I really enjoyed this manhwa but is it just me who was very confused on Kanggo’s character?(ーー;)
I couldn’t get a grasp of what kind of person he is since he seemed to have a personality switch a lot! He started as a rough guy and then turned into a playful guy, then he became clingy and a little bit of a crybaby? Whereas Kamin and the other lovable side characters remained easy to follow (´・Д・)」
That aside I adore how sweet their love was! The uncle’s story was heartwarming as well!!! Easily one of my favorites, I also really liked how Kanggo didn’t totally lose his keen sense of smell like another manhwa has treated the sixth sense trope. *^O^*

Ridiculously adorable!!!! I loved everything about Heesu and Seungwon’s relationship.
Dahm and Sunwoo however... (。 ︿ 。)
I understand Dahm’s choice those 8 years ago, but what was that epilogue?! It felt too weird and unnatural. I wish it would’ve had more details or have been slower!
Those two aside, this manhwa is definitely one of my favorites! My face hurts from smiling so much with how adorable the story was! (´▽`)

This manga absolutely destroyed me. I’ve watched and seen some other series but nothing compares to the utter despair that I felt with this. The author incredibly, by a superpower i’m convinced, managed to make it so even the antagonist couldn’t be totally resented. And it’s exactly what she wants. What Makima wants. I’m gonna lie down now.
I have some thoughts. I binged it all night and it was not worth the time. Benefit of the doubt, this is only the second story of this genre i’ve read. However, I still have issues with it.
I can’t wrap my head around Woohyun. Why did he get a happy ending? Of all the characters he deserves it the least. So he destroyed the one thing in his life he cares for just so he can keep using it all for his own desires? After everything that happened? He gets the end he wants?
I don’t particularly like any of the characters but I do believe Hayan should’ve got more out of this than what she was left with. I think a more satisfying ending for her would’ve been her success in that last attempt. That would’ve gone according to her plan, her final plan. Woohyun would experience hell. Because he wanted her since elementary it looks. Or if those two could’ve left together and lived without any interruption. That’s too optimistic for such a story though.
The story itself felt lacking. There were a lot of loose ends. So Soojin and that teacher just got buddy-buddy after she dropped? What happened afterwards? Did Woohyun never bring up Joohyuk’s feelings after he told him? Is Joohyuk satisfied? Why was Taemin’s death treated so lightly? What did the other students think?
A character I was disappointed in was Yoojung. If she stuck to her ideals at the end instead of crying about Woohyun never feeling anything for her I would’ve been fine with her. But that ruined it for me.
Overall I can’t say I would read this again. It really fell short with the way things ended.
yeah honestly i kept seeing this on ads on youtube lmfao so i read it and kept up with the updates until it ended, so disappointed