1evis1ittlea$$hole October 4, 2020 12:42 am

Donald and Gray are my guilty ship and they haven't even met, I just want to see Gray get dommed by Donald cause I'm trash lmao

    Papibigbum October 6, 2020 12:05 pm

    (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Aho Fujoshi October 6, 2020 12:59 pm

    Cheers sister(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Ark October 6, 2020 1:16 pm

    Im the Other Way Around Lmao !!(≧∀≦)

    1evis1ittlea$$hole October 7, 2020 7:24 am
    FUCK I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ Papibigbum

    YOU'RE NOT(๑•ㅂ•)و✧ we need to make a fanclub bruh

    I'm straight up already about to write a fanfic of them lmao

    1evis1ittlea$$hole October 7, 2020 7:24 am
    Cheers sister(๑•ㅂ•)و✧ Aho Fujoshi

    Cheers on our good tastes! (▰˘◡˘▰)

    1evis1ittlea$$hole October 7, 2020 7:26 am
    Im the Other Way Around Lmao !!(≧∀≦) Ark

    Wait so like Gray as a dom? That'd be hot af too especially with that dong of his XD he does have vers energy

    IShouldProbBeDoingHw October 8, 2020 3:16 am

    bruh i didn’t even think was a thing until now..... and i’m not complaining (⊙…⊙ )

    Ark October 8, 2020 6:00 am
    Wait so like Gray as a dom? That'd be hot af too especially with that dong of his XD he does have vers energy 1evis1ittlea$$hole

    Y e a h !
    Welp if that happened
    I'd really love it

    Papibigbum October 8, 2020 6:50 am
    Wait so like Gray as a dom? That'd be hot af too especially with that dong of his XD he does have vers energy 1evis1ittlea$$hole

    This is even more realistic since the newest chapter. The way he was doing the umbrella spank.

1evis1ittlea$$hole October 4, 2020 8:44 am

(there are spoilers for the most recent chapter)

Shit bout to pop off next chapter, I really want to see how everyone reacts to what Min Hyuk does next. I can't wait to read it in English finally since we get to hear more of Min Hyuk's internal thoughts. I love/hate Min Hyuk's sneaky ass, you know he bout to risk it all for Sooyoung's bussy.

That reminds me, I noticed a trend. Is it me or do dudes go absolute batshit after hitting that Sooyoung bussy just once lmao. Like Mafia Daddy got all possessive and was about to risk his reputation to murder Ji Song. Ji Song became even more obsessed over Sooyoung after hitting it and Min Hyuk....let's just say Sooyoung is causing a rift in the mafia family.

On the last chapter I think Min Hyuk was plotting something against Mafia Daddy. He said something like "Sooyoung is his weakness". Sure looks like he might be planning to take Mafia Daddy down through the new villains who also got beef with Mafia Daddy. Especially since he realized his love in unrequited, he sexually assaulted Sooyoung but still craved for Soo to come to him willing. Ever since it seems he's been consumed with jealousy, he knows Sooyoung really is falling for Mafia Daddy. Woo, damn son Sooyoung's bussy must be made out of fucking magic, he bout to start a whole gang war within the ranks XD

Anyway, I'm a little sad Min Hyuk turned out to be a rapey weirdo because they had such a good and almost wholesome chemistry. They even saved each other when they first met, I would've really rooted for him but oh well. I do like him as a challenging "love rival" though (even though I'm not sure if he's trying to kill Soo or not tbh) he stirs things up and he's hard to read, definitely an entertaining character. Can't wait for Mafia Daddy to end that nigga though, he's going to lose his shit I just know it.

1evis1ittlea$$hole September 17, 2020 8:36 am

Ah, I see y'all hate Seungho once again

1evis1ittlea$$hole May 28, 2020 7:41 am

eww don't ruin the best spin off ever, Eren wasn't even born back then lmao

    Aliyat February 15, 2021 2:37 am

    People like different things so shut up like keep your unpopular opinion to your self

1evis1ittlea$$hole May 25, 2020 8:41 pm


Get away from my baby you evil white-haired pretty boy! Poor Suyoung just attracts nothing but bad boys I feel so sorry for him ( ̄∇ ̄")

I must admit the last scene was really well done! Minhyuk was like a predator slowly encroaching on his prey it was thrilling and ominous all at once. This development was planted from the beginning and it still managed to excite me. I think Minhyuk was attracted to him ever since Suyoung saved him but it's obvious that his interest in Suyoung magnified once he saw mafia daddy kiss Suyoung.

Minhyuk gives me psycho vibes and he seems to have trouble maintaining romantic interest with anyone so it makes sense that he would pursue a much more thrilling and challenging courtship. He saw how mafia daddy went apeshit over Suyoung, he knows how risky it is to lust for Suyoung, but it makes him much more tantalizing and tempting because there's an element of danger there. Messing around with the boss' lover has got to be a power trip for him, this guy is nuts I tell you.

