Fetishization does not establish residency within the R-rated scene only love. It makes no difference. A BL reader, be they reading R-rated content or not, will be fetishizing from the moment that they are reading BL for the sole *thrill* of it. What I mean by that is how many BL readers read it because it's a guy. With another guy. A taboo in a wa......

2021-01-27 08:11 marked

It’s bad writing. Every character is human garbage and the only character you want to root for is constantly abused and raped. It’s never ending trauma with nothing positive in between to keep readers from feeling miserable. Seungho is an abusive rapist with no personality and we are supposed to want him to be happy and get in a relationship wi......

2021-01-08 00:35 marked
Anyone know where I can read the spanish scanlation?
2021-01-04 23:48 marked

*rubs hands* Time to make some more enemies! Game on: 1. Why was the Omegaverse done in like that? It had potential, the idea of it's original and intriguing. But nope! Ya just haaad to make it all about the rapes, didn't ya? Thank M*therf*ckin' Gay Content Lord for the few works out there which are actually GOOD Omegaverse content with none of th......

2021-01-02 17:12 marked

I mean, let's be honest here. Even if fujos aren't by definition "fetishizing", and that's a BIG "if" (there's more than enough just on this site to make the case that they are), they are 1000% objectifying, and there's still a billion and one other issues that seriously need to be addressed besides that. Like the fact that y'all seem to think tha......

2020-09-29 10:28 marked
I just hope that the "I actually like Jihyun more" people are in their fujoshi preteen phases and can grow out of it. Fujoshi culture is so fucked up to me lmao the author had to resort to a parallel universe trope because their morals couldn't let them do sexy/relationship scenes with the protagonists' past being like that, and yet they had to do it nonetheless because the public was so demanding (or suggestive) that they wanted to see it. A rapist. Having sex with their victim. Jihyun past shouldn't be an excuse for his actions, boohoo, he cries. Kudos to the author too for making him likeable, even if its because fujoshis like the romanticization of violence.
2020-09-29 07:05 marked
The root of his character isnt that he is a "cold-hearted" man , its more the case he a broken-hearted man. That felt more pain and despair from remembering his love of Diana than he does from the betrayal and abuse he endured from his "family" and that ho Penelope. Even the murder of his own mother didn't break him to extent that losing Diana did or even having memory of her.

Both him and Jeanette are very pitiful characters.
Jeanette because she has been fed a lie since birth to make her a strategic pawn. Even her conception was not stemmed from the love of her parents but their malice and twisted nature that led to them experimenting with black magic. Even her eye color is an illusion (the natural colour is green).

Jeanette wants so much to be "loved" , she bases her entire existence on and dreams of a "happy family" with two people she thinks are her dad and sister. Not understanding from the reader's (accurate) POV she is more a hinderance than actual "family" to them.
Her involvement in their life causes nothing but pain and misery. We know this from the original events in the novel and the current events occurring.
Therefore, it's understandable why she is disliked by many readers.

Jeanette doesn't understand the suffering caused just for her seeking out this delusional fantasy stemmed from the conniving whims of those fuelling it.
To fulfil her purpose in life of being a pawn, for the ambition and greed of her foster parents and her mother.
She wants so badly to believe in the lie she has been told of her origin and the fantasy "family reunion". Since, she is a lonely and lets be honest a pretty unremarkable child.

In a way Jeanette is greedy too. Although, naively so, because she desires to have what isnt hers even at the expense of breaking up claude and athy's relationship. Even if she may not be self aware of it. We know what she is capable of. It's why readers mostly dislike her and want her gone. We already know what happened to the MC in the novel when Jeanette got her "dream".

