I'm with MC on this one(kinda). You know how I feel about my sexuality and how society views homosexuals and you want to have this intimate conversation in the middle of the busy train station?! I asked to talk somewhere else and you say no... like this is more than just a little anxiety this is fear of losing my family and the life I knew...
Also people asking how he can sleep around without said fear aren't considering that many of the people he engaged with also feel that way. He SHOULD be able to feel comfortable around people like him as well as having the cover of night life.

I agree that MC should have already disclosed that he was fucking around alot! That should have been resolved right after they saw each other in the gay bar haha but yk plot devices. I think my main problem is how the seme seems to invalidate the MC by saying no one is listening yk? I think they need to sit down and have an intimate conversation without kissing to fix it TT

Agree..... As I said ML should try to be careful and think about MC's feeling about being open in public.... But I genuinely think the miscommunication problems are mainly happening because of MC cause he just want to hide shits..... I feel ML is trying to communicate as much as possible except he is trying to do it in the wrong freaking place.....
Danny boy got his parents together!! Gahh this is so cute!!(≧∀≦)