I can't believe the author is making her cry not because she can't have children but because she can't have children to please Ruve
In the past she didn't care the child died because Ruve didn't care about the child. In the present she's told she's infertile, no tears in sight, but Ruve smiling at someone else's child oh boo hoo I can't make him smile like that. Its sad how badly she wanted to use the child as a shackle for the prince's affection and then takes the blame for the loss of the child like Ruve did nothing wrong or traumatizing and he's free of all fault. Not one word out of her mouth condemns him for how he is the reason she lost her child and they didn't have that happy life she's fantasizing about.
She doesn't deserve any kids with that way of thinking anyways

Wow, the plot around the poison is developed and thought out more than Tia and Ruve's entire relationship. It's still a dumb plot point but they put so much effort into the part it plays and how it's connected to the characters, it feels like the story was made around this idea.

It's a little ironic, isn't it? And I agree it's somewhat of an interesting concept. Except I imagine its main goal is for the prince to save face.

In the beginning didn't they go over how Ruve had particular tastes and only ate certain things.Tia made an entire show of knowing the foods he ate when is such a secret and no one, including her, should know what the royal family eats. Wouldn't he have only one chef tending to his food and select maids making his tea. How do the both of these idiots keep getting poisoned so easily in their own castle??? I kind of understand Tia drinking something said to be from the prince but other than that this is the weakest plot point ever. The king even gave Tia a special tea set to detect poison are you telling me the Ruve doesn't have any special silver tea sets? All of spoons should at least be able to detect poison in this society, since the plot is in medieval so they aren't that advanced to have an undetectable poison

dokja's an ordinary wageslave who read an unpopular webnovel in his spare time - specifically, twsa, a story about a time-looping main character who's trapped in a survival game where everyone's struggles are being broadcast as entertainment to powerful and mysterious entities called 'constellations.' one day, this webnovel becomes reality - and dokja is the only person who knows how this story ends.
that's the plot hook. it's a pretty typical power fantasy isekai on the surface, but it does two things incredibly well - ensemble cast development and world-building. all the secondary characters are plot-relevant, the world-building is interesting and puts a fresh spin on a lot of typical tropes, and the whole series is very genre-savvy and really a love letter to all the isekai webnovels that made this genre possible.

Ok, ok. So we're all talking about how Tia shouldn't end up with Ruve and the author doing this bla bla bla. But we literally just forgot the fact that Tia's father allows her to still be with the prince AFTER Tia told him about what happened in her last life, and HE even knew her claims were true when Jieun came in the 2nd timeline. WHY would he do that

You make an excellent point, and I am annoyed now that the author made that choice. I said once before that the only characters I still liked were Carsein and Tia's dad, but now I think Carsein is the only character who hasn't been bad to Tia. But Tia is also bad to herself so what the hell, she can marry her prick prince and Carsein can find a woman who values him as he should be valued.

The reason why the Aristia’s father allows this to happen is because he is aware of the fact that if you were to time travel, the people around you will completely change into new people depending on what you do in the new timeline. And we see this present with even the father himself, he loves Aristia but he hides this because that’s just not how he is due to his wife’s death he closed himself off. But it was due to Aristia’s change that he himself also changed into the person that he has now. ame thing with the Ruve, he is a completely different person with different mindsets, thoughts, actions, opinions, and experiences. He and Aristia themselves both said that he cannot be faulted for those things that he has not done and (especially with the fact that he is a different person). This is not saying that you should excuse what he has done but the fault does not found in him, but they are with the first prince who does not exist, and it’s nearly impossible for him to exist again because of the development and the changes that have occurred in this timeline.

