Hi guys, do you know what webtoon it was, like similar to orv, or solo leveling.
I remember how the ml has a big white room in the basement or smth, and he sometimes get's his ghost(?) non human allies out (inkl. Angels, and maybe a lich?).
I think he had two swords that could talk. Maybe he was weak in the beginning? Not sure but if someone has a hunch please let me know!!
is the name jigu a mistake? Cuz he's addressing him as Earthy right? I thought only Jigu knew they know each other in both worlds.
Jigus username in game is actually Ji9star, and 9 is a shorthand for "gu" in Korean I think so it's Jigu either way. The translators say Earth or Earthstar for the game character to make it less confusing
It's not a mistake~ Yeowoon’s just stupid~
lowkey thought it was a mistake too so I checked the older chapters and Jigu's messaging app screenname is just Jigu. So yeah, it literally says Jigu and Yeowoon still doesn’t realize. I guess he doesn’t think it’s strange since ji9 is jigu in korean ¯_(ツ)_/¯