drugging him and raping him is insane
i don’t know what’s going on half the time honesly
now what is this
i keep noticing translation errors in the official translations like i was reading smth yesterday and there was a typo even tho it was official
That's pretty normal tbh. It all depends on the level of devotion, workload, and knowledge of original language. In addition, fan translations can be better at times too.
Always happens while reading books so I remind myself translators are but humans after all
i use to throw away my report cards so my parents didn’t see them
they make me want lip filler
Wait so it’s not just me haha
this was a cool chapter see yall in three years
i can’t stand him
I hate him so bad I’m just reading hoping Vladimir and the dad get together honestly lmfaoo I wish someone would write fanfic of them
RIGHTTT idk how ppl think that’s cute..how is drugging him cute lol just give us the old man yaoi
I thought I was the only one lol
I actually stopped reading this story completely but then Vladimir got introduced and I fell back into the trap…
He’s a horrible person objectively & ppl infantilizing him and justifying his behavior in the comments make me sick
Bro got honey trapped by Vladimir But I agree people not realising his behaviour is sick
i wanna see them switch so bad
they’re so in love and don’t even know
drugging him and raping him is insane