like and demanded who did that to him, but obviously MC being fed up with the whole situation just told ML he slept w his brother (didnt say it was rape at all) ML being mad, he rapes MC and forcefully imprints him w pain (ugh it was so hard to read that part). Later on, the Moment where MC wakes up from all the sex w ML, hes been brought to ML's mansion again. THIS time he was confined: he can only sleep in ML's bed and if he wanted to leave to another room, he needed his bodyguard to follow him. (its been several months from the raping incident too) MC would starve himself and just felt depressed the whole time. Until the doctor told him he was pregnant: MC didnt know whos child it was; ML's or ML's brother. MC finally had enough and didnt want to give birth to a successor, he went to ML's study and kills himself.
after imprint (2nd life/present): MC still decided to leave ML. ''If you were going to let me know about such painful emotions, you shouldn't have imprinted on me. If you knew that emotions are so contagious, you should have been a little more careful.'' and ended the marriage and left w a suitcase. 3 months have passed and ML decides tomake a random contract/proejct in order to meet w MC bc he missed him dearly. Bc of the contract between MC’s perfume company and ML’s company, they met up every single day in MC’s office (ML wanted to do this for 3 weeks straight since he missed MC sm). After their contract/project which took like a week or so, ML and MC left together and had sex after a company dinner. They had sex bc MC’s heat and ML’s rut aligned bc they eere both imprinted/bonded whatever u call it
OK I ONLY READ TILL 92 SORRY POOKIES! ill update when i finish the novel:3
sorry for bad english btw ( ̄へ ̄)i mostly speak french
ANYWAYS please lmk any questions or precisions in my answer:3
2024-10-13 11:35 marked
2024-05-25 11:27 marked
Soft Cuddly Times