“aInT sHe sUPPosE 2 bE 18?!1!?1! WHy iS sHe sO wEAk?!” Damn, if you don’t like her then read something else. Y’all sit on this site all day just to read stories y’all don’t like? Find something else to read, no one is holding you here.
Y’all hate to see softer, more timid women in stories but you’ll sit on your fake wokeness talking about “support all women” when you don’t even want to see more timid and soft women, proving to me you’re fake. You can’t support and love “girl power” without loving all types of women. I’m tired of this site and it’s deep hate for women like this, y’all always wanna read the same fucking stories over and over again with the same type of FL.. hyper masculine, loud, always trying to start an argument, and being difficult. Well not all women are like that, not all women WANT to be like that and not all women wanna READ stories like that. As someone who prefers softness over the stereotypical “tough girl” I’m glad to see our FL.
She went back to being a child so it’s not surprising she acts and feels like one. What do y’all want from her? A lot of 18 year olds still act like children because your
mind hasn’t fully developed until you’re 25, she was abused and neglected her whole childhood what the fuck do you expect? She didn’t have friends to communicate with, she didn’t have anyone around her so ofc she’s going to be a bit more back mentally than other kids her age. Once again if you don’t like this story go find another one. I’m sure you can find a story like this with someone who fits what you want to read.

The ending was bad. Just flat out bad.. It’s taken forever for this manga to update and when it finally did I had forgotten most of the story. So I had to do a quick jog through memory lane and my final thoughts on this whole manga is it’s.. meh. That’s it. Just meh. Nothing too spicy, nothing too dull.
The sex scenes weren’t bad at all but they weren’t amazing. They were just average sex scenes.
I loved the FL. I think she was so cute, and like I said before we don’t see plus size FL often so seeing her I immediately fell for her. She’s also got a softer, more timid personality which I love to see since this day in age it’s all about “tough girls” forgetting some girls just wanna be soft. It always makes me happy to see girls like her in more stories! Im tired of all these fake woke comments about hating softer women on this site but at the same time talking about some “support all girls”. When y’all don’t even wanna uplift women who don’t exhibit hyper masculine traits. She was cute and I liked her. The ML on the other hand was bland in looks but he was sweet and that’s all that mattered in the end. I can’t remember anyone else who showed up in the manga because like I said I did a light jog in re-reading this manga for the final so I don’t remember anyone else in the slightest.
Overall this manga isn’t one i’ll be re-reading anytime soon just due to the ending and the fact that the lacking parts in this manga out weight the positive. It is one I’ll recommend to a friend if they want a manga with a plus size FL.

I see quite a few people talking about how they don’t understand the story but I do and I don’t blame others for not understanding. I don't think it’s because they just don’t understand I think it’s because the story is going so fast and we’re being thrown so much information at once. It’s almost as if we’re flying through the story so far. The pacing for this feels.. off.
Not only is the pacing strange but the character design isn’t the best, our FL isn’t ugly by far, in fact she’s very pretty (I’m a sucker for pink hair so I’m gonna be bias so take that with a grain of salt.) but the fact that it’s brought up that’s she’s supposed to be this great beauty every 5 minutes in each chapter is so forceful.. it doesn’t feel genuine. Feels like the author is trying to force us to agree she’s beautiful, like every time she’s mentioned they talk about her beauty. It’s off putting and doesn’t feel natural. The ML design and his brothers design is the biggest problem i have with this story, they all look alike. If you’re someone like me and you have trouble with faces then this is going to be your worst nightmare. The ONLY different in appearances between them is the hair length and earrings. That’s it, I was struggling to figure out who was who during the first 5 chapters.
But Their personalities are all different enough where it helps you be able to tell who’s who and that helps a lot, the FL personality isn’t anything special or unique, she’s your average “I don’t need no man” hyper masculine trait character who only has a soft spot of ML. ML is boring and your average hero and the brothers are.. well you’ve got the usual rough/ can’t hold their tongue type and the other is the calmer logical one.
This so far isn’t the most interesting story but I’ll continue it only because she has pink hair. Yeah, that’s the only reason.

It’s just pet play. That’s it, the people in the comments are acting like this was some extreme, wild, shit. It’s literally just her getting fucked with a collar on and a tail. At one point a dog does actually lick her neck and while her and her “master” are fucking he tells her to show her pum pum to the animals in the cages and that’s it, I read this originally because the comments made this seems super fucking weird so I was interested but in reality it wasn’t. If this is wild and gross to y’all then I’m assuming a lot of the commenters have not read a hentai outside the genre vanilla before. That’s not an insult by any means but this wasn’t extreme or shocking.
Read it or don’t. It’s up to you, it’s not amazing nor is it horrible. Story feels rushed but I mean it’s only two chapters so I didn’t expect too much but it could have been better.
I think it would be a nice twist if she said “you know what? No, I don’t want to be a mage.” And just went against the odds.