rhis is my prediction for the identity of Yura's crush: I bet its either a dead childhood friend of the both of them (Yura and nurse guy), or their old teacher. Yura's always talking about preserving the proof that other students lived there and shit, plus the nurse seems to know the guy. I also think that, if it's a dead childhood friend, he killed himself jumping from that rooftop
I liked this chapter, I was scared the spy was Yona since she's my favorite so I cried LOL but it was the other maid huh, not bad. But I dont really see Nine as the male lead, I was hoping Melissa would get with Yuri *sigh*
rhis is my prediction for the identity of Yura's crush: I bet its either a dead childhood friend of the both of them (Yura and nurse guy), or their old teacher. Yura's always talking about preserving the proof that other students lived there and shit, plus the nurse seems to know the guy. I also think that, if it's a dead childhood friend, he killed himself jumping from that rooftop