Kilo August 30, 2018 9:18 pm

I live for this manga, it's funny af! I hope this is a long series of just househusband adventures, it'd also be awesome to see this as an anime tbh I'd be satisfied with just 1 episode, I just wanna see it in action :D

Kilo May 5, 2018 3:38 pm

This story seems nice. The art isn't bad either, it's simple.

Kilo April 1, 2018 11:41 am

Hyungsuk, walk up to Jiho, punch him in the god damn face and demand an answer from the piece of shit! We all know you're a soft guy but CMON for ONCE break character and show that little asshole a piece of your mind! Seeing this arc's title Hyungsuk's other body will probably be at its worse, no doubt about that.

Honestly the previous arc had some decent light shedding upon Jiho near the last parts. Too bad the asshole ruined it for himself because he's such a self-victimizing piece of trash. Honestly... They helped your ass from fraud which could've landed you in jail, and THIS is how you repay them? Especially Hyungsuk.. Now your actions could land your ass back in jail again. If the author makes the characters forgive Jiho later on, I'm going to lose my mind.

Enough complaining from me.. I'm pretty sure we all pray for the best for Hyungsuk and his other body in the later arcs.

Kilo March 18, 2018 10:01 am

As much as I love this whole story and characters, the amount of conclusion jumping is ridiculous. Like holy shit doesn't anyone think of possibilities real quick? Bet once the next fight arc starts, there's going to be so much misunderstanding and denial like usual.

Other than that, bless that this current arc has been finalized (minus the aftermath). I pray to the lord Jiho learns from this, this whole event was a huge ass slap of reality to him. Amen to Vasco too, strong yet soft boy lul.

Looking forward to more.

Kilo February 18, 2018 6:29 pm

Finally! Jin sung told off Jiho how he never saw them as friends, he just used them for his own gain and then played the victim afterward. Talked some dam sense into him after all these chapters. I pray he doesn't do stupid shit like this arc in the future...

Kilo September 30, 2017 3:55 pm

The author really knows how to make very ugly faces on despicable people. Props to him.

Dude, I wouldn't even go back to my house if there was a possibility of a housebreak. He should do scouting, perhaps stay with someone and at a certain time, go to his house at certain times to see if anything is up. Or yaknow, call Jae Yeol .

    noobody September 30, 2017 4:04 pm

    But then what would he do with the body he isn't using at the time? He has to go back and check on it since he left it there

    Kilo September 30, 2017 4:24 pm
    But then what would he do with the body he isn't using at the time? He has to go back and check on it since he left it there noobody

    I guess I forgot to add that little part, but true. Although this may sound like a terrible idea, it seems it could be an effective way to get the stalker. If it's a possibility, they could probably try and use a body as bait to lure her, in a sense. Hyungsuk could switch bodies, one is outside and obviously the other is at home. If he switches, he has a chance at seeing the girl in his house. Some of his friends could be stationed outside as back up and some with his K.O.d body. Could work, could not, it's just a little thought.

    noobody September 30, 2017 4:41 pm

    Hmmm, probably. I'll keep that in mind for when I get a stalker and I've left my spare body at home, lol. Just in case.
    I guess HyunSuk didnt want to bother his friends until he was absolutely sure. But from the way things look, his pig body isnt too safe anymore. (⊙…⊙ )

Kilo September 1, 2017 1:47 pm

Find a man who looks and cherishes you like Jaeyeol.

Kilo July 20, 2017 4:44 pm

This relieves me from stress, cleans pollution, makes the world go round, it's so pure of happiness I just can't.

Kilo June 4, 2017 5:05 pm

Ishida really loves large time skips.. It's kinda annoying sometimes. Guess we all gotta wait for moReEE to understand the plot agAIn

Kilo May 29, 2017 8:54 am

Honestly this plot is fucked, and not in a good way. What I mean by fucked is that, it's terribly cliché and has a shitty plot in general (in my opinion). The development of the plot was messy and (I guess ch. 4 is the climax) was mediocre even with explanation for prior chapters. I kept reading just for the shits and giggles. I feel this should just be shounen ai, sex at this point just ruins the flow of the story even more (in my opinion).

    annehime May 29, 2017 10:21 am

    There are people who actually BUY manga and not just read it for free. They buy manga like this because they prefer this plot. Meanwhile, you are reading it for free amidst thousands of manga selection other than this. It's all about perspective. Look at it from a point of view of someone who actually spends money on manga and wants this kind of plot.

    Mimì the kitty May 29, 2017 11:21 am
    There are people who actually BUY manga and not just read it for free. They buy manga like this because they prefer this plot. Meanwhile, you are reading it for free amidst thousands of manga selection other th... annehime

    Well, even if I am grateful to who scans mangas that simply doesn't mean that I can't criticise it or simply comment and discuss about things I didn't like

    Kilo May 29, 2017 8:36 pm
    There are people who actually BUY manga and not just read it for free. They buy manga like this because they prefer this plot. Meanwhile, you are reading it for free amidst thousands of manga selection other th... annehime

    Buying the manga has no correlation as to what I said. Why would I look from a buyers perspective, a person who likes the work, while I don't? Also, what does money have to do with my critique lol? Me reading this out if all the mangas there are isn't a bad thing, I chose to give this story a shot, no harm done. However I will criticize it because that's how I feel it is.

    Kilo May 29, 2017 8:37 pm
    Well, even if I am grateful to who scans mangas that simply doesn't mean that I can't criticise it or simply comment and discuss about things I didn't like Mimì the kitty


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