I'm so tired of yaoi mangakas trying to convince me that fucked up dynamics can magically turn into a healthy one. From the beginning the tone was completely inconsistent. It would trivialize rape to a ridiculous extent then turn around and show the cruelty behind the seme's actions in a more serious light. It felt like whiplash.
I like non-con but I'm tired of it being treated like some little squabble and not a traumatic thing. The psychological tag was so misleading, I thought maybe I'd be getting some Harada shit but this is more like a badly written Color Recipe. Stop tagging stuff as psychological when it doesn't even try to explore the psychological aspect of the dynamic

There are fd up dynamics turned to healthy ones even irl :'D
Different people react to trauma in different ways and some just aren't as easily traumatized.
I feel like you want the "perfect victim" when there is a noncon element, which Yu isn't since he gets trough his trauma so easily.
Yu lost his father so I think that's part why he is so strong mentally, he doesn't really get easily shooked and when he does he tries to either get trought it as fast as possible or ignore it.
There are many types of "psychological" it would be kinda boring if every single psychological story was similar :D Here the psych element comes mostly from Takamada, from his trauma, inclanation and things behind those. So it shows the psych element from the pov of the offender instead of the victim.

Psychological is a sliding scale. Not everything needs to be Nii-chan levels of fucked for it to be considered psychological.
I'm an ardent fan of PSYCHO-PASS and other psychological thrillers and you don't see me pitching when it comes in different flavors.
This series deals with a lot of different elements and there are two sides to these elements. We've come full-circle to actually deal with Takamada's trauma instead of him stuffing everything down to the point he self-destructs. Yu is also in a better position and trusts Takamada to work through it together.
Just 'cause you don't like it doesn't mean the story is bad. Your personal distaste doesn't dictate whether a work of fiction is good or not. Let go of your main character syndrome and you'll be much happier in life lol

These niggas said: "You think Yeon-woo is done? You think he not going to invite people to his creepy ass house and kill them one by one on some classic slasher movie type shit?"
I deadass cackled when I got to chapter 59 and saw them get killed, I love how it was paralleled with the first sacrifice they made (Yeon-woo's parents), something is just so interesting about seeing the death of their innocence juxtaposed with the climax of that scene (no pun intended).
I think it's more complicated than Yeon-woo just being a possessive asshole, he is indeed the one with the bigger unhealthy attachment but I think the coach's death was possible because of Joon too. It's because he's falling deep into their pact again I suppose. Joon felt disdain towards the coach too at this point and I bet that his subconscious wanted the coach dead as well. I think apart of him is back to trusting only Yeon-woo now, kinda like their childhood when they only had each other.
Their relationship reminds me sooooo much of Hannigram (from the show Hannibal) Yeon-woo is Hannibal and Joon is Will except they both got fucked up by childhood trauma so it's more of an equal dynamic than the Hannigram ship and I love it. Hannibal pulled the strings from the beginning and tried to pit Will against everyone else that he ever cared about in more subtle ways until shit hit the fan and he escalated to more murderous action.
The only difference is that he wasn't emotionally attached to Will at first and saw him as more of a toy, Yeon-woo is deeply and emotionally attached to an obsessive extent. Not to mention Joon is a little more twisted than Will, him and Yeon-woo mutually fed the twisted bond between them from the very beginning. (Also the coach really reminds me of Jack since he was both a supportive and negative force in Will's life, also that he was Hannibal's biggest obstacle to Will since he was the biggest authority in Will's life as well, is just way too similar!))
I think that's why I like this dynamic so damn much? It's going down a similar route to Hannigram and I'm kinda here for it lol

I really don't want to say too much because I will spoil things for you. I will say that the show itself is very symbolic and their relationship is one of the most complex ones I've seen on television. Their dynamic transcends regular romantic and platonic relationships, it's very hard to explain but if you're asking if they're explicitly gay I can't tell you that without telling you too much plot unfortunately (T---T) I'll just say this show did have some restrictions (being on NBC) but the writer of the show is gay af and unapologetic, that's all I can tell you, you will see what I mean.
Honestly the show itself is fucking amazing even without focusing on Will and Hannibal's relationship. It's just that they are incredibly central to the plot and most of the show feels like it's a courtship between the two. If you like this comic's plot and can handle a show with lots of horror and gore you will love this one (Will is the MC and he is just as adorbs as Joon is, Hannibal is just as dom and sexy as Yeon-woo too lol)
BTW if you do watch it feel free to message me because I need any excuse to fanboy over this show again! I'd love to hear your opinion!

This video will give you a good idea why the Reo rape joke isn’t funny and why it doesn’t have a place in comedy:

Same and tbh it's sad cause Reo's hot but good lord his existence annoys me. Male rape survivors are not even taken seriously by people irl so it's no need to further make their experience even less valid through media constantly joking about it. "Don't drop the soap" is one example of it being in popular culture way too much.

