I cried every time for them, it's damn fuckin best.... I just can't wait for season two. The story is so awesome. It's really a legendary story. But one thing I feel bad about is the second prince. He loved Juju with his whole heart and never married anyone. It's actually quite rare. I feel bad about him.....

It's been so long!! Why aren't they updating?
is this really dropped? Hope it's not!!!! The manga is really awesome and also the female lead

Here it is (it says that the latest one is 78 but in the url link it's chapter 81):
It's truly insulting. After reading the chapter where they were fuckin in the church, I totally stopped reading this shit. It's totally an insult to the church and the father. I'm not even a Christian but I respect their religion. Everyone should respect each other whether they are atheist or religious.