Claude is pitiful because, out of all the miserable memories and experiences he had in his life. the most heart breaking ones is when he was the happiest with Diana.
And the suffering of her death and memory of her, causes a worse pain than the abuse from he received from the empress as a child , the betrayal from his brother and ho fiance.
Killing his brother whom he once cared for etc.
Out of All the memories he chose to sell his soul for to banish, he chose his happiest.
2020-09-24 06:19 marked

Oh boy, here we go again... Things presented in "fictional works" have, do, and will continue to affect reality in ways both big and small. Claiming otherwise is to be willfully ignorant and disingenuous at this point. This is not up for debate, this is not up for discussion. If you can't get your head out of the fucking sand and figure this out, ......

2020-08-27 22:55 marked
Even tho she seems pitiful with her current situation compared to Athanasia in the first timeline, I can't say they reversed positions coz Jeanette is still being treated nicely by everyone around her and like a cherry on top; she still gets to spend time with Claude.

And if you look properly on her definition of being "ALONE" I think is just pure selfishness coz if you think of Athy in the first timeline that's what you really call "ALONE" she can't even go near her own Father without being threatened, she doesn't have any friends and only Lily but even she can't do anything to save Athy.

So I think our Princess Jeanette here is much more fortunate than our FL, she got to live a lavish life in the first timeline and still got away from misfortune in the present timeline. She should be thankful no one is threatening her to be killed and still has friends she could rely on.

Sorry let's just have her get away with being pitiful and I don't hate her vice versa,
it's just FACTS.
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
2020-08-21 19:02 marked
In all honesty, fans being apathetic towards Jennette is ironic given how apathetic Jennette was towards Athy in the original timeline. She took and took and took from poor Athy and eventually got her killed. Athy was nice to her, helped her out, but since Claude didn't care for her, Jennette also didn't bother getting too close to her despite knowing how shitty her life was. When Athy died, she was all like "boohoo so sad comfort me Ijekiel" for two days and moved on. She didn't try correcting Claude on the fact that that he did Athy dirty (which was also something caused by Jennette's own curse). Jennette really didn't care for Athy in the first timeline and it showed when only she, herself, got the happy ending while everyone else suffered. Athy died, Ijekiel married a girl he didn't like cause that's what SHE wanted, Claude died post story and so on and so forth. Her loneliness is her own karma after everything that happened in the original timeline. Of course she's not aware of it but we know that timeline existed for real thanks to Athy (and Lucas; plus Claude who I heard got the memories of that og timeline back in the novel) and karma has a way continuing throughout lifetimes...

There's nothing "lovely" about The Lovely Princess, not even the fake princess herself. The story is told from Jennette's perspective which is why it has a happy tone but we all know how ditzy Jennette really is and misread the atmosphere around her and made herself into a "princess" like she states that she wanted to in this chapter. Her kind of "lovely" is cheap and selfish. I honestly felt bad for her when Ijekiel rejected her but at the same time, I wish he'd done it sooner (and kinder) so that she wouldn't be all up in her head all the time and learn to live in reality. This girl doesn't even question the strange man who randomly shows up at her home. She states herself that there's something different/off about him but continues to spill secrets to him regardless. She's desperate to be a "lovely princess" but is jealous of Athy despite ignoring her situation in the previous timeline....this whole mentality is really messed up. It's a good thing Athy still cares for her but it's understandable why she'd want to stay away from the person who brought nothing but disaster to her in her previous life.

On a side note, season 2's ending was too abrupt and barely accomplished anything. I would have much preferred it if the whole amnesia thing was done and over with and we could move the plot along something more interesting like the confrontation between Claude and his fake brother.
2020-08-20 14:58 marked
jeanette was told from young that claude is her real dad, and she's been living dreaming of being a real family with him (and athy) for the longest time. she has no real autonomy in mr white's house and she has to listen to whatever he says e.g. couldnt even see off her aunt (mum) who passed. the only thing that she's allowed to do, and likes doing, is getting closer to claude and athy

she doesn't know she is bringing harm to them, doesn't know that claude isnt her real dad and athy isnt her real sister. because of everything listed above, i can't really hate her... BUT from athy's first life, we know jeanette was acknowledged by claude and lived the life of her dreams. athy was suffering, and jeanette chose to ignore it and focus on her own happiness. in this 1st timeline, athy died, claude died (probably), and jeanette's happy family got shattered

the future and happiness that jeanette is chasing brings ruin to not only claude and athy, but also herself. and i hate the fact that she has no clue about the devastation she will inevitably bring if she keeps chasing this dream of hers. as readers who've been seeing things from athy's point of view, we know athy had been working hard for her father's attention, grew to love him, and how she suffered in all her lives so far, so obviously when jeanette appears all kind and cute and innocently wanting to play 'house'.... (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