I just hope he doesn't rape Suyoung in the next chapter, he probably will but one can hope he stops himself. I think he's hot but I get bad vibes from him, I don't think he's right for Suyoung so I personally prefer Tae-seung(Mafia Daddy) and Suyoung since daddy treats him right (I honestly never understood ppl cheering on toxic semes, it's like they don't care about the main character being happy or something).

Besides, it's obvious that Suyoung is developing feelings for mafia daddy. I love the part where he agonizes over another memory of Jisong abusing him but then the memory of mafia daddy kissing him pops up and he instantly starts blushing. It was fucking adorable seeing how mafia daddy's love is erasing his trauma, that's so romantic and touching. Not to mention how even tho mafia daddy is over-protective he still respects Suyoung's need for independence and gives him a safer job to support himself (even tho he wants to keep him safe in his home and be his sugar daddy apparently lmao). I

I think Minhyuk is super interesting but he ain't boyfriend material imo, I predict he'll be a pretty fun antagonist that will spice things up. I could be wrong tho, if he does decide to not be a rapist and actually tries to win Suyoung's heart I would be more on board with them being together.

Either way mafia daddy might end up murdering him for even touching Suyoung, I can't wait to see his jealous side

    Miindo May 27, 2020 12:04 am

    Thank you so much!! I love your summaries, though I don't share your enthusiasm for the Mafia daddy character, let's not forget how violently he attacked Suyeong on their first encounter.
    But I agree that of all 3 pretenders, Mafia boss is the best choice for Suyeong.

    jujulolilol May 27, 2020 3:00 am

    Why is everyone talking about chapter 20 when I only see one chapter out?

    Cici May 27, 2020 10:51 pm
    Why is everyone talking about chapter 20 when I only see one chapter out? jujulolilol


    1evis1ittlea$$hole May 28, 2020 7:37 am
    Thank you so much!! I love your summaries, though I don't share your enthusiasm for the Mafia daddy character, let's not forget how violently he attacked Suyeong on their first encounter. But I agree that of al... Miindo

    Yea I get you! I might seem bias but I'm well aware that Mafia Daddy's a morally gray character. I guess I'm just stuck on his really good character development because sadly dark webcomics don't always do a good job developing the love interest into a likable character. He totally was a dick in the beginning which is why Suyoung has his guard up in the first place, I just appreciate how much effort the author actually puts into writing a realistic slow burn.

    There's no rape to love, no Suyoung falling for him out of nowhere, Mafia Daddy actually does the work necessary to get Suyoung to trust him and like him. It feels more realistic and sensible and isn't just a lazy romantic plot line with hot dudes, it feels more human I guess. Plus it creates much better pacing for the story imo. Not to mention Mafia Daddy actually feels remorse for hurting Suyoung and has apologized more than once when he crossed boundaries with him, he started showing respect for Suyoung after he punched him lmao jk jk

    Okay, so maybe I /do/ have a soft spot for Mafia Daddy XD. Thanks btw, I'm surprised anyone reads my long winded ass summaries so I appreciate it <3

    DrowsyMamacita May 29, 2020 7:38 am
    Yea I get you! I might seem bias but I'm well aware that Mafia Daddy's a morally gray character. I guess I'm just stuck on his really good character development because sadly dark webcomics don't always do a go... 1evis1ittlea$$hole

    I love these! Keep them coming! Haha

    Sh.8env May 30, 2020 3:56 am
    Yea I get you! I might seem bias but I'm well aware that Mafia Daddy's a morally gray character. I guess I'm just stuck on his really good character development because sadly dark webcomics don't always do a go... 1evis1ittlea$$hole

    Can you tell me why did he hit him in ch3 and kidnapped him? Why did he take him I saw the Raws but I didn’t understand anything

    DrowsyMamacita May 30, 2020 4:01 am
    Can you tell me why did he hit him in ch3 and kidnapped him? Why did he take him I saw the Raws but I didn’t understand anything Sh.8env

    He is trying to collect a debt from him that his father took out. MC replied by saying he doesn’t have a dad and Mafia Daddy laughed asking him if he really thought he hasn’t heard that excuse before.

1evis1ittlea$$hole April 30, 2020 2:47 pm

If only Nakyum would get with the Nameless bara dude instead, would be cute for him to change his mind about killing Nakyum after seeing his horrible situation. I do not expect that of course, I'm just kind of tired of Nakyum having abusive assholes as his only options. It would be nice if the dude turned out to be the /good/ option since we don't have anything even CLOSE to that yet. Hell, even if he ends up not being a permanent character I would love that plot twist, it would balance things out and give the audience someone different to root for.

