If both Inés and Cárcel remember the past it means that bastard Oscar will also start to remember the past I smell trouble.

This is a spoiler btw...
His fiance (Alicia? I'm bad with names) pimp girls who have the same characteristics as ines..with the blqck hair and all. He takes some drugs so that he'll think that those girls are Ines because this jerk cannot get hard unless it's Ines. The clean lide is just a facade but he still sleeps with other women...but now, I think he's doing safe sex so that he won't co tract the same disease as before but that's still a jerk behavior. This guy, sent Carcel to a really dangerous mission against Pirates and I think even boughr some people with Carcel to betray him and kill him too. He expects to kill Carcel in the Mission so that she could marry Ines. Also, this guy/or his fiance I think, kidnapped Ines and he was about to r*pe her but thankfully, she was able to retaliate (she was safe)
Hit the ML again but this time for me. The others who kidnapped the child deserve to die at this point because I know y’all see the effect of kidnapping the child but y’all still wanna continue on with it. What did Kendrick say “sometimes you gotta pop out and show ni**as”