ALSO because we know what's going on, jeanette's entire character seems just like a plot driver (towards the bad end). because of the things she doesn't know, she brings harm to all the characters we love, and does so with a pure heart and without restraint. on the other hand we have athy, who knows what happened in the 1st timeline, knows jeanette is poison to claude, knows jeanette isnt even her biological family, yet when she first starts meeting jeanette athy is too nice to distance herself from her. she felt bad turning jeanette down despite knowing jeanette had something to do with black magic and once took (or has the potential to take) everything away from her. even now, athy has to watch claude call for jeanette, and live with uncertainty because the love that she had is suddenly taken away from her ARGH

basically hate how things are set up... jeanette can relentlessly chase her dream of her happy family knowing absolutely nothing... athy has to suffer from knowing too much... [rest]
2020-07-21 18:43 marked

Honestly, most of the answers on this thread, pointed out exactly what OP was trying to say. In no way, did he tell y'all not to stop reading. He's saying that, AS A MEMBER OF THE LGBTQ+ community , he is unhappy with how straight women are depicting LGBTQ+ relationships. And you know what, HE IS PART OF THE LGBTQ+ = HE HAS EVERY RIGHT TO S......

2020-07-07 13:23 marked

I'm seeing far too many offended straight women in these replies proving your point (and kudos to the many straight people that actually bothered reading this rather than taking it as a personal attack because it really isn't? You do know we more allies, right? So listen and reflect rather than get defensive for a problem you will never experience)......

2020-07-06 12:36 marked

LGBTQIA+ community to straight cis girls: stop speaking over us Straight cis girls: aCtUaLlY-- I tend to write a lot because I have a lot to say. So I am just going to keep this as brief as I possibly can...no promises. "It's just fiction." You do realize that there are several, SEVERAL scientific studies out there showing you how fiction DOES aff......

2020-07-06 10:02 marked

BEFORE YOU READ THIS: I sincerely apologise for speaking like as if I was the REPRESENTATIVE of the entire yaoi community. I do not have enough knowledge, nor good judgment to actually have anyone believe what I say and try to fit my standards. It is wrong of me to speak as if I'm trying to manipulate or control anyone. It was truly insincere of m......

2020-07-05 23:51 marked
Glad I finally see more people who think the same - Jennette isn't a bad character, but it's her personality and the way she looks at things that makes her insufferable. She's naive and sees everything as something good, or encouragement to plans she has that only she knows of, not realizing that others don't know what her intentions are. She's too innocent and doesn't seem to understand that not everyone is good and kind. "Ignorance is bliss" is a phrase that applies to Jennette super strongly because even when she realizes something's off - when Anastacius keeps the snow globe out of her hands, when he talks to her, when Athanasia just looked at her in surprise when she asked about being a family together - she refuses to acknowledge the fact that people aren't comfortable with the same things she is and instead prefers to ignore and push warning signs to the back of her mind. At this point if she accidentally gets hurt I won't be surprised because it'll likely be an accumulation of her own decision to turn a blind eye to the warnings she's been given.
2020-06-21 22:16 marked

I think, yaoi, generally speaking, is the last thing anyone should read if they are trying to understand gay men. Straight women know nothing about what it means to be a gay man. However, their work always gets attention. I have seen countless novels as well written by women about gay men and rarely if ever seen the same attention towards gay men t......

