Hell yea!! Sometimes I wish I was a little worm that looked like a catipillar but lived forever so people who look after new butterflys will take me in and will wait MONTH, YEARS before kicking me out because I stayed a little worm who ate all their food. Headlines about me will be made, anytime I get stomped on I revive and continue my never endin......
frl, to the point im boutta start answering shit and im a full-time lurker
my favs mmmmc yeah funny fuckja mm yeahh so funny mmmmmm yeah best memes top ten favourtie mmm yeahejjeje focooo cock balls mmm yeah ihaveneverusedanyoftheseinmywholelifenotbecauseidontlikethembutbecauseihavenoreasontonoonetosendthemtowhythedoievensavethemwhatsthepointmaybeimjustplanningforthefuture?yeahasifyoufuckintwerp
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