It’s so annoying that people complain more about rape when it’s portrayed realistically but there are crickets when the rape is actually romanticized. I could be wrong but it seems like the author is just showing how fucked up Hwan is as a person. It’s showing how much he tramples on Chiwoo’s boundaries.
I also hope this doesn’t turn into another dumbass rape/abuse to love trope and I get why people are paranoid, after all yaoi has more than proven it has a rape problem, but can we not assume things? So far there has been no real proof that it will go that route, in fact the story has been clearly condemning Hwan’s actions as creepy and psychotic.
Stranger Than Friends is more problematic by far. I love that manga but Inseo couldn’t care less about consent and it’s portrayed as him just being passionate and horny even though he’s a dickhead who ignores his partner’s wishes. That story romanticizes his selfishness as him just being a passionate partner. It does the no means yes thing very often and it irks me.
Edit: Btw just to clarify I totally get hating on Hwan and being angry, I am too! I just don't think the story itself is condoning rape or making light of Hwan's toxicness.

It seems like these two have a very unhealthy co-dependency on each other. Now I realize why most of the sex scenes between Taesung and Sooyoung feel so dubious. It makes so much sense that Sooyoung would feel the way he does. This is honestly a surprisingly accurate depiction of a toxic relationship. This author is low key good at writing trauma imo.
All Sooyoung's life he's had traumatic things happen to him repeatedly that were not in his control. Sometimes when people experience repeated trauma they spiral into a feeling of being lost and not having agency over their own body. For Sooyoung every time Taesung forces him to give up the reins it's probably strangely relieving for him. It's like how subs find comfort in the idea of someone else controlling them, there's a freedom in submitting your body to another. You feel like you have a choice in the violent thing happening to you.
It's a similar reason to why so many rape survivors like BDSM. They can re-experience their rape in a controlled environment in which they know what's going to happen to them, unlike the actual rape that happened without them having any control over the matter. Sooyoung and Taesung are NOT doing BDSM mind you, but the expression on Sooyoung's face after he was choked reminded me so much of how subs look when they are in subspace.
That subspace that he feels every time Taesung fucks him is what he's addicted to, it's his unhealthy coping mechanism. The consent is still dubious but Sooyoung is beginning to learn what does and does not set Taesung off, I think to some extent he feels comfort in the pattern that they have created in the relationship, in the predictability of it. It's beginning to feel like a game where they are equals in his mind, he has some actual control over Taesung's actions and emotions. It's not like Ji Song who began abusing him unexpectantly and trapped him unexpectantly into repeated trauma.
What I'm trying to say is it seems like he's beginning to find a twisted comfort in being Taesung's 'little puppy'. He's beginning to accept the dehumanization of it because he also gets to finally give someone the reins by his own will (at least he thinks it by his own will, that's what makes this sad, he doesn't realize he is being manipulated). A pet is seen as lower than their owner but a pet also lives a comforting life where the owner takes control and satisfies it's every need and want. For someone like Sooyoung who has always felt lost and chaos it's probably something addicting about giving his agency up to someone as dominant, confident and unflinching as Taesung. Taesung knows how to force him out of his own head and indulge in his animalistic desires more than anyone else.
It's beginning to make him feel secure but it's still him falling back into an abusive lover's hands at the end of the day. It's the perfect depiction of how some trauma victims use unhealthy outlets to cope. Maybe this webtoon goes more deep than I first thought. This is all speculation of course, I could be wrong lol

an interesting way to put this story in order, yeah i honestly think that's the case with both of them, taesung seems to have an unpleasant past too making him this way, i honestly would prefer that guy with the pretty face (forgot his name) in a way he seems less irritating and actually do care about soyoung in a less abusive way, an opinion of mine ofcourse still rooting on how things will turn out for both of them

Great analysis!
I agree in how the author has a great way of setting the tone of the sex scenes. Looking though they're not doing anything to crazy, or anything they haven't done before. But there are scenes where the sex feel inherently violent and uncontrolled. He's lying there thinking "why do I like this?" while being horrified of the situation as well as the constant flashbacks to his ex.
It's super interesting that when we see Sooyoung from the perspective of outsiders, he see's like relatively confident, friendly and kind person. Even with the cane, physically he appears completely competent and able to act fast in risky violent situations.
This totally gets flipped on it's head when its at the perspective of himself or Taesung - he's weak, both mentally and physically. Susceptible to influence and domination. Is completely lost on his own and has no anchor. He "wants" to be controlled and taesung "wants" to control him. I feel this lines up well with your fantastic points about trauma.
The romantic dynamic is obvious to us as viewers, as we get to see this happening. But from an external perspective (as it is in real life, its absolute madness). I think toxicity and abuse gets brought up heaps in yaoi. But this is a really great time I've actually seen an author depict the weird psychological hold that keeps people together in these unbalanced and unstable relationships.

