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Kat, you commented a spoiler, and I read it, and after rereading this comic, I agree with you completely, and would now like to expand on this theory a bit myself too.

My current thinking is this: Three years ago, Aryka (when he was still a human) saw Vince and his older step-brother (Yoen) kiss in that music room. Understandably, Aryka was devastated, because not only did Yoen betray him, as Yoen was supposedly only going to be friends with Vince, not whatever the fuck Yoen actually did and keep that entirely from his little brother, who was legit the reason he even got close to Vince in the first place. (Just wanna wish the biggest fuck you to Yoen. Thank you for nothing, you piece of shit. I hope you have a horrible future, you pinche pendejo.) But I can only image the hurt and heartbreak Aryka experienced that moment when he saw his crush kissing his (piece of shit) older step-brother.

I'm rather sure that Yoen's suicide, that Yoen and Aryka's parents so nicely blamed on Vince, is actually...Aryka's suicide. Which pains my own heart to type, but it makes sense: Aryka passed away three years ago, and even Lord Barachiel* himself stated that it was rumored that Aryka was "imperfectly formed". So for him to be an imperfectly formed dream watcher, suicide would as to why he was "imperfectly formed", because his death wasn't natural, Aryka caused his own death, and I feel that's what interrupted what would have been his perfect formation into a dream watcher.

There seemed to have been a glimpse of Aryka attempting to question Yoen about his motives, about why he got "that" close to Vince, especially when knowing his little brother was the one that felt some sort of pull towards Vince. I'm thinking that after asking this, Yoen finally opens his mouth and spews out all the horrible truths that Aryka doesn't deserve to hear. Words that will only try and paint Yoen as some victim, and that it wasn't Yoen's fault that Vince ended up falling in love with him. He'll likely throw some digs at Aryka and their parents, and just purposely end up hurting Aryka with whatever else he might say.

I can only say that Yoen is a horrible person, far more horrible than anyone could've imagined. We get glimpses of his terrible personality when he's with Vince, but now that we (the readers of this comic) have gotten glimpses of him beyond Vince's POV, thanks to Aryka recovering his human memories, I think we can all agree on the fact that Yoen is one hell of a piece of shit. Oh yeah, and fuck Vince for falling for that asshole, and getting so fucking obsessed with him (excuse me so I can go throw up now). I'm also in the camp of Vince not deserving Aryka. What Aryka truly deserves is a hell of a betterperson to love and cherish him, and only him. Someone that will pick him first, and keep it that way.

Anyways, to bring my theory to a close: as Kat mentioned, I too think Yoen is actually still alive somewhere out there. I'm not entirely sure how things would work for it to happen, but I'm absolutely positive that the true person buried under that grave that Vince visited, is Aryka. Maybe their parents switched their identities, so that "Yoen" died, but "Arrie" continued to live. The darkest part of my brain though, says that since Aryka was such a sickly child, and wasn't the best student, when he committed suicide, they pulled it off so that it was "Yoen" who did so instead. Maybe they felt shame (at the suicide? that their son, Arrie, was in love with a man? I don't know), but they were unwilling for it to be reported that Arrie was the one who passed, so why not pin that down on Yoen and just...switch them up? Since it seems like virtually no one actually knew they were brothers to begin with.

There's bound to be more we will found out about Aryka's past, and I'm honestly dying to know more. But I'm also so incredibly nervous, because I'm sure we can all feel that what's to come will only be bad and mean even more heartache for our precious Aryka. I just want to steal him away from Vince, give him the biggest hug, and protect him from all that is to come.

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10 10,2023