Legra's experience ( All 0 )

Legra's answer ( All 28 )

about question
Rape in story is really upsetting, sometimes im like "bruh really???" it can be frustrating when im into the story.. sometimes, putting such thing is to thicken the plot and other emotional journey esp when the genre is dark/psychological. but that genre is not for everyone. BUT the most frustrating is when there is rape when it's just a normal st......   reply
25 days
28 days
My goodness, being in many communities, i notice people always have issues with something thats like a nothingburger. like, YAOI, UKE, SEME, THEY ARE JAPANESE TERMS THAT WE ADOPT BECAUSE GUESS WHAT? We read YAOI mangas and they're from JAPAN! Wow!! Mindblowing! We also have the english version now because people dont like the japanese words, BL, TO......   3 reply
28 days
about question
i cut my hair yesterday and i currently have this exact hair style   reply
25 08,2024
about question
I prefer to masturbate than having real intercourse sex. Idk... I dont like when people touch me. I dont like excessive skinship which is sex, unfortunately.   1 reply
27 06,2024
about question
i want to get married but i dont wanna have kids. i have boyfriend but idk... we'll see if we have the same vision for the future. i dont mind being single if we dont match.   reply
27 06,2024

Legra's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did how are u guys doing in school

got a 25% on my first physics exam 0-0 at least with corrections i can get up to a B!

4 hours
want to do my first boyfriend

ive had 2 girlfriends but never a boyfriend and i rlly want one bc ive never had one

4 hours
did how are u guys doing in school


6 hours