Dude the way you explain their dynamic is so much more eloquent in much fewer words lol I was clapping throughout reading your reply. I love how you point out the dichotomy between how Sooyoung is portrayed in regular settings vs. more intimate settings between him and Taesung (especially concerning how people view him). It's why some of the more intense moments between Sooyoung and Taesung feel so jarring, it's very good characterization on the author's part.
Fuck, I didn't even think about how this is also shows Taesung's vulnerabilities. On the outside he is this dominant and confident mob boss but his possessiveness shows how deeply insecure he is too tbh, this chapter really highlights the desperation he shows when he feels like Sooyoung is falling through his fingers. A truly secure man would not feel that way about their lover or brutalize them to keep control, they literally feed each other's weaknesses. (btw describing Taesung as his anchor has so many double meanings, it's the exact the perfect word to describe him. Sooyoung is sinking but damn is Taesung a solid and somewhat stable force in his life).
The consistent flashbacks of Ji Song is a good point too because in a way it's the author creating a parallel that kind of supports what we're speculating. It's absolutely not a coincidence that they have made that connection!
I also am so happy to see these topics seriously explored. Honestly I think abuse is often handled poorly in yaoi and it's refreshing to see an honest lens on those issues since they are often misunderstood irl (especially concerning gay men). But as a writer it's just more interesting to go balls deep into the psychology of abuse instead of dismissing the abuse and just using it for drama you know? Totally agree that showing the deeper reason why toxic relationships are so irresistible to some people beyond the shallow idea of "love conquers all" is so important.
I love analyzing BL omg, it's an art form like any other and I think it deserves more serious analysis sometimes.

He's equally abusive in a different way imo. In a way he's more dangerous than Taesung actually. Taesung is rough and brazen, he can't hide his shitty ways for long because he is insecure and prideful all at once. Look how fast he turned to his abusive habits when he felt anxiety around controlling Sooyoung, didn't take much to trigger that in him. He doesn't feel the need to be as secretive about his intention and, let's be forreal, he's not a psychopath. Like you said he's more so someone who clearly developed toxic traits through his own forms of past trauma (not excusing him, just saying it explains his actions more clearly I think).
Minhyuk on the other hand scares me more. Something about him is more psychopathic in nature (at least stereotypically). He's pretty, charismatic, and MUCH more calculating. Notice how long it took Taesung to break down Sooyoung's guarded nature yet Minhyuk did it in half that time. Minhyuk is very good and utilizing his positive traits to get what he wants. Look how easy it was for him to get Sooyoung in a vulnerable position to sexually assault him, he immediately jumped to taking advantage as soon as he had the chance, that's classic predatory behavior.
Minhyuk is purposefully written (and designed) to feel less threatening, that's why we have not seen the full extent of his madness. But imo the author is giving us a lot of clues to his true nature, I mean look at the web he's creating in the political world right now to take down Taesung and betray him. That shows just how much more calculating he is that Taesung. Look how he has treated his past lovers, he would act cold when they "acted up" and had no problem with controlling their emotions for his own gain. He's not less abusive, he's just more insidious and, honestly, more careful than Taesung. (Honestly he reminds me of this Korean dude I used to mess around with TMI I know but bruh they are too similar so I'm bias maybe lol)
Not saying you can't like Minhyuk btw, I think he's more interesting that Taesung as a character personally. I just can't help but see him as equally bad in a different and more dangerous way. I do agree that Taesung be getting on my nerves too tbh XD

Tbh that would be the only true happy ending T-T I also think neither is good enough for him. Once you rape someone you're trash and it's over, plus he has an even more fucked up side that I'm scared af to witness (but also kinda want to see out of curiosity ngl). You pointing out how he treats his past lover is so on point tbh, that absolutely gives more perspective to how he really is as a partner. Very good point!
I wouldn't mind a tragic ending personally but a happy ending is Sooyoung x Therapy

