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Yoongis_litterbox November 27, 2023 6:39 am

Bro the translator notes are so fcking annoying, some of the memes were funny but I can’t enjoy the damn story if it feels like I’m being shamed for every single chapter I finish

    titty sucker November 28, 2023 4:55 am

    Lmfaoooo what I’m fucking saying!!

    S-J-M November 28, 2023 4:59 pm

    She's living in a fantasy world where she thinks he's an innocent angel and we and the author is shit yet here she is translating and pushing that shitty ass fanfiction lol

    JINLOVEMITSUYA January 17, 2024 6:31 am

    To S-J-M=you still talking shit ,i asked you which one is worst minho ,duna and cha wookyung .you cant even answer that .fictional character or real life people ,people like minho exist you fool .and someone mentioned author herself said she would find therapy on her twitter .

    manga puppy March 11, 2024 2:23 pm
    To S-J-M=you still talking shit ,i asked you which one is worst minho ,duna and cha wookyung .you cant even answer that .fictional character or real life people ,people like minho exist you fool .and someone me... JINLOVEMITSUYA

    If people like that do exist, then the author didn’t a great job of portraying and reminding us that not all relationships are fluffs. Things like this do exist. Pretty or not.

    manga puppy March 11, 2024 2:24 pm
    To S-J-M=you still talking shit ,i asked you which one is worst minho ,duna and cha wookyung .you cant even answer that .fictional character or real life people ,people like minho exist you fool .and someone me... JINLOVEMITSUYA

    The author did*** a great At portraying the characters, I mean.

    S-J-M March 11, 2024 4:35 pm

    @JINLOVEMITSUYA So you believe dumb shit like that lol there's no hope for you child, to touch grass. He was an absolute 100% shit character, period. I know people like him. The author didn't say she'd get therapy, what an absolute moron. She wrote a story. It wasn't even half as fucked up as other stories, not even the BL side one. Grow up.

    JINLOVEMITSUYA March 11, 2024 5:10 pm
    Lmfaoooo what I’m fucking saying!! titty sucker

    @S-J-M so stupid you like i said someone said author mentioned she would find therapy you fool .you dumbass,for trusting author .yeah kid like you think he is shit character because you live in alice wonderland (๑•ㅂ•)و✧. you don't know people like him ,you just pathetic reader for trusting an author for released her stress through a character ,so stupid you moron .i was not sure author said she would find therapy or not ,that's what i read from other people but i don't think people will lie for that ,you kindergarten kid

    JINLOVEMITSUYA March 11, 2024 5:14 pm
    If people like that do exist, then the author didn’t a great job of portraying and reminding us that not all relationships are fluffs. Things like this do exist. Pretty or not. manga puppy

    @S-J-M loser you blocked me kid FIRST ,now you talking about grow up .you need to grow up first kid

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