>be me, respected duke of a kingdom plagued by monstrosities
> it's ok i have powers :)
>actually it's not ok, using powers also give me debilitating chronic pain that tears my insides apart. it's slowly killing me and there seems to be no end in sight until i end up immolating myself and everyone i know.
> a saintess? oh i am no longer in constant pain and near insanity :)
> i trust saintess. ok lets go to korea, sounds fine :)
>i fucked up i fucked up. what about my family. my world. must go back
>what do you mean the government is making me marry the one who kidnapped me
>oh good we're not esper compatible. bitch bye lmao. haha even if i am powerless at least i won't be forced to marry anyone
>i hate her i hate her i hate her
>i hate her pretty smile
>i hate her getting injured because of my abilities and the government targeting her to manipulate me
>ok maybe i love her
>maybe it's not so bad living in this unfamiliar capitalist cyberpunk hellscape as the government's test subject and slave dimensions away from everything i know if i can be with my wife :)
No one gives a fuck whether or not you read it just because it's a part of the story, it's the way you treat it that makes it disgusting. If you treat it as just another sexual fantasy between two men to satisfy your horniness, of course, you'll receive hate, if not I'm sorry that happened to you. You clearly are confusing SA and R@pe with being d......
The "reading for the plot" thing is just a bunch of bullshit anyways. If they're so invested in the "plot" then why can't they even bother to remember something as unbelievably basic as the characters' names? Or how have they failed to notice just how awful 99% of titles' plots are? And if they did notice then why are they willingly reading somethi......

1. The main point of this webtoon is the parent-child relationship between Clade and Athy. Its the hook
2. Jeanette had a decent side character role for the first part of the series. There was a mystery surrounding her, but Athy was warming up to her at the same time. Then Mr. McRedflag's face gives her that ribbon.
3. The actions with the ribbon lead into seasons 2 & 3. Which wouldn't be so bad if there was a glaring issue that goes this webtoon.
4. The retroactive spoilers, the memories coma, and Claude thing happen in the Light novel with Claude waking up when our magic ML came back. The big hook returned a long while ago.
5. Returning to Jeanette once more, since the webtoon is in original territory now. Seemingly the webtoon artist has made Jeanette the author's pet. Her role in the story is exceeding what it needs to be. Her naive and innocent nature is fine; the issue is that the new canon wants to push that while also having her constantly manipulated by Mr. McRedflag's face and crew.
6. The story's pacing has been thrown out the window, and quite a few readers are fed up with it. They waited a long time for Claude to get his memories back, only to have him be in an anime coma.
Keeping these pointers in mind, the clear issue and the one that people should be pissed at is the webtoon artist going off the rails in a way that buried the hook and tried to fill the space with situations involving Jeanette and other things that are just making people more frustrated.
The reason why hate is pilled on Jeanette is cause while the reader cant see the author they can certain see Jeanette and the issues she causes by proxy.
TDLR: The webtoon went downhill because of the webtoons artist's actions which are only highlighted when Jeanette does stuff as of late. So by association, she getting vented at. (also some bad writing in general but i wont go into that.)

I stayed away for months so I can see some progress but god almighty, I wasted two chapters reading about Jeanette and her thoughts and her lack of awareness AND HER PRETENTIOUS INNOCENCE.
I am starting to hate this webtoon.

Sincerely, That Bitch

Some of you sound ridiculous when u say "if he didnt like it he would have said "stop"",,,guys....someone doesnt have to say No for something to mean No. "I dont know" means NO. "Wait a minute" means NO. "Hold on" means NO. All of these things show apprehension and when somebody says them in such a situation like sex, you listen and you reassure them because theyre vulnerable and since it was his first time he was probably scared. Come on guys, this is basic consent and decency.
They have every right to be upset about it, please dont tell people how to feel. Youre also allowed to believe that the consent was enough. But please dont say silly things just because it may annoy you. Theres a time and place to be mad about things and people simply wanting more reassurance from him is not something to be mad at, i believe its a fair point and i would've liked to see more of it myself. Its a vulnerable situation and comforting your partner is important so that is what i and others would have preferred. If you were fine with it, okay then, cool. Theres no problem.
I feel like you guys sometimes look for things to be mad about unnecessarily. I really enjoy this manhwa, please dont ruin it by creating a hostile environment. Now please have the greatest day on the planet and have fun
I will whole-heartedly read stories depicting such heavy topics. But only as long as they are being portrayed and shown for what they truly are: A crime. Then I'm fine with it. But when this crap gets romanticized I'm sorry but no. Feel free to deal with these topics in your stories all you want, that in itself is not a problem. There are some mast......
I stayed followed to that question cause it was funny watching heterosexuals getting worked up in the comments but a lot of the top/latest replies really are complete bullshit and a lot of you made yourselves look ridiculous. You first have straight cucks whining “w-www-well, if we can f-fff-fetishize MLM, t-tt-then they can f-fff-f-fetishize us......
This manhwa can be summed up by one thing and one thing only: sex. A plot that hinges on sex and is driven by a guy who’s upset that he *can’t* have sex with the main douchbag of the manhwa. Na-Kyum is an infamous painter, known for his detailed paintings of... sodomy. Seungho, a noble who enjoys orgies more than anyone should, decides he wan......
I don't feel like replying so here's a few articles tangentially related to the issue. Read at your own will, it's not like I really care if you don't. - The "Don't Like, Don't Watch" argument and its flaws: https://dtwizzie.wordpress.com/2016/10/31/the-dont-like-dont-watch-argument-and-its-flaws/ - Stop Romanticizing Rape in Books: https://mediu......
lets not doing the edgy olympic bs here pls