Love this comment!! Hahah I'm the same I love exploring yaoi and its themes because it's often depicted as quite a shallow genre which is so not the case.
You're completely right, they're both so completely unstable they're grasping on to each other. As viewers it's uncomfortable and violent, but it doesn't make it insincere. So massive props to the author for capturing that tightrope. This is why people don't (can't) choose to leave. They're bound in the confines of trauma and have developed unhelpful learned behaviors to cope with feeling out of control.
Also super agree with your analysis Minhyuk. The relationship between Taesung and Sooyoung is legitimately fucked and makes me uncomfortable to watch, but it is definitely real. Minhyuk is completely the opposite. His desire to control, to dominate, and to gain Soonyoung is wrapped up in a super pretty and happy-go-lucky facade. Like you said we're treated to subtle shows in how he manipulates and uses others for his gain with seemingly little remorse. The author is really great at using perspective again. In the scenes with Minhyuk's perspective, we're treated to the physical difference in size between the two, how huge and muscular his body is. He definitely seems to view Sooyoung as soft, vulnerable, and inherently sexual (dehumanization??). He wants to mess Sooyoung up....cause he's a manipulative pervert and thinks its fun.
Sooyoung sees none of this beyond a friendly dude with a pretty face. Kind of reinforced how Sooyoung perceived "helplessness" is not at all physical. Actually, yeah just reminded me - just like how he refuses to attend his physiotherapy sessions to improve his leg, just adds to that. Anyway i'm rambling haha this was a good discussion

After being disappointed by some of the new so called "psychological BLs" that's been coming out lately that never commit to the fucked up-ness of the plot (I'm looking at you POTN) this is the medicine I needed henny!! This is how you write a twisted and titillating BL couple, THIS is how you write a nuanced and compelling psychological horror.
This is some real mind fuckery and I'm here for it! It's so nice to see a legitimate horror BL bruh, I fucking love gay horror in general and this is really scratching that itch. I always knew Joon had to be twisted too but the way they confirmed it after all that clever foreshadowing is just *chef kiss* FUCK it's good. He had me feeling chills when he said what he did about Yeon-Woo's parents, and the part with the coach had me on edge like a mf. Something about that innocent doll-like face hiding such sinister thoughts is just even more terrifying. The way they highlighted the broken glass like he was close to killing the coach was just ugh, I love it.
It's feels good to read a couple that is realistically depicted as fucked up yet also have a level of moral grayness high enough that the reader can't help but feel conflicted about the main couple. You almost want to root for them in all their twisted-ness because they are also written in a sympathetic way that is actually believable. Too many BLs write these incredibly unlikable characters and don't do nearly enough to make that character gray enough to still be seen as sympathetic.
Too many stories have abusive assholes who are beyond redeemable with no real nuance yet the writer expects you to magically forgive them and sympathize with them because they had a bad childhood or something. This author fleshes out their characters throughout the story and set up sympathetic motivations for the horrible stuff they do. You feel conflicted because the characters are not just a black and white "good or evil", they feel incredibly HUMAN (which is ironic because Yeon-Woo is literally a monster I'm pretty sure lmao). They don't feel shallow and neither does their relationship.
This is so fucking good so far, the horror nerd in me is vibrating ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

The author did a very good job at convincing me that Taesung was a flawed yet likable character, I will give them that. But now that I think about I was always a dumbass for believing it lol not only did they meet in a fucked up way there were probably other subtle signs that this was coming. The cover itself is pretty telling with how Sooyoung is positioned at Taesung's feet. Not to mention the story has always been pretty heavy.
The way I see it I don't think this is necessarily supposed to be a positive story. I think this is probably one of those tragic love stories. Honestly it would probably be best if the story doesn't try to redeem either Minhyuk or Taesung since they both at the point of no return. The only real happy ending would be Sooyoung escaping them both.
With that said I don't get the sentiment that Minhyuk is now a better choice. The first thing he did once Sooyoung had his guard down was assault him. I'm pretty sure that says a lot about how he would treat Sooyoung if they actually got together. Of course we haven't seen his worse side yet, he hasn't been able to get to Sooyoung because of Taesung, why are we assuming he's better with no real proof? Why assume that when we have plenty of proof that he's 9 times out of 10 just as bad?
Last time I checked the story has shown him to be manipulative and possessive too. Not to mention when he thinks about Sooyoung the tone around his thoughts have become more obsessive and controlling as the story develops. Minhyuk is more of a snake than a wolf, he's good at lulling people into a false sense of security while hiding his true nature, of COURSE he's not going to go ham like Taesung just yet. Let's see what happens if he manages to get Sooyoung, I have a feeling Minhyuk will fully show his psychotic side and then people will probably complain about him.
Saying Minhyuk would objectively be the better choice is like saying "Well it's a dumpster but at least it's not on fire like that one over there." lmao. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's wrong to like Minhyuk better I'm just very annoyed by people trying to downplay the severity of his actions (which might end up hurting Sooyoung more considering the fact that he trusts Minhyuk and actually believes he's a decent friend unlike Taesung who's more openly abusive). You can think a character is more likable but excusing shitty behavior is unnecessary af.
The fact that you got dumbasses asking why he has both is exactly why ppl need to start actually learning what LGBTQIA actually means, the I stands for intersex, they're included because ppl are still so uneducated about them. Also there are trans masc ppl who have a dick and vagina too, not in the same exact way but you know.
That's a really rare occasion and if it happen one of the sexual parts are useless and inactive.