I never read the comments, so idk if it's going to be an unpopular opinion. I personally like the attitude of her family more than her own. Not that I would forgive them for neglecting the baby etc. But whilst they are trying to make the most out of the time they have together as family, she (without a real for me understandable reason(or did I miss smth?)) avoided her family at least two times, and like for two years??
And I see how she still is Hela inside, and is enemies with this country, since she is able to use magic in tbis body, and fam is accepting (or at least uncle is), is it not possible to maybe get the goal of all magicians being accepted and acknowledged? I thought this is the reason why she founded her country in the first place.
Obviously the fam was not trustworthy, not human, basically trash with the neglect, but she is still small and I feel like she could trust the uncle more than those magic guys coming for her all the time.
I mean if telling the whole truth would be possible go for it. Even if not, i think uncle wouldn't ask too much even if she started explaining things she knows, without telling him she was the former leader of the tower.
I mean he told a small child/ toddler that she can kill people, but to let him know so that they can do things cleanly. He KNOWS something isn't normal. But he accepts it for now, and as far as I can tell he supports her by trying to be unconditional family.
And again, I disliked his indifference and overall attitude, but rn he is her ally right??
Why not at the very least take advantage of him and his skills, to let him do all the "dirty" work?
Now every time something happenes, she is still too weak to do anything grand, and he rushes over to find her. Or he finds her mess.
She could've gone to uncle, tell him what she discovered, and he could have told emperor and empress about the tea. If she doesn't want to take credit for it in the first place, why not let uncle, who appears to be a trustworthy person from pov emperor and anyone else, do the explaining?
Just go tell him stuff without avoiding him and grandpa again.

is the name jigu a mistake? Cuz he's addressing him as Earthy right? I thought only Jigu knew they know each other in both worlds.

It's not a mistake~ Yeowoon’s just stupid~
lowkey thought it was a mistake too so I checked the older chapters and Jigu's messaging app screenname is just Jigu. So yeah, it literally says Jigu and Yeowoon still doesn’t realize. I guess he doesn’t think it’s strange since ji9 is jigu in korean ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I'm so happy for lorraine !! Grandfathers gesture was nice too. We got to see nice grandpa a lot with tia but judging from lorraines expression, most ppl still see him as this overpowering person, and are not so close so I'm relieved Lorraine got the confirmation everything she's doing is right, and has his support :)