Damned old lady >:( and he tian should have known his work schedule already. But why a middle schooler has to work so much? :((( I'm not sure whom I'm supposed to be angry with. All have their reasons ╥﹏╥

nono he's not a middle schooler. He's in high school and has to support his mother a great deal! It's pretty frequent in China actually. But yeah, pay taxes, food on the table, his mother doesn't have enough. :cc Mo is under so much stress arghh i hate it when mo and he tian fight. I want them to loooveee one another T^T

I remember from the beginning of the story they were in the last year of middle school. But apparently it meant 15 years old. Jy and ZZX were talking about going to same high school after. And they get back together 10 years later. Been huge fan of this since 2014 XD so know all chapters by heart haha
I think they won't depart on bad terms from Christmas specials.

They are in middle school.
All nice and well but in what sense a good emperor allow the placement of another monarch's people as they wish with no proper protocols? ( ̄∇ ̄") you'd also need more credibility for following the rest of the conditions.. Can we go back to the condition of Wolfgang bearing shin's children
go to horny jail *bonk