2020-06-10 09:50 marked
I know felix is trying to help its sweet but I'm going to have to call bullshit. "Its not favoritism, Jeanette is a guest that's why he's being polite and ur his daughter so he can be more honest and comfortable with you", bitch what? Nah he's playing favorites its obvious don't lie like that. Cuz last time I checked and before this infuriating arc started claude ruled with an iron fist and fear. He literally did not give anyone the time of day if he didn't care about them and had no problems with threatening people. I'm pretty sure even threatened Jeanette once when she wondered off from the tea party. So don't even with those weak ass excuses author. Smh
2020-05-31 06:26 marked
Really sorry, I know that she is innocent pure and all, that she knows nothing but please Jeannette STOP, he is not your dad.

This annoys me so much, and even in the original story, I hate the fact that she did nothing To help Athy. She saw that she was alone, and not well treated by her father but she just ignored it ! She just cried in her fiancee's arm and continued her life when athy died. Even the fact that Claude was tired, and sick because of black magic, she just said "I am here" without searching the truth about her "father" and Why he was feeling so bad everytime. I find her quite insensitive, as if she decides not to see the disturbing things that would hurt her. I understand she wants To have time with her "father", but I dont know, she is just irritating (and at the same time I'm feeling a bit guilty to say that about a character who did not really do anything wrong ╥﹏)

It's not that I hate her, she is just too pure, and blind to everything and I would like her to start thinking about Athy's feelings when she clearly sees that Claude and her have problems together and that she just decides to have time with him when she is absent.

Ah, I Feel calmer now and what I wrote does not make any sense, but this character is really difficult to describe in my opinion, not trully bad, but also too much in her own world to make me like her.

Sorry for my english, I am clearly not bilingual (▰˘◡˘▰)
2020-05-25 17:52 marked
I’m starting to think that people don’t necessarily hate Jeanette per se but maybe hate the way she’s been written? Idk if that makes sense but lemme try. I mean, during the 20-goddamned-chapters where she was featured, there must have been a way for her to be likable instead of y’know, being just there. Yes, she helped Athy have a place to stay and yes, she helped Athy return to the castle, but those things happened at the beginning and end of that arc. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t remember anything significant happening in the middle of that arc that would have pushed towards Athy’s reunion with Claude. All there was during those chapters was either angst or lull. Then suddenly, we’re back to the main plot again. And idk, did anyone else notice when Jeanette helped Athy return to the palace and when Lucas appeared, it almost seemed forced? It was as if something pushed the author to finally move the plot forward. (It might have been because of the negative/hostile feedback from PAYING readers.) There was, I guess, a lack of buildup? Which is why we scorn those chapters so much. Jeanette’s filler chapters could have been used to maybe show her trying to help Athy and Claude little by little. Doing that would have made her likable without overshadowing the actual main character. Instead, it was just months and months of having Jeanette shoved into our faces without any progress to the story. It was honestly a waste. The filler chapters really ended up just like that—filler.

If the excuse is because this was based on a novel and giving Jeanette more substance would change it too much, well...didn’t that happen already? It already strayed from the original novel. Even Athy and Claude are different now. (I also have my gripes about the way Athy’s been written in the comic but maybe next time.) The excuse that Jeanette is like this because she's being manipulated is valid, but I feel like this also could have been done better.

OR maybe it was intentional. Maybe there would be a twist later where Jeanette’s arc and unknowingly selfish actions would be relevant. Maybe Jeanette got so much exposure to make us feel frustrated about a "main" character that exists to be loved even without doing anything. Maybe it's THAT meta. I'm trying to think this way to give the author the benefit of the doubt but tbh, every update just makes me sad. :(

Tldr: Part of our hate towards Jeanette is because of our frustration that she could have been written to be more than just an irritatingly naive character.

PS. There was also that strange part where Jeanette suddenly kinda turned yandere so I DON’T KNOW what the hell was up with that. Her character confuses the shit out of me.
2020-05-23 05:56 marked

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