The uke forgave that dude too easily. He literally almost raped him
Shun has said before that he doesn’t want to be top so stop talking about how u want to see it, and they r not switches. this manga is more than the sex scenes
The translation may not be the best but if you guys keep complaining it’s gonna make the translator want to drop this
Damn shawty got bigger tiddies than me and I’m a girl
What chapter is the most recent episode if that made sence lol
Chap 37
Idk why but I really hate Dojin
That tattoo really needs to go
why cant he have some leopard on his back like any other normal yakuza damn it
lmao exactly
I don't think this was really bad it was just annoying to read and I feel like the ending could have been better
oh god I had a headache reading this
AWOOOOGA THAT OFFICIAL ART OF TERU anyways I want to know what happend to mitsuba
They didn't say "no homo"
They aren't wearing socks!
The uke forgave that dude too easily. He literally almost raped him