Kilo May 2, 2017 1:23 pm

My heart... Is BLESSED WITH FLUFF! That ending was really touching! NomexYuki I seriously love the Ja nai kedo series.

Kilo April 21, 2017 3:54 am

Honestly I'm in love with this story and all the characters, but Logan is the best. He's basically the comic relief when stuff gets "intense". Love my boy Logan <3

Kilo March 15, 2017 5:21 am

Literally one person has died so far and his death legitimately broke my heart. Fujishiro literally died without knowing what the damn monkey toy dragged drum into... Can I rip that toy? :)

Anyways, I LOVE this story so far, the plot is amazing and I really look forward to more. I'm dying to know the story for Romeo. :9

Kilo February 5, 2017 11:34 am

There should be a doujin with Asami and Takaba as high school students because High school Asami be looking fine as hell~ (Small Takaba is adorable!)

Kilo December 5, 2016 2:45 pm

I kind of expected more. (The final weapon summoning was pretty cool. ) I mean the whole concept had so much potential, it could have been much longer than it originally is. I fell in love with the Alice in Wonderland theme and I wish sensei pursued it even more because it's a unique idea.

Gaitou Alice was a great read it was cute with a good sprinkle of action.

I wish there was a little more backstory for all the characters, like, a more in depth story. Sensei gave the backstory of each main character just like that.

Overall, minus a few more tidbits, the entirety of Gaitou Alice was amazing. I wish I could've seen more colored in pages~

Kilo November 8, 2016 12:18 pm

So far these two chapters weren't scary at all, but it seems a BIT psychological though. I mean the second story is a pretty good example, especially the student. Anyways, right now it's a 'so-so' anthrro.

Kilo October 17, 2016 2:24 pm

Lf> Kenji x Yocchan's story. To be QUITE blunt I skipped majority of Yuuji and Saburou's story because I didn't find it interesting. It's, like someone down in the comments said, too cliché and I find their story boring. Nothing is really happening, plus Yuuji is too much of a blushy airhead.. (Too many stories with bottoms like that.) I mean it's nice to read a story with his type of chara, but it has to have a limit, so to speak. I prefer Kenji's because it has development between him and Yocchan, it's not all about "getting to have sex" plus Kenji had a small backstory. Wishing Kenji has his own story with Yocchan. (Though someone down the comments posted a link regarding them, but it's focused on the bald guy)

Kilo September 15, 2016 5:55 am

Wow, looking back to the very first chapter of TG and comparing it to the redraw, I can say that there is quite the change in art style. I like it! Nothing beats the 'classic' TG art but the redraw was so clean and that's nice. :)

I wonder if he's going to redraw the WHOLE series especially TG:RE once it's finished. I'd love to see the finished product of the redraw and compare the whole series to the redraw just to see the amazing difference. Can't wait!

    JayTheBirdFlyZ March 7, 2018 5:07 pm

    That would take a butt-load of time, so probably not, but its a cool thought!

Kilo July 4, 2016 9:01 am

I accidentally hit a random chapter of this manga while I was browsing the 'Updated' section and oh my fucking god, that chapter was DETAILED. I love horror/gore stuff but I can't stand it. (Such logic). I'm now addicted to this manga and I'm excited/scared to read it.

    FujoshiBG.MMX August 21, 2016 7:16 pm

    I just screamed NOOOOO! when I finished it! Even thought I kinda nnnhe ... Wow I can't describe... Kay I've gotta take a rest from this Haha

    Tahleilovesmanga February 3, 2017 9:12 am

    What chapter was it??

Malo July 3, 2016 6:16 am

This manga is the type that has the fluffy as fuck moments that you can't help but tear up because it's cute as hell. I can't even. Feels too strong. Conceal don't feel, don't let them know. -sniffles in corner-

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