Out of all the MLs, Ruve's "tragic" backstory is the first one that we have to read. Not Allen's, and certainly not Carsein's (who's introduced waay later in chapter 28). Understandably, when I first read it, I thought "Why the fuck are we getting his story first instead of Allen's or Carsein's? What's the author trying to do here?"
As I kept on reading, it became blatantly obvious that the author is trying reeeaalllll hard to appeal Ruve to the readers. He gets more and more screen time, he's the only one who acts all cool and shit (typical of ML), he gets a sad backstory, etc.
Remember this: The author has complete control over what is and isn't revealed in her story. So the fact that she keeps throwing pity parties for Ruve and making Tia forgive him so easily in the beginning were big red flags for me.
I could imagine the author going "See? He's a different person from before! People can change!! Do you see how good he treats her now??????" Aye aye, captain. We get the hint.
To some people, the author clearly succeeded in making them root for Ruve. Because I've noticed that the other side's arguments always revolve around Ruve, Ruve, and Ruve.
BOI have you forgotten who the main character is? It is Tia, not Ruve. I've said this before and I'll keep saying it until y'all finally understand: Put yourself in Tia's shoes, please. TIA'S! NOT RUVE'S! Goddamn. Forget about his weird ass redemption story. When you truly do that, you'll see how Tia's choices make zero sense.
As I explained previously:
1st ML was literally FL's entire world, her one and only, yet she was constantly dragged through the dirt by him, psychologically tortured, raped, told her child wasn't worth shit (despite not even being BORN yet), had a miscarriage because of him, manipulated her into thinking that he killed her dad, then forced her to surrender the ONE THING left she held high at that time, her pride. He mentally crucified her, again and again.
All that, and she was only 17 years old.
Please, please tell me how you expect me to believe that this teenage girl dealt with this kind of trauma and abuse and hatred in just a few years, with barely any help?
It makes no sense when she forgives Ruve so easily.
It makes no sense when she doesn't try to avenge her father and unborn baby at least once in the second timeline.
After what had been done to her, she holds no disgust towards him, no suspicion, no hatred.
"Being completely ignored, raped, replaced, disrespected, and killed by the prince should not be simply overwritten by a few moments of affection. These moments should've left permanent scars."
Some would argue: but ML (2nd) truly loves her and would do anything for her! He'd even waited a long time before she finally accepted him! Do you really think she should have ignored that?
Yes. A sane person with enough self-respect would have.
A functioning adult would have strongly encouraged her to.
Fuck love. Your mental health should always come first. Don't fight me on this.
Listen. I know there are tons of trashy webtoons/webnovels out there (the chinese CEO ones are a good example). Difference is, I would never read any of those because I know from reading the summary or the first chapter that the FL only has one functioning braincell when it concerns the ML.
With TAE, I got invested real quick. The first six chapters got me so riled up I couldn't wait to see Tia plot her well deserved revenge. Imagine how disappointed I was when I found out that this story isn't that much different from those trashy CEO novels, after all.
If the author wishes to make a story again involving mental trauma, I hope she does an even more extensive research before writing down anything.
Don't try to tackle mental health problems half-heartedly, because this is what you get: a s h i t s h o w.
Cheers. Adios. Godspeed.
I can't believe the author is making her cry not because she can't have children but because she can't have children to please Ruve
In the past she didn't care the child died because Ruve didn't care about the child. In the present she's told she's infertile, no tears in sight, but Ruve smiling at someone else's child oh boo hoo I can't make him smile like that. Its sad how badly she wanted to use the child as a shackle for the prince's affection and then takes the blame for the loss of the child like Ruve did nothing wrong or traumatizing and he's free of all fault. Not one word out of her mouth condemns him for how he is the reason she lost her child and they didn't have that happy life she's fantasizing about.
She doesn't deserve any kids with that way of thinking anyways
I mean, she did say that she was terrible for not grieving about her lost child. The only reason why she was sad was because it was the only way she could’ve gotten the emperor’s love, in the past life. In the present, she, i guess, is mad at herself for feeling embarrassed instead of saddened to be infertile. I don’t know what to think about this actually. I mean, I’m not mad at the emperor anymore since he never did the things his past life did but I don’t know if I should be happy that they are going to end up together. But one thing is for sure and that’s I miss my boy Carsien and wish he was the ml
