Ihavenolife:( did ( All 2 )

be atheist hate myself

Ihavenolife:('s experience ( All 1 )

Ihavenolife:( 25 05,2021
I stopped believing awhile ago but I was always very questionable about the existence of god and at one point I just stopped believing, so right before I was going to make my confirmation I had a breakdown and begged my mom not to let me do it and she said yes. Then I never went to church or religious classes again, which I liked cause I had more f......   2 reply
25 05,2021

Ihavenolife:('s answer ( All 20 )

I mean I tried   reply
22 07,2021
Lol do I get a bunch of gang members to beat them up ?   reply
19 07,2021
about question
There is nothing wrong with the authors personally asking for their work to be taken off of here, and they have every right to do so, but when it's just some random people who read on legal sites and want to have the moral high ground it's a bit annoying lmao, like do they think trying to get this site taken down is gonna end illegal pirating?? Lmf......   reply
17 07,2021
Ummmm Idk he has bad memory and some mental issues so… take him back to his own house like?? I really don’t know lmao   1 reply
14 07,2021
about question
It really depends on how interested I am in whatever I’m reading, and if it’s completed or not. Usually if it’s completed and I like it a lot I’ll read kinda slower because I want to feel like it lasts longer, but if it’s ongoing and I like it a lot I’ll probably be able to binge it within a couple of days regardless of chapter count   reply
12 07,2021

Ihavenolife:('s question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do be a follower of god cale

pls lemme bang cale henituse

3 hours
did scared to fall in love

In my early twenties and the only ship i've tried is friendship, I mean love is scary I can never trust someone like that

3 hours
did eat without getting fat

It's funny whenever they ask 'where all the food goes too?' Lol I'm storing it incase of emergency

3 hours