Anonymous's experience ( All 0 )

Anonymous's answer ( All 2 )

I'll probably ask myself, "How tf did you survive?" and "Is it worth it, being alive?" Lol   reply
09 12,2020
I rarely go out pre-COVID Heck the only time I go out is to go to school, other than that never BUT fuck was this quarantine mentally draining. I think it's not the going out or having fun that I miss BUT it's the idea or the security of having a freedom to go outside anytime and everywhere without fearing some kind of deadly virus is what I missed......   reply
09 12,2020

Anonymous's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did favorite yaoi sound effect

The ones where the speech bubble is surrounded by hearts and squiggly lines right when they just finish or squirt

12 minutes
did have a shower thought

“When the chile is tea but the finna is gag. Sis, I'm dead as a chile.” — Ethel Cain, probably.

2 hours
did test your personality type

it said ISFP

7 hours