Did you even read the correctly?
She's angry at herself for thinking that her having children was only a way to get Ruve's attention, for not even being disappointed she can't have children. She's angry at herself because she didn't even love her child, she thought about her child as a way to fix their relationship. She's sad because no one comforted her like this in the past. She thought the only reason Ruve could love her was because she had his child. Ruve tells her that this isn't true so she's relieved.
Did you and I read the same chapter? In the latest chapter she REALIZES that she used the baby as a bargaining chip and feels immense remorse for someone she’ll never have (the baby and how she used it back then). You missed the point of her entire inner monologue.
sorry i haven’t read this one yet but in the recent chap 136 who’s the female who walked in with a baby? if you don’t mind me asking
She was one of the empress candidates but she ended up marrying carsein's (red hair) brother.
ohh okay
empress candidates? what does that mean
Woman who were picked to be the empress, there were a bunch of them and if ruve liked one he would marry her and then she would be the empress
ohhh, does he fool or like sleep around and stuff then?
No but it was kinda like a political thing. In the end, no one was chosen since some were disqualified or gave up their right as empress candidate
Let's quote the chapter, It might make it easier to understand.
- "I see, I might never bear a child, and that means I can't make him smile warmly like that" => Is it different from the first timeline? Both just mean "I wanted/want to please him". If it's treated as character development it's only because now she "only" want to please him and does not expect a reward in exchange. Way to say "You were wrong in the first timeline to feel entitled to be treated decently as any human being should be by your own husband and properly trying to carry out your duties as a Queen".
- "Everyone would have been happy" If she had the child in the first timeline. With a violent man who not only psychologically tortured her but was physically abusive too. A man who showed that he didn't care about the child at all. He literally made her kneel on the ground telling her he will never recognize the child as his. He was the one who caused the miscarriage an then didn't care to show sadness nor to go see how she was feeling. Not a good idea. So why is she the one taking the blame because she did not give birth? First Ruve is the root of everything for this specific part of her tragedy. When readers are accusing the author to completly brush aside the first timeline, it's because of scenes like that. First Ruve was not "just cold" and "neglectfull". He commited actual crimes and atrocities toward her. Tia's inner monologue thus make absolutly no sense at all.
- "Oh, right. I was such a cruel woman" "I coldy let my child go " => Were to start? First Ruve is the reason she had a miscarriage in the first place (we don't know if the poison would have make her miscarry after all) so he was the only responsible for that, not Tia. But she is taking all the blame. She also only ever talk about how "she" was "cold" and "cruel" for not feeling attached to an unborn child. Except, she was an abused tenager without support at all, overworked, depressed and then victim of postpartum blues and filled with rage toward Ruve and Ji-eun. Of course she did not! She was in the worst possible life that anyone can imagine, and as a 17 years old. She was going to be a "teenage mother" but still tried to properly take care of him and protect him the best she could. If she didn't care, it's not because she was cold but because she was never granted to possibilty to actually bound. Motherhood does not magically appear out of nowhere once the pregnancy start. It's gradual. Also, names are supposed to be choosen by both parents together for instance. You can't blame her for waiting to talk about it with the father. And after the miscarriage she tried very hard to not think about it. She was starting to grieve until she heard of Ji-eun's pregnancy and she started to felt that everyone was laughing at her and let resentment take it's roots.
- "I felt humiliated rather than saddened when I became infertile again" => Of course she did! Because she was humiliated in front of all the nobility who made sure to degrade her because of that. It's the people around her who made her feel like she was "incomplete" and a "half-woman" first. Her purpose was to avoid her fate, not to become someone else's wife and mother. She had absolutly no reason at this point of time to actually care. She wasn't even going to get married fo as far as she had planned. So why is she suddenly an horrible person to not feel sad about that?
All in all, the "she is finally realizing how awfull she was" agenda seem to be clearly victime- blaming. Not feeling saddened for being infertile is not a crime. Being feeling by resentment rather than grief was also very much understandable with her circonstancies. She was literally raised for birth to be an Empress, so of course she would act the part.
Seriously, any reasonable person in her place would have had the same kind of reactions.