I don't prefer yaoi where one of the characters is a porn actor because I know that having a job where your partner has sex with different people on daily basis is going to generate a heavy load of angst throughout the entire story where the uke questions the seme's feelings and even then there's the obvious jealousy where lover wants to be the only one involved with his partner...I'm not giving up on this yet because the characters seem interesting but I hope the seme eventually quits his job

My issues with the stories are:
-The designer guy confessed too soon and he couldn't have already fallen for the uke when a second ago he was in love with another guy
-The sculptor guy is an insensitive prick! Sure, it's fine if he slept with others in the past but in that party he had his hands on a guy's ass and his lips. Even if it's some kind of reflex acquired due to his past whore-ish ways, he should watch himself! He can't court a guy and feel up another in public and expect the guy he is courting to feel his sincerity

I hate Ryo's attitude. He snatched away his partner's jobs claiming to do it for love which is dumb because:
1- You support those you love, you don't crush their dreams. He is selfish and uncaring
2- If he snatches his jobs, Ryo is going to be twice as busy and won't have time for their relationship which defeats the point that he made claiming that he wanted the uke to not be too busy and to have free time together. Yet Ryo ended up having no time at all which is worse

From what I understood from Korean dramas "ssi" means something like "mister" and it is used to address people formally (not between friends or lovers) so calling someone you're going out with and kissing and having sex using "ssi" is weird

Isn't blondie who calles uke-kun "Geonwoo-ssi" this and "Geonwoo-ssi" that? I think at first it's because he was his customer from the sex-shop (so he had to address him formally and respectfully) and then once they got closer, it naturally stayed as a seductive nickname. Since blondie's so much more experienced than him, it evens the odds a little.

Stupid yaoi. Honestly, who thinks it's romantic to lust after someone's ass and then claim to love them? That's not a thing! It's like if a guy saw a girl with huge boobs walking down the street and went to grope her then claim he fell in love with her! That's effing horrible and disgusting. I know most yaoi don't have much of a deep plot nor character development and I honestly do like some of those fluff without plot ones but even those make more sense than this one. The way this seme had an epiphany realizing he is in love just because he had a hard on when assalting the uke then recalled his roomate's speech is dumb

Can someone who can read Japanese tell me what the text says in the upper right panel? (see link)

They both have equally horrible characters but I find Ichi more irritating. At first, I hated Kou more but thinking about it, that's his character, Ichi should've said something like "I hate that you make me feel inferior just to feed your ego" if he hated his character. Instead he was getting too close to the other guy and feeding off Kou's insecurities.... Again, Kou isn't a saint but Ichi is much worse. You either tell your partner they're doing something that offends you/irritates you, you break up with them or you stay 100% faithful in the relationship that's it!

True. Also u can see a bit as to why Kou acted the way he did. He never really believed Ichi loved him. Cuz when he confessed Kou thought to himself that Ichi was only doing so so he could throw Kou away like to forget about him. For Kou that showed him that Ichi’s love in the beginning wasnt genuine I suppose. Kou could never understand where Ichi was coming seeing how twisted n rude he is to begin with. Ichi expected too much from a person he didn’t seem to really know is what it seemed like to me. So when Kou finally figured out HE was the one in love my heart broken for him. Kou isn’t ur normal so don’t treat n assume so. Communicate with ur damn words if ya wanna be heard.
Damn this turned out longer than I thought
hate it. The uke is too horrible. There is a limit to how much of an asshole you can be and how much you can hurt your partner. The seme is too good for him. He literally spent his life preparing to provide the uke with a better life but the uke still treated him life trash for the most part. Regret reading this definitely