I'm so happy Nakyum at least seems to be freeing himself from Inhun. When he said to throw that picture of Inhun away I honestly couldn't be more happy for him, and he did it with such a genuine smile which is rare to see. I just fear that he may fall into the same cycle of abuse with Seungho, Nakyum seems to be drawn to abusive sociopaths which probably stems from his own trauma. Even Seungho was questioning his desperation cause he knows he mistreats Nakyum smh.

Nakyum made an unreadable face at the end, let's hope it was him thinking with a clearer mind about this whole situation. Can't wait to meet the Nameless bara next season, hope he isn't just some boring villain cause that would be a waste of potential (and all that big dick energy). Wish bara daddy could do a 180 and help Nakyum instead, wishful thinking I know ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

1evis1ittlea$$hole April 30, 2020 1:18 pm

The Nameless One is attractive and huge,

Oh fuck me.

    fi$hNett April 30, 2020 1:21 pm

    How did u know his huge? u mean down there? whahaha just kidding

1evis1ittlea$$hole April 30, 2020 1:01 pm


This is getting so interesting! In chapter 16 we see a little bit of Suyoung and Jisong's past and it seems like something about them being caught by the boxing director made Su want to leave the gym? Which we already kinda knew but I didn't realize he wanted to leave even while he was healthy. Is the director homophobic or something? Or were they not allowed to date for professional reasons. Who knows but I think mafia daddy beat his ass a couple chapters ago when he was looking for Jisong lmao I hope it was that mf

Anyways, we get to see more possessive Jisong who was clearly trying to coerce Suyoung into staying for a while. Seems like their relationship always was a bit unhealthy from the beginning. I must say the mangaka is very VERY good at drawing intense sex scenes (and intense scenes in general); He almost seems to fuck Suyoung into submission, using rough sex (rape?) to take out his frustrations, even squeezing Su's ankle in a vice grip when he made Suyoung promise not leave. The whole scene was very symbolic (almost like it was foreshadowing Su's leg injury). That part really showed the extent of his obsession over Suyoung and his need to own him beyond just being boyfriends. Almost like a really extreme co-dependency for Suyoung. Jisong is a dick but I must admit I find him very interesting, I want to know why he is the way he is.

And god I love Suyoung, I know he's using mafia daddy to cope with all the pain he's going through but I low key love how feisty and aggressive he is. That mf might not be able to walk but he's still strong let's not get it twisted lol he threw that nigga down and was like "Give me that dick bruh." they both are addicted to the other at this point lmao. I love their dynamic so much, how it's still spicy but developed into something more caring and less abusive (unlike how many main couples in yaoi tend to develop).

Mafia daddy continues to pleasantly surprise me by being a much more protective and compassionate guy than I expected. After he got to know Suyoung he's been turning into a lil softie with him. He definitely is weak to him and it was hot seeing Suyoung beg for him and seeing him try his best to resist <3 and then he looked so worried when Suyoung fainted (again). I have such a weakness for love interests who are only soft for the MC, I can't help it. Suyoung is really bringing out another side of him that even his subordinates are surprised by it seems.

Speaking of subordinates, that sadistic white-haired dude is now getting interested in Suyoung and I think it's safe to say that he's gonna need some comfort for that future hurt. I have a feeling this will not end well for Suyoung. I also fear that Suyoung might be used as a weak link to hurt Mafia Daddy. I smell some betrayal happening soon, Suyoung might start some Helen of Troy type shit within the syndicate if the white-haired guy and Mafia Daddy go head to head, Mafia Daddy won't let him have Suyoung so easily, SUYOUNG won't let himself be HAD so easily either lol

I'm both excited and filled with dread ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Anonymous May 7, 2020 11:39 am

    Thanks for this! May I ask how did Mafia daddy know about the abusive relationship between Suyoung and Jisong? It was pretty confusing to me since I don't read Korean. From the raws, I get that Jisong kind of forced Suyoung to have sex... then Suyoung left all in pain and Mafia daddy found him in a poor shape so he took him over his flat and things went into fire. But in any part we could see how he knew that Jisong was the abuser. What motivates him to go to the boxing club and beat all people up?? :(

    DrowsyMamacita May 12, 2020 4:32 pm

    Can I ask why mafia daddy originally abducted the MC and was beating him? I guessed MC’s abusive father possibly had a debt?? Idk I need that context haha.

    1evis1ittlea$$hole May 25, 2020 7:44 pm
    Thanks for this! May I ask how did Mafia daddy know about the abusive relationship between Suyoung and Jisong? It was pretty confusing to me since I don't read Korean. From the raws, I get that Jisong kind of f... @Anonymous

    It's not clear to me either lol but I think at one point he mentions Jisong's name or something about him while Tae-seung (Mafia Daddy) is having sex with him. He already knows that Suyoung went through something traumatic and I think he just eventually caught on to the fact that Suyoung's break downs are associated with Jisong after getting more intimate with him. (pls forgive me if I butchered their names XD)

    1evis1ittlea$$hole May 25, 2020 7:45 pm
    Can I ask why mafia daddy originally abducted the MC and was beating him? I guessed MC’s abusive father possibly had a debt?? Idk I need that context haha. DrowsyMamacita

    Yea I think it was because of his father's debt

    DrowsyMamacita May 25, 2020 8:10 pm
    Yea I think it was because of his father's debt 1evis1ittlea$$hole

    I was issuing google translate, but then it seems Mafia Daddy stopped beating him because he recognized him as a boxer he liked?

