What in the wattpad story LOL its so cringe esp in the beginning where the ML saved MC from her step sister and family. Read it until finish, its just whatever. The ML is very green flag.
wow its shit. basically MC spent time with 2nd ML and not so much with ML but still end up with ML. totally got blueballed.
idk if this is already shared but pray for your fav chinese danmei author cos they're about to get jailed
Over 50 writers of BL/Yaoi/Danmei fiction have been arrested in China and facing up to 5 years in prison.
Source: South China Morning Post, Haitang
I'm glad that the author didnt make the 2nd male lead suddenly shitty or a bad person or anything that force readers to dislike him. Normally authors do that. So I appreciate this author for making the 2nd ML so pleasantly nice. Ofc readers will experience 2nd ML syndrome but we can deal with it.
The rating is so low??? This is good tho?!?! At least 9+
Give me stories where the MC/FFL/uke is in higher position like duke or ceo and ML is commoner, knight or nobody/regular person.
there should be a continuation, i dont know which one is the title paid payback or payoff
its kinda annoying just because author doesnt want to write another alphaxomega, or betaxA/O anymore, they're making alphaxalpha but the essence is still omega characters.
I HOPE 2025
I marinated this for way too long its already ended 6 months ago LMAOOO
Now I'm gonna read this all at once
raw https://www.colamanga.com/manga-ci207257/ and also there's an MTL for this
s . n . o . w mtl <- just google this
Ahhh they had sex in raw but its not drawn even their kiss is censored i hate it
Merry Krisis
apparently BL with toxic red flag seme & r*pe scene are selling well. i think a lot of women have those fantasy and thinking that stories with green flag seme are boring. unfortunately thats the case, otherwise they wouldnt write such story.
I love the fact that author put "THIS IS HAESOO'S IMAGINATION" warning sign so big LMAO probably so the readers dont misunderstand.