this manhwa gives me the motivation to keep on living <3
anyway, i totally understand seyeong, specially since society (but korean specially) is still very homophobic, specifically inside gaming communities - but at the same time heejae is right, if you constantly live in fear and you refrain from doing all the things that make you happy, at the end when all is over, you'll have nothing and not even good memories to keep with you
i stopped reading on chapter like 40 something... is it worth catching up to? i remember enjoying the plot, but then i got super busy
The plot is pacing slowly, even their employer x dealer employee relationship seems to be going nowhere except for the constant physical intimacy, but the story's still as good due to the edging suspense. I also have a feeling that we might be getting to the wiki leaks soon. At the moment, the MC is back in his birth place and since he's pretty smart I'm sure he'll gain some clues from the trip. If you do enjoy the nice build-up plot, you should definitely continue xoxo
thank you!! <3 definitely gonna reread it then
you're more than welcome