    Man I really hope Lezhin releases this in English lol. The story already looks so good!

    1evis1ittlea$$hole May 25, 2020 8:45 pm
    I was issuing google translate, but then it seems Mafia Daddy stopped beating him because he recognized him as a boxer he liked? Man I really hope Lezhin releases this in English lol. The story already looks so... DrowsyMamacita

    Right?! Lezhin needs to stop playing these fucking games lol

    DrowsyMamacita May 25, 2020 9:00 pm
    Right?! Lezhin needs to stop playing these fucking games lol 1evis1ittlea$$hole

    Im like WAAAAITING for Lezhin but also salty I know it will take forever to get the spice in ch 11-12


1evis1ittlea$$hole April 13, 2020 4:50 am

Comment Section when Inshit does something wrong: Fuck him, he's the worst! Die!

Comment Section when Seungasswipe does something wrong: OMg I love him, he's so hot, he'll change. I can't see his flaws.

    toastyBooksAndTea April 13, 2020 6:56 am

    We know we are like this and we don't deem it right at all, BUT HE SO HANDSOME

    hersheycoco April 13, 2020 7:23 pm

    At least he's more honest and straight with it. But yeah he was an asswipe for what he has done but its not suprrising when in first chapter he easily killed a bitch.
    The teacher tho is like a snake so im just not a fan of him

1evis1ittlea$$hole April 8, 2020 9:39 pm

Seungho fangirls prove that too much empathy for a character (whether it's warranted or not) can make your point of view very bias and can warp your common sense. Seungho and Inhun are quite similar and yet....

Damn son, the hypocrisy is almost delicious. It's like going to a comedy show every Wednesday and Friday.

    Mayeeri April 8, 2020 9:49 pm

    If you can't make the difference between dirty talking and actually shaming someone please don't talk to say such a ridiculous thing.

    Mononoke_ April 9, 2020 1:24 am

    ''Seungho and Inhun are quite similar and yet'' uh did you read the same thing as we did? If you did then I'm sorry but maybe reread it? Lmao what a stupid comment. You clearly did not pay attention to the story whatsoever

    Mac April 9, 2020 1:27 am

    Look at it this way NK actually loves Inhun so his actions and words hurt him more. Everything he is willing to endure is for this man that is using him but doesn’t give a shit about him. So it’s like NK is in pain for no reason at all. That’s why people hate Inhun more then Seungho. Inhun was suppose to be better but turns out he’s just more hurtful.

    Plus apparently homeboy knows how to lay that dick JkJk

    Dodi April 9, 2020 10:35 am
    ''Seungho and Inhun are quite similar and yet'' uh did you read the same thing as we did? If you did then I'm sorry but maybe reread it? Lmao what a stupid comment. You clearly did not pay attention to the stor... Mononoke_

    They are very similar, you're not paying attention

    1evis1ittlea$$hole April 13, 2020 4:53 am
    Look at it this way NK actually loves Inhun so his actions and words hurt him more. Everything he is willing to endure is for this man that is using him but doesn’t give a shit about him. So it’s like NK is... Mac

    honey, they both hurting him equally. You're just enamored with trash.

    1evis1ittlea$$hole April 13, 2020 4:54 am
    If you can't make the difference between dirty talking and actually shaming someone please don't talk to say such a ridiculous thing. Mayeeri

    Is it? Is it really dirty talk?

    1evis1ittlea$$hole April 13, 2020 4:55 am
    Look at it this way NK actually loves Inhun so his actions and words hurt him more. Everything he is willing to endure is for this man that is using him but doesn’t give a shit about him. So it’s like NK is... Mac

    No, it's because Inhun isn't fucking Nakyum. Yall dumb as fuck tbh

    1evis1ittlea$$hole April 13, 2020 4:56 am
    They are very similar, you're not paying attention Dodi

    Don't even try to convince them, they too irrational to listen to logic

    Mac April 13, 2020 7:56 am
    Don't even try to convince them, they too irrational to listen to logic 1evis1ittlea$$hole

    Whoa bro, quick with the insults there. Didn’t know you would come at me crazy for not agreeing with you. The name calling will definitely make me see your point because that’s how it works with disagreements.

    That was sarcasm by the way, had to point it out because I find that when people respond to way you did, they are generally slow on the uptake.

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