It'll always be satisfying seeing Ewon shut down Jiho for his shit tbhhh.. Like Ewon said, he had no reason to be slapped by Jiho, and it's stupid of Jiho to think that he has all the rights to mess with Ewon after breaking up.
Whole Jiho spiel will always irk me
I love this manhwa, but I'll never like Jiho no matter how many times I read this. l0l

Are you serious ? " he had no reason to be slapped by Jiho" soooo you mean that if someone you KNOW sleep with your current lover you wouldn't want to slap them ? (after they talk badly to your face and disrespect you to boot)
They deserve it as much as your "lover" who cheated. Ewon more than deserved it.
And Ewon never seriously shut down Jiho, his thoughts in the next panel shows that he did it to allow Jiho to move on, he simply wanted Jiho to hate him by taking all the blame (that he deserved and admitted).
I never got the hate towards Jiho, did he have the right to put Ewon against Mookyul for revenge ? No, but Ewon was far from being a saint, he used Jiho, cheated on him, hurt him and then dared to ask him to forgive him.
I love Ewon but in his story with Jiho he has 80% of the blame.

Years have passed since I've watched the original anime, and with the notice of FB having a remake I was so excited. FB was one of the very first animes I've loved as a kid. After many years, I've finally decided to read this manga to complete the story which the anime hasn't told us. I'm glad and I've come to love this story much more. I've watched the released subbed episodes of the 2019 version and I'm in love once again. Fruits Basket will always be in my heart!

Now this is the good shit I look for in action mangas or webtoons.
No romance just pure fights and goodness. (I don't have a problem with some romance in some action comics, but personally I feel like it can ruin the flow of the story or change it completely.)
I'm glad I took the chance to read this webtoon(the cover art was bad ass so I dipped into it) and I look forward to how Sung will develop! Completely hooked
What happens after Ch 11? Ch 12 is just a re-post of Ch 11, but Ch 13 starts off as if they did something after the alleyway when Gam grabs him? Is there a missing chapter or is that bad mini timeskip intentional TT?
Ch. 12 is missing I went to another site to read it